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The Dennis

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  • Real Name
    Dennis Barton
  • Location
    Dayton, MD
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  1. I loved this game, start to finish. I also played the heck out of it, and did a of a no-damage New Game+ run! It might come in handy if you're looking for a strategy of some of the tougher encounters
  2. On the history of early social culture within the video game community: So essentially the idea was for the community to piece together the hints and secrets as an exercise in information exchange. You know, before GameFAQs and Nintendo Power, etc.
  3. It's only been about 310 pages since I visited this thread! I picked up the game again recently, and play on a survival server with a bunch of dudes. I decided I wanted to make a big old tree to live in (I didn't know the idea was so popular!), and it became a project. Here's a shot of the tree (the rest of the pictures will be linked): Pre-game planning minutia, because I'm too OCD to freestyle a big tree. The trick was filling the tree with stuff, but I decided to make it a tavern for people to hang out in instead! But I started with a basement. Basement: Eden The Garden of Eden, food aplenty for all Another shot from the corner, for scope The idea was to make a safe, easy, renewable source of food for new players and people who had a rough break with enemies. -30 diamonds and 10 pairs of shears were used in the hollowing of the space and collection of materials. -Two creepers made it into the room, on separate occasions. Both were safely dispatched. Eden is now monster-proof. -No less than 10 monster spawners gave their mossy cobblestone for the decoration of Eden (my entire supply!). -Eden is lit by 207 torches. Ground Floor: Dining Area Feast on the finest in shit you farmed yourself in the basement! Second Floor: Lounge Read the minecraft wiki in peace and safety! Third Floor: Sleeping Quarters I could fit a total of three rooms for patrons in the tree. Beds are for sleeping! Fourth Floor: Boring Tavern Storage Everything above the storage area is the tavernkeep's quarters. Not that that really means anything, but. Fifth Floor: Breakfast Room A cheery room for enjoying the most important meal of the day, with a view of greenery as far as the eye can see (not far). Sixth Floor: Main Area The Meditation Room (yo dawg) A workshop for the rugged outdoorsman, with a beautiful view of tainted industrial civilization Personal library, inspired by (and poorly imitating) the Duke's Archives in Dark Souls The library also has a storage attic for excess books but what is thOH MY GOD A more current shot of the tree, with the workshop and library sticking out Now all I have to do is finish the master bedroom and 'bathroom' and then it'll be complete! This is about the only worthwhile thing I've done in Minecraft.
  4. Compliments of Zdzisław Beksiński. http://i.imgur.com/FGQHF.jpg http://i.imgur.com/FcyJ8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TbjIe.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yymxZ.jpg
  5. Epicenter was in, what, Mineral VA? That's less than 100 miles from Arlington. I bet John F. Kennedy was rolling in his grave. We felt it pretty good in Landover, MD. I stared up for 30 seconds and made sure nothing was coming down on my head, and that was about it. Far more entertaining to me than the baby's-first-earthquake stories of people running out of buildings were first timers who were -already- outside, and thought they were suffering from a stroke/seizure.
  6. Popping in briefly to haunt your dreams: http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/8422/whod.png
  7. That one minecraft picture you uploaded. do you know where I could find who made it, or a youtube video of a walk through of it??


  8. Thanks for the tip! Thanks to you I wasn't afraid to commit myself to a little more involved sprite! So, Here's one more I did before bed! Here's the side-by-side comparison: (Anyone notice my desktop image? Eh? eh?)
  9. I haven't played much outside of Survival mode, that's the first time I messed with any other modes since it has colored cloth. Is there a way to make your own password-protected server or something? I would love to make a bunch of sprites without worrying about griefers coming in and messing everything up.
  10. I'm proud of my first attempt at sprite art! Hopefully they'll put colored cloth in survival soon so I can do this stuff in singleplayer! Then I'll be able to start taking requests!
  11. A bunch of us on a forum I frequent are getting together to boatmurder a Minecraft savegame. It'll be interesting to see if anything really good comes out of it or if we just completely ravage a square mile of land.
  12. Whoa whoa whoa, slow your roll there, champ. Where did I claim that was mine? My stuff is waaaaay less awesome. I was just showing (what is probably) my favorite Minecraft picture! I'm currently trying to make a small village in a snow valley right now, but a lot of trees are dying for the log cabins.
  13. I love Minecraft
  14. Well, it is certainly a matter of opinion whether or not it is still 'easy' to play with a classic 360 D-Pad. However, from a strictly design/implementation standpoint, it is inferior to a classic D-Pad, in that it requires more precision in the button press. The 360 D-Pad is a solid disc, as opposed to separate buttons or a strict shape cross shape. What this means is that for the pressure points for the u/d/l/r inputs under the disc, if you want to input a 'diagonal', you would just press a different part of the disc, as opposed to two different buttons at once. The question becomes, at what point is the pressure on the disc going to affect more than one input? One article ('study'?) I read years ago on the subject found that, at the minimum force to register an input, only an estimated 12-15 degree deviation in either direction will hit a second input. In other words, 2/3 of the D-pad disc registers a diagonal, meaning it's 'harder' to hit a single direction than a diagonal. More force on the disc results in a smaller deviation required to register the second input, which explains why it's tougher to play fighter games or action platformers like Super Metroid in the heat of the moment! Add to that my own personal theory that the disc shape itself allows for inadvertent slight rolling of the pad, and you've got a tough situation, and an unforgiving 'D'-pad. Of course, you're welcome to call the article's exact findings bullshit (or maybe call me a bullshitter, since I can't find the article ), but the principle makes sense. When you have separate buttons for a D-Pad, or a stiff cross shape, accidentally hitting two directions at once becomes much less a problem.
  15. Also, if you don't get a controller with built-in turbo, and you have problems getting the integrated turbo to work within an emulator (I have), might I remind you that xpadder xpadder xpadders the xpadder's xpadder. Basically, it's a bind-any-key-to-controller program with built-in turbo, toggle, multi-input functions. Great for binding those save/load states to the controller. Sorry, I'm not on the OCR scene as much as I used to, so forgive me if that program's common knowledge. It used to be free. Now it's 'not free'. ahem.
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