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Posts posted by Esperado

  1. I don't know about taking it so seriously, but I love to do Super Metroid speedruns. My current route is dangerous though and if we were to race I'd likely lose because of it.

    i know someone who could beat that game in like 2 minutes slower than the record time. i dont even know how its done.

  2. i just use some random layered drums i got from syllix in RMwtS, as well as free loops and samples from musicradar.com. maybe eventually ill upgrade to fancier libraries if i ever find the need. i had some free "cinematic drums" samples from impact soundworks someplace but i think i accidentally cleared my downloads folder before i got a chance to organize them :(

  3. first, there was great greed, for gameboy.... sortof.

    See, i bought it thinking it was totally something else, only to find out it was a final fantasy legends sortof knockoff game based loosely on some anime i never heard of. All the characters/enemies are named after food objects with the exception of the anagonist "biohaz". the story was lackluster and the gameplay was monotonous. still, it had quite some charm to it, and i like playing it once in a while, despite my utter rage the first few weeks i had it.

    Final fantasy x-2 and ultima runes of virtue both make my list of games i wish i hadn't bought.

    i also hate whomever made diablo 3, its not even diablo.

    edit: oh man, i forgot about the newest prince of persia game! the game is beautiful, and the plot isnt horrible, but the fact that you have no hp, and literally CAN NOT DIE, takes all of the f un away. you cant have a game with no punishment for failure.

  4. it was a while ago but whenever I played battlefield 2 multi-player on the 360 I'd always have to listen to Simon and Garfunkel albums.

    there's just something about having "bridge over trouble waters" or "bright eyes" playing over helicopters, tanks, and gun fire.

    I do that with GTA and driver games. having your own tracks to hype you up for a big stunt or somethin is nice. humor reactors makes excellent chase music

  5. The server's using Bukkit with some plugins to nerf some of the more annoying elements and to make creative builds a lot more interesting. I've been trying to avoid adding anything that would change the nature of the game itself. Plus, it's better to limit the number of plugins in general for the sake of stability.

    is there any way to add a minimap plugin? i might just do that on my own. my new roommate apparently has it, and it makes navigating servers waaaaaaaay more easy, especially when you still need to connect your claim to the grand OCR railway.

  6. I have a special relation to timeframes and games when I remember good things that happened, like Chrono Cross and Legend of Mana at the end of summer, Grandia 2 around Christmas and Xenogears around now.

    And if I really dive into an RPG I play in the evening with accompanied by a load of alcohol

    for real. the reminds me of how certain food and smells go well with games ive played.

    I LOVE playing darkstone, or some other diablo similar games in the early morning during winter with a nice way-too-fucking-big glass of egg nog ( not spiked) and the volume cranked on the game.

    the smell you get when you mix like 8 kinds of scented soap? yep, that reminds me of perfect dark in the summer time. my mom used to mix soap scraps in a jar of water which she had in her room for whatever reason ( where the tv and n64 were) so every time i smell that, its a nice nostalgia rush.

    lets not forget the " take a sip/bite of soda/food in between rounds" whenever people play fighting games. 2-3 cans of soda an hour when i was a highschooler polishing his tekken skills.

  7. i almost always play games seasonally. Like every winter i bust out darkstone and chrono cross, where summer sees me replaying legaia, or some other jrpg i still havent beaten yet. once in a while i play newer games, but not often. this cycle works since it usually takes me a few years to actually play enough to beat games.

    i sorta do the same with elder scrolls games. when i first played morrowind i spent numerous hours figuring out how to steal nearly everything in the starter town ( including everything in the census office) without being caught or incurring a fine.

  8. i just found this guy on craigslist, and i was thinkin, for that price, it couldnt hurt to get me a little foam. i found a tut on how to make my own triangular bass traps ( that dont look half bad) so im good there. but i was curious if there was any way to get scammed on foam . i know some people will say foam itself is a scam, but really for me its more of an issue of is there such a thing as "fake foam" that doesnt do anything but look cool.

    heres the ad


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