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Everything posted by RECKENEFIN

  1. I know some forums might consider this a necropost, but I just joined today, and I felt like I needed to post a review for this one. I remember when I first heard the source track. We got our copy of the game used, so everything was unlocked. We had finished a Grand Prix, and the screen stayed black for longer than usual. Then the credits popped up, and the song was stuck in my head for the rest of the day. It was probably one of the best game tracks I had ever heard. Flash forward a couple of years (it took us a while to stumble onto the credits). I'm just browsing through the site, looking for remixes from games I know. I clicked the preview for this one and . . . . I think that sums up the process of my reaction. This remix captured everything that made the original track good, and then made it better. The emotion and feeling of accomplishment is still there. In fact, I think it's been intensified. When I re-read the review and found out that the guitar part wasn't even part of the original plan, it became even more amazing. Something about the guitar/piano combo here just works for me, and the other instruments/ambient sounds give it that full sound. 2 thumbs up, 5 stars, and a couple of awards for this one!
  2. I had a friend introduce me to this site a couple months ago, and I've been keeping up on all the remixes that are coming out of here. It actually takes up a good chunk of my music library now. I finally decided to join. Reviewing is probably going to be the extent of my existence, unless I suddenly have a ton of free time and gain unnatural skills at Finale . . . so yeah, reviews it is.
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