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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. shit's getting REAL with the patch 5.1 audio files i've heard from rama's facebook post. damn. jaina's mad, bro.

    5.1 is going to be........roughhhh, but I think she may have been madder in the book. Either way...poor Jaina :((

  2. Also, if they could finally update the old race models (troll and tauren pl0x)!

    It's something they're actively working on, but are being cautious with because they don't want to upset people. I believe they said orcs and dwarves are in the first round.

  3. I used to be interested in this thread but you guys have made me so incredibly uninterested it's ridiculous.

    Is there a market? At least some, obviously, people paid for it. I'm interested in it.

    Is there developer interest? At least some, obviously. We'll see where it goes.

    Is it a computer? Pretty much, don't care much for labels either way.

    Are controllers better than keyboards? FUCK if I know. I'm pretty sure that's a personal preference.

    Have Neblix, Crow Bar Man, DaMonz, The Derrit made points? All kinds of points with bullets, italtics, underlines, and tomatofaces.

    Will the Ouya fail/Get completed/be a huge success? Who the fuck knows. I'm sure as hell not a fortuneteller or a financial analyst, or even a journalist in the industry, and as far as I know neither are you guys otherwise you'd be posting on some big media site with numbers and charts and shit and not arguing on a forums.

    Are we going to change anyone's ideas? Sure doesn't look like it.

    I'm glad we understand that.


    I'd be fine if it was like...respectful discussion, but it's really just getting into speculation, opinions, and just generally a one-upping back and forth :|

    PS: Sephiroth could easily take on Cloud, Link, Kirby, Master Chief, Solid Snake, Bowser, King Hippo, and Thrall at the same time.

  4. Wow. THE NESkimos. Haven't heard that name in years. Used to love their work. I was wondering what happened to them, but it's nice to hear that they're around. If anyone has YouTube videos of them playing there live, hook me up.

    There's a live stream of all the performances going on this year at http://nerdyshowlive.com. Livestream will also archive so these videos might show up at a later time, but can't be certain yet.

    Definitely going to try to capture some of my own video though.

  5. I'm kind of confused. I've noticed a lot of people saying "Why do I need a console to play Android games?" and "Android Games aren't even great"

    ...but I've seen PC versions of Osmosis, Plants vs Zombies, Anomaly, World of Goo...I mean there's a ton of cross overs. It's not just Angry Birds and Sudoku. Hell, I played ALL of PvZ on a PC, and a lot of them are on XBOX360 and PS3 too. Now that's not a "Well then why put them on Ouya?" statement. That's a "Cell phone games do perfectly fine on consoles" statement.

    Furthermore: Who says that Ouya will have strictly games that also DO/CAN run on a) phone? Why wouldn't there be exclusives that don't need to work on phone hardware previously? The controller alone really seems liek something that would signify that these won't necessarily be cellphone cross overs.

    Also also also: 1GB of RAM isn't so bad when it's soldered right to the board.

    I'm not saying that there's not any reason to be cautious, but those 2 specific reasons just seem really weak.

    Android...really is just a code base and doesn't need to be associated with a phone/tablet


  6. Let's be realistic: He had no idea who he was stealing from. It could've been anyone. He could've gotten nailed by the DMCA. I'm sure his mom would be thrilled if she got that message. The courts wouldn't say "Well hey, let's not bring his mom into this."

    I'm not saying every time someone steals a song we should track down their family members like a collections agency, I'm just saying that there comes a point when users of a certain age become excessively dismissive and you have to protect yourself.

  7. Of the people I know are going (starla, myself, fusion2004, Suzums, Shael, B Briggs) me and starla live essentially closer to the venue than the hotel. fusion2004 lives in the same neighborhood. I know Suzums, Shael, and a few of our other friends are staying with me and starla, and I know BBriggs +1 are staying with fusion. So you may be able to fit in with them if there's no hotel rooms.

    Between all of us there will be more than enough cars for transport.


    Oh duh, we updated the line-up.

    Nerdapalooza just added:

  8. Totally been neglecting this post, my apologizes.

    Last week Nerdapalooza announced that the NESkimos will be returning from an approx. 6 year hiatus and performing at this years Nerdapalooza!


    Not only that, as Ben Brigg has mention he's been announce as officially performing at the un-official after show show "The Day After."

    The Day After is primarily a nerdcore hip hop concert here in Orlando the Monday following Nerdapalooza. A lot of super stars this year. The current line-up for that is:

    • DJ RoboRob
    • MC Lars
    • YTCracker
    • Random aka. MegaRan
    • Ben Briggs (OC Remix)
    • Bro-bot (Feat. Duane from "Duane and Brando")
    • Soup or Villainz
    • King Pheenix
    • Epic-1
    • Magitek
    • HD Ninja
    • Emergency Pizza Party
    • Rappy McRapperson
    • Shinobi MC
    • Shammers
    • StarF
    • Sample the Martian

  9. That's a little bit of an exaggeration :P Plus they changed things so that rushing is harder, at least as of last time I played. Back in the day, a solid run from level 1 to hell was like 4-5 hours. Then you stayed in the Secret Cow Level and could get to level 70-75 in an afternoon.

    On a side note, I do worry that the auction house makes the item finding part of the game a little... easy. You can basically type in any stats you want and get a custom-made blue or rare for generally reasonable prices. I haven't been to Inferno yet (and I hear it is indeed very hard) but at least at the lower levels, using the AH is almost always preferable to using items you find yourself.

    I would be interested in seeing Blizzard split up the auction house into randomly-assigned zones. Your account is tied to a specific zone (there would be a large # of them). Thus you would not be seeing the ridiculous variety and low prices that you see now, something that will probably get way way way 'worse' as time goes on. I do love the concept of the auction house though!


  10. Complaints that this game are:

    A) Too cartoony

    B) Not difficult enough

    Are both absurd and either from people who haven't yet played it, or just won't be pleased with anything. I really don't know what level of detail some people are looking for in dynamic lightening, this many particle effects, and an upwards of 30+ foreground characters on screen.

    Also: When was the last time anyone LAN'd, anyway?

  11. I will definitely be getting it. I just hope its more diablo than world of warcraft. :(

    Diablo III has elements from World of Warcraft. A lot of the same elements that StarCraft 2 got from World of Warcraft as well. World of WarCraft uses elements that it got from WarCraft 3 that WarCraft 3 got from Diablo 2.

    Inferno mode has enrage timers which are used in WoW raids but are a necessary tool in order to make sure players can't just herp derp past a boss on what is supposed to be the hardest mode in the game.

    List of things that have NOTHING to do with WoW:

    • Only allows 4 players per game
    • Only has 4 classes
    • Has very little visual character customization
    • Has a linear storyline
    • Has a finite storyline
    • Has randomly generated dungeons
    • Only 2 abilities at once
    • Click to move is the ONLY option
    • Detailed cutscenes beyond the intro

    Things that it DOES have in-common with WoW:

    • Achievements (but so does everything)
    • An online character profile (so does SC2)
    • Talent trees (so did Diablo II)
    • Color-coded item drops (Borderlands uses the same color-coding, and I'm sure other games do as well)
    • Gem socketing (WoW got from Diablo II)
    • Quests & leveling (lul)

    So I mean....I'm not sure what you're looking for...

  12. 545985_10150806025768285_33540158284_9878637_1348158038_n.jpg

    Never before have all the multifaceted sides of the d20 of Nerd Music come together for one amazing evening of dorky decadence! Chiptunes, Nerdcore Hiphop, Video Game Metal, Sock Puppet Rock, Dementia Parody, and anything else you can imagine a nerd playing on a keytar will be there.

    Nerdapalooza is a full-service nerd arts and music festival. Previously the show has been very nerd core hip hop oriented, which has been great, but this year more than ever we're doing a lot to include a lot more VGM and chiptune artists.

    This year we've also moved from out of hotel venues and moved on to REAL concerts venues in downtown Orlando. The Beach and the Social have seen acts like GWAR, Reakwon the Chef, Atmosphere, MURS, Saul Williams, the Aquabats, and many more. This places are serious so expect a nice huge stage and an EXCELLENT sound system. Don't believe me? Check out these pictures from the Beacham:


    YES, the Beacham does have 3 full bars on the concert floor.**

    **I can neither confirm, not deny, that all/any of these bars will be in service during the event. I assume at least 1 will be.

    So you can come for Nerdapalooza, and stay downtown to enjoy the famous Orlando night light like Church Street Station and Wall Street.

    Orlando Airport Marrior in Orlando, FL (Right outside of the Orlando Internation Airport, MCO)

    Friday August 4th to Sunday August 6th

    Facebook event

    Facebook Page

    Nerdapalooza Official Website

    Nerdapalooza Twitter

    Nerdapalooza on Wikipedia

    Check here for a list of airlines that flight into Orlando International Airport

    Tickets are $35 for 1 day, and $50 for 2 days, and are available for pre-purchase at Ticket Fly:


    Hotel rooms are a discounted $85 a night at the beautiful Crowne Plaza in downtown Orlando:


    Previous community artists that have ALREADY performed at Nerdapalooza include:

    Nerdapalooza 2012 Line-up

    A full list of artist's who have performed at Nerdapalooza's past is here: http://nerdapalooza.org/artists/

    Nerdapalooza is similar to MAGFest in that it's a huge nerd gathering in a hotel, rocking out, and listening to some seriously sweet nerdy music. Nerdapalooza is DIFFERENT in that there are no panels, no other events at all, really. It's just music, and fun.

    Confirmed Attendees:

    • Doug "The RamaSauce aka sgtrama aka The Ramaniscence aka Ramalicous aka the Master the Ancient Art of Rama Sutra" Arley
    • starla
    • Shael Riley & the Ty Guenley Backhair (because I'm MAKING them come this here)
    • Obtuse
    • Ben the Briggs
    • Level99
    • Vilecat

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