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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. Ok guys. We all need to chill out.

    This year's FBRC was run just like every other one in the past, so I'm not sure why tensions are running so high this year. Somehow, I think a lot of you are missing the primary points about the challenge, so I want to go over them again:

    1. To show off your talents. By entering the challenge you accept that you're may be challenges to arrange a song that you might not be familiar with, that might stray away from your normal style, that you may not even like. By being able to complete the challenge you show that you are a flexible artist who can perform admirably under time constraints.
    2. To help get requests filled. There's a lot of people who'd love to hear a certain song remixed, and this challenge gives them a chance. It's by no means a promise their song will get remixed, or even accepted by the artist, but it is still a better chance than blindly posting it on the requests forums.
    3. Everyone gets more music. Whether your particularly request gets filled or not (mine didn't even get accepted), every year we still get at least a handful of mixers who turn out really good mixes.

    If your challenge didn't get accepted I apologize. I wish I could promise that every song that got requested would get a high quality remix delivered, but that's obviously not plausible. We do take a lot of time making sure that artists get songs that're roughy comparable to their skill level, and we try to make sure that every artist gets a sufficient amount of source material to work with, but that's all we can do.

    If you didn't finish your request I apologize to you as well. I'm not sure whether or not you knew what you were getting into, or maybe you just lost track of time. I completely understand if you just couldn't get a track done. This is a challenge after all, and as much as I'd love to see every artist finish their song, I can't say I expect it.

    What I don't want to see is a bunch of people getting all hostile toward one another in this thread. That's just completely unnecessary. We're all a bunch of nerds who like video game music, and not a single one of you should ever forget that <3.

    We're going to do it all again next year, so everyone will get another chance. In the meantime, just because you didn't finish your challenge on time, or as good as you'd like, doesn't mean you need to stop now! If you like your source, and you felt like you could get something done, keep at it! The person who requested it likely doesn't care WHEN it gets done so like as it DOES get done =P.

  2. It would have only taken one post to clarify what was going on when everyone was asking what was going on... A lot of people work full time jobs... it doesn't usually cause them to completely stop doing things that they're interested in doing. :-o

    I love ya both and no hate, but you can't set the blame squarely on everyone else..

    Did you not read your email? Or catch starla on IRC at any time?

    I'm sorry if you felt that things weren't clear, but a simple glance at the email issuing your challenge should've cleared things up for you.

  3. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    I think it’s safe for me to say that this years FBRC, is a complete & utter disaster. Not only we didn’t get any official start of phase 2 of this contest whatsoever

    What're you talking about? When a mixer accepts their challenge, the challenge STARTS. There's no "hey you can start now" announcement. You start. All the mixers knew that when the accepted their challenges.

    It's also NOT our responsibility to handhold everyone on the deadline. The deadline never changed. It was always the same. Me and starla both work full-time jobs now and we don't exactly have the time to check up on EVERY mixer and remind them their's a challenge they need to finish. Especially when the majority of mixers never finish anyway.

    but also we didn’t get a permanent list of who would be remixing what and those who wanted a different song didn’t get one. (as far as I'm aware of)


    Compared to the past contests, that had 17 to 20 entries, we only had 8 entries this year in a very short amount of time. I hope we get an explanation of what went wrong.

    Because starla updates the pages with the late entries. (as far as I recall)

    I’m sorry if this sounds like I’m cross (which I am) and being harsh, but I am seriously disappointed with the end results.

    You should probably ask the people who entered that question. Though I'm sure having the thread moved to the competitions forum didn't help, but the participants should've all been subscribed to the thread anyway, so who knows.

  4. My point is you know your laptop isn't great. You know the game isn't going to run at full settings, or might have some hiccups on the lower settings. You have realistic expectations of what your laptop is capable of based on your experiences with it. You've seen the requirements for the game. It WILL run.

    Also: I didn't realize it was the GOTY addition. That $3 changes things. You'll probably have to eat off of the dollar menu for 2 days, or mow half of a lawn, or trade in a used game from 2008 at GameStop,

  5. Ok I'm thinking of getting Borderlands while it's on sale but I don't know if i would enjoy it. I do like Torchlight and TF2 so I guess I would enjoy it.

    The other problem though is that I'm not sure it would run on my computer well enough to enjoy it.

    here are the stats:

    Celeron 900 2.2 GHz

    4GB ddr2 ram

    Intel hdm4500 integrated graphics

    Windows 7 home premium

    390GB free hard drive space

    Borderlands Requirements.

    OS: Windows XP/Vista

    Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 Ghz or equivalent

    Memory: 1GB (2GB recommended with Vista)

    Hard Drive: 8 GB free

    Video Memory: 256mb video ram or better (GeForce 9 series or higher/Radeon R8xx series)

    Sound Card: Windows compatible sound card

    DirectX: 9.0c

    Keyboard and Mouse

    DVD Rom Drive

    The Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD (sometimes also called GMA X4500 HD or other combinations) is a DirectX 10 capable onboard graphics adapter in the GM45, GE45 and GS45 chipset of the Centrino 2 platform (Montevina). The chip has no dedicated graphics memory, but takes dynamically an amount from the main memory (up to 384 MB).

    The only thing you don't meet is the processor requirements. Your laptop sucks. You're going to play the game at lowest settings, but you'll make it through. It's $5.

    It's also a STEAM GAME. So you'll have it forever. I get the impression you play TF2 (frequently). You can handle Borderlands.

  6. So I was on capcom-unity.com today and one of the admins had posted a Mega Ran song. TL;DR is Mega Ran is a rapper who raps about/over video games.

    MORE importantly.

    The post in question was here:


    This song in question is being used, by Mega Ran, who is licensed to use Capcom's music commercially, to help fund a tour this summer with MC Chris, MC Lars, and Adam WarRock, because he's recently quit his job as a teacher to be a musician 100%.

    He's a super nice guy and a super talented artists and it's really nice of Capcom to help him out by making a blog post like this to help him get donations.

  7. So I don't know if you guys heard but Allison (the girl who does all the art for EC) tore a muscle in her shoulder and now needs surgery. They said if she doesn't receive the surgery that she may never do art again (which is extremely upsetting, having seen her deviantart page, as she is an extremely talented artist).

    Full explanation is here:

    Reference: http://www.rockethub.com/projects/2165-extra-credits

    Over the last year we've built up a web series talking about game design and the positive impact that games can have on humanity. We've used it to get people looking more deeply at videogames and thinking about what they can take away from their games and add to their lives.

    Yesterday Allison, our artist, found out she needed major shoulder surgery if she's going to be able to continue to do art. Each show costs us far more than we make off of it; we've spent most of our reserves building Extra Credits and are now trying to give what we can to help Allison cover the cost of her surgery. We need to raise somewhere between $15,000-$20,000 to help her get surgery and hire guest artists for the next few months, otherwise we can't keep doing the show.

    Help us fix the tiny pink bean so she can keep chasing us with a pencil...and please, please help us save Extra Credits.

    (If you donate, you will recieve all the rewards up through the level you donated at, so don't worry, if you donate $100 you'll recieve access to the episode, a tee-shirt, a publisher's club membership and ...

    Currently EC is raising money to help her pay for the surgery. James apparently already sold off a few things to raise about $3k, and now he's working with local indie developers to see if they can't come up with something.

    Updates, in order, are here:








    They're also looking for guest artist *cough*Bean*cough* so anyone interest in that should also email them to help out per the updates above.

    I for one am sending her $100 right now, because it would break my heart to see someone as talented as her studented so early on in life. If I could never do art again, it would damn near literally kill me.

    Edit: Seems like they already made it, but that didn't stop me

    Edit 2: Ack. I accidentally..donated $200 because when I checked out it logged me out, so I went through the process again.

  8. Sorry about the delay from my end - I've seriously been out of town for the last half of this month (and for the last week, completely disconnected from the internet).

    I accepted the challenge. Sorry for the tardy reply.

    EDIT: Haaa, I just saw Gumshoe's theme in there. That was a fun track to remix a couple years back - wonder what Eilios will do with it.


    My request got rejected ;-;

  9. So, I'm just starting the Duke Burger level. To echo what just about everyone has said the Hive is pretty much the most forgettable thing I've experienced so far.

    The first "chapter" or whatever you want to call it, I think, came out the gates really strong. It was everything I could've hoped for in a Duke Nukem game. So absolutely ridiculous and over the top.

    Moving forward from that I'm still enjoying it, but I can definitely see how others aren't. It does feel very disjointed, which is a shame, because I feel like if they could tie together certain areas better it would have brought up the quality of the game as whole. Parts don't seem as polished as I would expect from a completed game. I'm going through it, and enjoying it, but it still feels...off.

    Is it fun? Yea. I'm enjoying it, anyway. Is it terrible? No, not by any means. Is it GREAT? No, it's not great, but it IS a undeniably a Duke Nukem game. In a good way.

    My one hope is that they used this game to make enough money, solely off hype alone, to fund a sequel that they could actually put time and effort into and make...well basically Bullet Storm with Duke Nukem, is what I'm expecting.

  10. So we are a rolling out to Metrocon at Midnight tonight.

    If you are in the greater tampa area and wish to get tickets to the OCAD panel, goto the Tampa convention center, ask for Phil, then goto the counter and get a badge to get into the convention, then make your way to panel room 19 at Midnight on Friday Night.

    Oh and a hot-plate.

    Also, a birdie through the vine told me that a new OCAD picture will be revealed. Maybe something bad.

    Maybe something good.

    You'll never know unless you go!!

    hey, what? Thanks for letting me know, jerks. Now I already have plans ;-;

  11. Freshly Baked ReMixer Challenge 2011

    What is the Freshly Baked ReMixer Challenge?

    The Freshly Baked ReMixer Challenge is an annual video game remixing challenge hosted by ThaSauce, Video Game Remix news portal. During the challenge, mixers are assigned a remixing request, at random, and given an appointed amount of time to complete it. The requests come from members in the community, and as a result everyone is potentially given a chance to have their request filled, and remixers have a chance to exercise or demonstrate their musical prowess.

    PLEASE NOTE: This challenge is meant to be just that: A CHALLENGE. By entering this competition you are signing up for, and agreeing to have your skills challenged. While personal preference plays a big part in the creative process, and while you should make music for yourself before anything else, this is, again, a CHALLENGE. This will include working under strict time constraints and may also mean having to mix something you don't necessarily like. If you choose to not accept, then you fail the challenge. Do not expect us to re-roll your match-up until you get "something you like."

    STAGE 1: JUNE 13 - JUNE 20 2011, 11:59 PM PST

    STAGE 2: JUNE 21, 2011 - SEPTEMBER 2, 2011, 11:59 PM PST

    Who Can Sign-Up? Who Can Request?

    During stage 1 we will be accepting ReMixer sign-ups and song requests.

    The challenge is open to any artists, experienced or new. The artist will be challenged to remix 1 song.

    Any member of the community can make 2 requests. These requests must follow the request guidelines and be made in private. You cannot discuss the song that you have requested until all challenges are accepted and stage 2 has begun.

    How do I Sign-Up? How Can I Make a Request?

    SIGN UPS: To signup as a remixer, please fill out the signup form located here: http://sgtrama.wufoo.com/forms/freshly-baked-remixer-sign-up-form/

    REQUESTS: Request must be sent through the requests form located here: http://sgtrama.wufoo.com/forms/freshly-baked-remixer-challenge-request-form/

    1. The name of the original song, game and track.

    2. A link to the original track to download. The original format is preferred (i.e. SPC, NSF) but MP3 is acceptable.

    3. A YouTube link to the requested song.

    4. A midi, if at all possible. The more sources you are able to provide, the more likely your requested track is to be remixed. Please note that vgmusic.com does not allow direct linking, however you can link the page with the download link for the midi - please specify file name.

    Request Guidelines

    During stage 1 any community member can submit a challenge; Be it a specific song from a game, or anything from a game's soundtrack. Challengers MUST include a source tune for reference. ALL CHALLENGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO PICK SONGS WITH STRONG MELODIC CONTENT WITH SOURCES THAT ARE NOT DIFFICULT TO LOCATE. This is merely a suggestion as the easier it is for a remixer to get a midi, or familiarity with a song, the more likely the finished project will be a quality piece of work. Each user is only allowed 1 challenge.

    Keep in mind: Your requests will be given to artists throughout the community with various levels of skill.

    All remix requests must be made in private. ReMixers already in the challenge are allowed to issue requests, however they may not be selected to remix their own request. Requests posted in the thread will be ignored and may not be considered for submission. We reserve the right to reject requests.

    The Match-Ups

    Once we populate a list of mixers and challenges, a script will be created and will distribute the songs to each mixer. There will be grace period of a few days while we sort everything out, and following that we will begin stage 2. Mixers will have 2 months to complete their challenge. In the event that there are more challenges than mixers (which is likely) a mixer may randomly select another song from the pool only after they have successfully finished their initial challenge (a COMPLETED and QUALITY remix).

    The History of the Freshly Baked ReMixer Challenge

    In 2002 a forum user name "I Like Cookies!" (now just Jeff), ran a 1-shot competition called the Freshly Baked ReMixer challenge. In the thread artists signed up and were assigned challenges posted by other forum users. This is how artists like myself, Suzumebachi, and GLL all got our starts. There were also some other impressive tracks by Disco Dan and a few others.

    Previous results can be viewed here:



    To be determined.

  12. Because if games like Left 4 Dead, MGS4, and the upcoming AC: Revelations have taught us anything, it's that there need to be more BADASS OLD MEN in video games.

    True story one of my SC4 custom characters was just normal Mitsurugi with grey hair.

  13. Not true. Mac OS X is usually in the same price range. Snow Leopard was only $30 because they didn't add any new features, just improved the ones that were introduced in Leopard (hence why it still has "leopard" in the name). Lion will be the same price point as other OS's.

    I'm actually excited for Lion. The direction Apple is moving (and why companies like Microsoft are following) is almost begging for an iPad that can run full-featured Mac OS X instead of iOS.

    Also consider that:

    • For the most part, OS X will only install on apple certified hardware
    • Most people aren't going to build their own mac, so they're going to make nearly all the profit on sales
    • OS X has changed VERY LITTLE from version 1 to versions 6 now, when compared to even Windows 98 to Windows 7

    Also: OS X doesn't require a key to install so piracy of that OS is pretty rampant as well.

  14. @Ramaniscence

    BTW - about this group/ randoms thing:

    there is no proof that either side behaves in a certain way, nor that any side has a higher percentage of kids.

    Just drop that discussion already, as there's no point in discussing anything without real, solid evidence.

    If you don't like certain types of players, avoid them as best as you can and join a guild which meets your criteria.

    This may be true butttttttttt

    I sided with the Horde because I like blood elves and their lore and looks. I also joined a mature guild which met my criteria :)

    But as soon they introduced worgen, I had to make some Alliance characters too :3 RAWR!

    My Horde characters are male blood elves exclusively - one for each class and a bank character.

    My Alliance characters are three worgen males and one human, male paladin.

    I joined the Alliance first because some of my RL friends were all Alliance. When the Burning Crusade came out, we all made blood elf characters. They later went back to the Alliance (TREACHEROUS BASTARDS!!!!), but I stayed :) Luckily some of my friends also play Horde ^^

    A bit on the side:

    If one chooses to join the Alliance because "they're the good guys", one really needs to read some lore. The human race in WoW is rather disgusting and cruel, the most evil ones, aside from a big part of the undead.

    This is even more true. There is OCCASIONALLY an age difference between horde and WoW players, but maturity really isn't the problem. The biggest gap between the 2 is straight up personality type. People who people alliance because they're the good guys, or the pretty ones, and are complete ignorant of the world itself and are playing to be "defenders of the light and justice!"

    I'm all for letting people RP and what nots, but some people come into it with the most immature, ignorant mind-state and it carries over into everything they do and it's more common to find immaturity on the alliance side than the horde side because of it.

    BUT in the same light, it's way easier to find jerks/elitists/trolls on the horde side because of it as well.

    In my experience, anyway.

    This is interesting though: http://wow.joystiq.com/2010/12/22/the-wow-factor-page-2/

    AND believable.

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