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Everything posted by Gintokipianist
hi! anyone who knows me will know that i mostly do covers of vgm, but recently someone asked me to do a cover of "because i love you" from earthbound, while i was doing it i thought well! this would sound great as a wood wind section, with maybe a little bit of strings etc, so i went ahead and rearranged/harmonized and mixed the whole thing. i normally dont post my stuff as its generally just covers not really a total overhall however i thought u guys might enjoy this one i normally play all the instrument parts on webcam and put them all together for my vids but for this one i felt like i couldnt be bothered as i had already spent alot of time on the rearranging p.s although marked finished i might possibly rerender the bass sound as i have noticed problems with the vst instrument causing occasional sound drop outs on long notes. here is the source material and here is my version p.s as far as i know there are no midis for this tune, apon request i could release mine, though obviously it would be the rearrangement
finished The Moon (and a little bit of Wind Scene) Piano Remix
Gintokipianist replied to evory's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
hey bro sorry ive been away for a while i liked the piece its very simple and melodic for the most part, theres a couple of chord crunches im not so keen on but i might be able to help you out with it -
finished Zelda: LttP: Lost Woods Impressionist Piano Piece
Gintokipianist replied to docnano's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
very enjoyable, i see the jeux d'eux referencing, very nice piece i do love ravel and debussy also. some of the chord progressions are more on the debussy side, but yeah i see some ravel style rhythmic devices, im not so great at writing impressionist my stuff normally ends up sounding more bach,mozart or chopin! but yeah brilliant homage with some originality thrown it there! -
wip OoT - Deku Tree in 5/4 and FF7 - Nanaki acoustic
Gintokipianist replied to Evahn's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
pretty cool the writing and playing is fine id work on the overall eq, especially on the deku tree so many basses making the eq very pitchy in the mid bass bet its peaking around 400hz. try taking out some of the low end on the melody lines it just needs more space you could try applying some stereo widening to the treble of the melodies to thicken it up but dont go wild with it overall i like it -
finished Zelda-Kakariko Village Jazz remix
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
it would be a cm13 as the a is the 13th lol, but yeah generally u leave out the route and the 5th for jazz voicings, i mean if ur playing a c minor u can be damn sure that the bass player is playing a route, and guitarist probably got the 5th covered, its really more about what notes definately wont work, or will rarely work, for instance a regular 11th on a major chord generally suxs but works great on a minor etc -
finished Zelda-Kakariko Village Jazz remix
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
thats quite a cool piece, never heard it before though, and yeah the e substitution in it is basically E half dim or Gm6/E And yeah its basically in Bflat though i reserve the right to play chords out of key when i feel like it lol for instance substituting the Cm7 for a C b9 b13 just for giggles, anyways for jazz chord voicings and voice leading is what gives you the sound, you should experiment building chords with multiple forths and sorta semitone crunches for instance i play the C minor in the piece as A-D-Eb-G giving you a semitone between the d and eb and basically the other notes are all forths, that voice could also be a diminished or f13 depending on the bass, but anyways now im waffling -
finished Zelda-Kakariko Village Jazz remix
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
i dont mind doing them, or answering questions about chords etc i mean its not like im jazz king but if your just learning sort of 7ths etc i can probably show you some different variations etc, got alot of work atm, but yeah im open to ideas and suggestions -
does this happen to you?
Gintokipianist replied to SonicThHedgog's topic in Music Composition & Production
hahaha messing around until it sounds less awful sounds like musical equivalent of natural selection maybe after 4billion years you will be left with a good piece and i agree its when your at your most bored at work etc when u get the ideas u want to use, generlly i find that if you got a tune in your head, try putting it to drums beats or chords or whatever you can imagine easiest, im a pianist so i generally try to backdrop it to different chord progressions, might seem like you got more to remember that way, but the brain doesnt work like that, it works in association, if you can associate the melody with a rhythm,harmony or even a particular instrumentation your more likely to remember it, assuming you dont have some sort of recording tool handy lol -
finished FF7 Misc shinra music (Turks go Pop)
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
(video form!) haha yeah your probably right, and yeah i realised when i exported it, i had saved some changes i didnt mean to, while i was working on the mix, i came up with some new ideas for the next song and jotted them down, changed the panning on the guitar to the left and forgot to move it back haha, but yeah basically i think before i chuck it on youtube or whatever i need to eq the bass slightly, maybe remove some of the delays (actually not alot of reverbs, mostly feedback delays, but its the same stuff at the end of the day lol) probably ill dial it back on the bass and keys, i think it really works on the guitar but maybe too much on the bass, the kit is fairly dry anyways i think but very snappy sounding due to the multiband exciter on the mastering, tends to make the kit sound punchy, thanks for your comments and i know what im like i always wanna record the next idea lol, but yeah i like to export them to listen to them on my good speaker system as i often mix downstairs with the piano on my laptop using headphones, occasionally checking the sound on my "average persons stereo" no point making a mix that sounds wonderful on your speakers and crap on everyone elses -
finished FF7 Misc shinra music (Turks go Pop)
Gintokipianist posted a topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
ok so heres my new thing. if you didnt play ff7 just skip to the music :Pduring the time when shinra pwned the world, president shinra had alot of corporate clients not just that, but also the turks didnt have much fighting to do in the pre-cloud era, so they formed a funk band to play at receptions for clients for shinra, this gave birth to a new genre of music called "evil corporation funk!" and the turks formed a band called "turks go pop" Tseng on Synth/Keys Rude on bass Reno on drums Elena on guitar Rufus got no musical talent but occasionally plays triangle sephiroth did play clarinet with them but after working out that hes the son of jenova he really neglicted his clarinet studies... for shame! anyways ill probably be realising some more funky remixes along this sorta band arrangement and genre currently working on a main theme mix. will probably make a ridiculous video with random conversations between the charachters if i get too bored on my time off work lol. EDIT - FIXED BASS EQ,MADE PANNING MORE SYMETRICAL or on video -
wip Very Early WiP - Sonic (2/3/&K) - Eggman and Final Boss
Gintokipianist replied to khemael's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
hey great tune thats pretty cool, what vst is that, sounds like pianissimo most of the notes are fine but some of the middle sounds abit sorta wooly (sorry for the random description) my bet is you have some peaking at around 400-450 hz causing the "wooly" sound it doesnt have much in the top end either, but i guess you just arent playing high keys haha. anyways looking forward to the final product u obviously got some piano/compositional skills -
finished Zelda-Kakariko Village Jazz remix
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
yeah thats chopin lol, the most famous nocturne Eb and yeah i agree it could be improved and i like all the suggestions, but im working on other pieces and got alot of real work aswell so i might not come back to it for a while lol -
finished Zelda-Kakariko Village Jazz remix
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
would you say submit it with the piano solo at the end or cut it? it might be abit too airy and unquantised for some tastes lol, but sure if you think so, i guess i will fix that note that was over hit and submit it -
wip Legend of Mana - Nostalgic Song
Gintokipianist replied to FunkyEntropy's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
hey! thats awesome dude, good luck with your rehearsal id love to hear this played by real brassers p.s if you never get around to recording it, send me the midi and ill render it at the studio as high quality vsts (at least its better than midi ), unless thats something you could do yourself!, just being helpful you know haha. -
finished Mario64-Bomb-omb Battlefield (funk mix)
Gintokipianist posted a topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
hey like most of my stuff its pretty close to the source id say its basically a remastering + 36.56% funk as you can see i played all parts myself apart from the bass which i wrote in midi (because my keyboard is fully weighted and the bass i wrote had a finger funk 16ths style so i couldnt get the speed on the keys so i played it in 50% speed to get the dynamics) heres the source for anyone who doesnt know it. and heres my version, let me know what you think about any aspect apart from my video editing skills which i know is piss poor -
finished Zelda-Kakariko Village Jazz remix
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
haha thanks for your feedback yeah i noticed the bit you mean, i do like 3x stabs in a row, and the velocity totally maxes out, to be honest i enjoyed doing the mix but since i dont really plan to submit it, might not bother to correct (most of the submitted music seems to be chillout kinda stuff, not that there is anything wrong with that, infact i love listening to it, its just im not so great on any of the more synthy stuff since i only really use cubase and "real" sounds, the downside being that i pay too much attention to my playing and not the overall sound) p.s im just doing the finishing touches on a jazz/funk remix of the first lvl from mario64 again it sounds very "real" but got some smooth ass piano and brass section -
this is great dude, i did a cover of this before but it was just "played" you have added alot and it totally works, (might be a bit offputting if you was actually trying to mario too it though ) great variety of instruments, not really a fan of the brass sound but to be fair very few brass vsts actually cut it, either way i really enjoyed this, great balance and panning. its quite busi but since its not drowning in reverb which sometimes happens with the busier stuff it totally works, more than anything else the arrangements is very cool and theres some good dynamics too
finished Sonic 1-2-3 mixs
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
yeah back in uni they were big on logic lol, i never got on with the single mouse buttons on macs, i found it abit stiffling having to do all my timed mixed down exams etc on logic, i mean compressors work the same no matter what your using but.. still if your all slow with the controlls its a pain. These days i just use cubase and got alot of plugins and synths but generally im using now ozone 4 for mastering (just stole if from work , its nice but resource hog) and i also like using channel strips for things like eq/compressor/limiting/exciter/saturation instead of using separate plugins (just to save time) though im a big fan of using a variety of reverb plugins and different stereo imagers/eqs and other random crap just cos its fun to mess about -
finished Streets of rage 2 remixes
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
yeah but i guess this site is called remix most of what i do is just "mix" so sometimes im not really doing what people are looking for but well streets of rage are so well composed i normally just try to play it in a much more well mastered and using real or high quality vst instruments so it doesnt sound so midi anymore lol p.s i just noticed some guy said he was gonna download stage 4-8 if i get requests like this alot, i can always upload all my mp3s since i pretty much always export them as 320kb, gotta be better than ripping from youtube lol. -
finished Sonic 1-2-3 mixs
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
hey thanks alot, i wasnt sure weather to post these i mean because they are mostly me just playing the pieces fairly unaltered, most skills lie mainly in performing and typical organic mixing, im not really too great at all the synthy stuff but i try abit of everything lol -
hey just recorded this tune, made a barque style intro but basically its a cover i just want some opinions on the "mastering" i just "borrowed" a new plugin they got down at the office called "ozone4" wondering if anyone had used it, it seems pretty good but is abit of a resource hog making my audio skip so its hard to hear what i was doing (sometimes i mix on my laptop which is pretty low cpu and when audio starts skipping i normally reset the asio driver) p.s with the music i was going for a sort of "medieval porn" feel, i hope you got that
finished Zelda-Kakariko Village Jazz remix
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
haha nah its not a sample lol, its a yamaha vst that came with my piano (its the same one as on the piano if that makes sence) its actually just me playing, though some sections i played it 1/2 speed its slightly quantised because i have some a pretty poor resolution on my midi timer so i use a magnet style quantise to pull stuff closer to the beat (or 16th or whatever) but generally shearing style voices just sound like that close voicing chords with chromatic run ins etc (guess it sounds alittle busi) anyways thanks for words -
finished Zelda-Kakariko Village Jazz remix
Gintokipianist replied to Gintokipianist's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
ok ive done some more got whats basically a final mix, i mean i might change it abit later for now im happy with it, i didnt do a mad jazz solo cos i thought people might find that abit caustic haha, but i did a shearing style one, and a sorta lounge style improv playthrough of the piece solo piano, hope you enjoy.