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Posts posted by Mazedude

  1. One of my favorite mixes from the project; still keeps the original Doom flavor, but really cranks it up a couple notches. I especially dig that the hint of the slap bass is still there, although chopped up and distorted a bit.

    This overall buildup and form flows very well too; the mix is a nice length overall without feeling like it drags or gets boring - sometimes a tricky thing to do with a Doom 2 tune. :)

  2. I find it quite amusing that I've actually beaten A Boy and His Blob, AND Deadly Towers, and even owned the latter way back in the day.

    Plus I've remixed songs from both games, bwuhaha.

    My choice for worst game music - Athena for NES. I owned that one too but never beat it; it was terrible. Just terrible.

  3. I personally have had the distinct pleasure of hanging out with Tommy Tallarico, Jack Wall, Gerard K. Marino, and others in person. And, I've received e-mails from Peter McConnell, Alexander Brandon, Jeremy Soule, and a few more.

    ifirit has the right idea; the best way to introduce yourself with a compliment is to make a remix, send them a link to it, and hope they can check it out. Oddly enough my introduction to Tommy was made via my uber-silly Cool Spot mix!

    Know that you're only likely to hear back from English speaking composers though. :)

  4. Irriadin,

    Thanks for the tip; I'd never seen that before. Oddly enough, I didn't use a shred of Javascript in the design. A lot of Flash, a little bit of PHP, and a smidgeon of CSS, but no Java.

    Regardless, that little blurb of code you provided seemed to work, and thus I have implemented it. And thus will I need to bear this in mind for future projects, so thanks. :)

    Oh, and very pleased to hear that people are diggin' Kunal's site. I enjoyed putting it together, and Kunal was very easy to work with. And it helps that I like the music too, of course.





  5. Hmm... some decent ideas here, but I feel it could've been much better. The marimbas in the beginning seemed a bit week, barely audible amongst the strings, and I felt the first couple minutes could've used some more imagination and variety. Of course, it's hard to do so with the source material being what it is, but still...

    I'm happy to see someone else tackle Myst. While I was hoping for more from this mix, it was still cool.

  6. Hmm, certainly a different take on the material. Less of a "relentless driving machine" like the original, and more ethereal, more spaced out. I dig the special effects (all the cool reversed noises and such), and the guitar work is excellent.

    I wasn't a huge fan of the weird arc the song seemed to take though. Lots of swelling and dimming without an overall feel of things growing and building. Didn't really seem to climax... kinda like it got loud, it got soft, it got loud, it got soft, it got loud again, then it ended.

    Nice job with the notes on the pizzicato though; ya stayed a little truer to the tonality of the middle section than I did with my version. :) And I'm pleased to see other people tackle Doom 2 at long last.

    - Mazedude

  7. All this time and still looking for more people, eh? I'm afraid your problem lies in that most of Tim Follin's music falls into a category of "it's already so good, it's damn hard to make a remix that's better than the original." I've already made one Plok remix, and I don't even know if I succeeded in that regard.

    Regardless, I'm interested in helping, and will give the tunes a listen. No promises, but I'm always up for remix projects when the material catches my interest. :)

    - Mazedude

  8. Hey guys, thanks for checking out the site!

    As to the music for download, I haven't decided yet. My ultimate goal is to take the songs I've written so far as develop them into full-length pieces... and then release an album through the site.

    So, I don't know if I want everyone having the rough-draft versions of the songs, so to speak, on their computer. Then again, if it gives them a reason to add it to their playlists, get into it, and then want more when the CD's done, then I suppose it's not a bad idea.

    And geez, the site says nothing along the lines of "six easy lessons," and it's common sense that learning how to do the moves is only a small part of learning how to do the martial art. The best way to learn is from a teacher and by playing in the roda, and it still takes several years to get good. But, tons of people all over the world don't have teachers or rodas. So, we're doing what we can for those people.

    And thanks for blogging and spreading the word around - keep it up! This whole project has been a huge labor of love, and a ton of hard work. We're going to be adding new moves to the site soon too, so stay tuned. :)



    PS - Yes, I do know Henry Iglesias. He's a good friend of mine; we've worked together several times. E-mail me at mazedude@aol.com if you have any questions or anything you want to say about him.

  9. Greetings from Mazedude, one and all.

    I am very proud and excited to announce the launching of a new website. It is the first of its kind - to teach the martial art of Capoeira via Instructional Videos on the Internet.

    I am even more delighted to share the kickass news that I am the composer for the website, and all of their video productions. For those who are not aware, Capoeira is from Brazil, and the music that accompanies the martial art is very unique and ethnic. The vocals are in Portugese, and the beats are performed by such instruments as the berimbau, atabaque, and pandeiro. I play each of these instruments, and am fluent in the various traditional beats and songs. However, for this project I have been given the freedom to fuse the traditional style with that of my own, and I've had just oodles of fun putting it together. :)

    I invite everyone to check it out: http://www.capoeiranation.com

    Even better examples can be heard in the Promo videos: http://www.myspace.com/capoeiranation

    Enjoy the music, but furthermore, enjoy the site. If you're at all interested in learning Capoeira, but don't have any teachers near you, well, that's what this website solves!

    All the best,



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