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Posts posted by Mazedude

  1. Ah, yes! I'm soooo glad someone remixed this game, as it's hugely nostalgic. I loved this old NES title as a kid. I even arranged a brass quartet arrangement of the level 1 theme, just never ended up getting it recorded.

    Very nicely done. I couldn't place the source from the beginning, but as a standalone intro it works. I also would have loved to hear more Russian Red Army Choir in there. :) And in some places the harmonies seem to overpower the main melody. but those would be my main comments. Otherwise, I'm very happy to hear more classic NES music arranged and brought to the site.

  2. Let's see, it'd have to be Space Invaders or Asteroids for the good ol' Atari. I remember my parents coming home with the system, and then sending me to bed so they could play it all night. Then the next day I took it over, and I've been into games ever since. I believe I was 4 years old at the time. :)

  3. Waiting till Friday sounds fine. bLiNd, you're not the only one who had a track in mind and may need to change things up based on the consensus of those involved; if everyone asks the Bad Dudes to do villains, then a few of us need to change up our initial ideas too. But there's plenty of awesome choices, and lots of time, so no worries, we'll all still make some kickass tunage.

  4. I'd like to point out in every case that you pick a hero and a villain with a definable theme. Some of the above listed are bad guys without a real specific theme that matches them. Like Kid Icarus - the Eggplant Wizard doesn't really have a main theme. There's the dungeon theme, but he's not the boss of the dungeon, just one of the bad guys. To be correct it'd need to be Kid Icarus vs Medusa, the last boss... but I also know she's not the first thing you associate with the game, so it might not work so well.

    Just bear it in mind. On my end, I'd like the suggest the following, both with themes that to my knowledge have little or no coverage:

    [Maniac Mansion] Bernard / Dr. Edison

    [God of War 2] Kratos / Sisters of Fate

  5. I think part of the delay may be my fault, actually. I had a very ambitious track that I got stuck on... and then 2009 hit and I've been utterly swamped with work, so I've had very little time for music.

    Despite my best efforts I couldn't get my track to a place where I was happy with it, so over the holidays here I scrapped it and started over... and thankfully I'm really liking what's happening this time around. I'm gonna do my best to crank it out fast, but I also have 4 clients who need their projects finished by Jan 1st, so I dunno if it'll be ready in time for MAGFest or not.

    Rather odd, usually I'm the first person to finish a track for anything. But ol' Follin's work is difficult to improve upon, and 2009's been a blur. So, my apologies for my slowness here, I'm doing my part to get my track finished, so the project can come to completion.

  6. After a successful album release with CHRONOTORIOUS, the Bad Dudes are back with another free EP (although we still suggest you donate) for y'all just in time for the holidays.

    "Jingle All the Way"



    Or, http://baddudesmusic.com/jingle.html

    But, it's not a Christmas album. No no. Don't get that idea. The Bad Dudes have something else in mind. An entire EP created from the 15-second video game JINGLES that we all love. That's right. We took the shortest songs in the world of gaming and turned them into full compositions. Because we're Bad. Because we're Dudes.

    Enjoy. Feel free to post your comments here: http://www.oneupstudios.com/boards/showthread.php?p=127973#post127973

  7. Aw, ya guys beat me to Deus Ex! It's all good though, I have a much different track in mind to tackle when the time comes.

    While it's already been mentioned, gotta say I love the title. I was following Siren back when tracking was in its days of compos, the MC5 and all that jazz. Still listen to Alex's IT files now and then; still love "Carpe Diem" after all these years.

    But I digress. It's a great mix, and I always love seeing thus far unremixed games get lovin'. The collab concept is great, although I can say from experience that most game composers are pretty cool and down to Earth if ya can get ahold of them, so I'm not terribly surprised.

    Great stuff guys, and I'll give the interview a good read just as soon as I have a chance. :)

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