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Posts posted by Mazedude

  1. Ah, good times! Congratulations to Kunal for all his hard work, and excellent composition. Hopefully this will lead to more game scoring opportunities for ya dude.

    Oh, and since people are asking... yes, I helped a tiny bit. I wrote the intro script (done deliberately to be retro, campy, and ridiculous), and provided the voice of the general, while Norg brought in a hilarious 50s-style President voice. All in all it was a lot of fun.

    Enjoy the game, enjoy the music; oh, and try to get to the ice stage so you can familiarize yourself with the track I remixed. :)

  2. Ooh... me likes the IT personally (as I still use trackers).

    And, let's see if I can convert this to a MIDI quick-like... it'll probably be pretty messy given the chops and volume effects necessary to make chips cool, and won't have the pitch bends and stuff... but will it help people decipher the notes? I hope so.


    And yes, this track is quite insane... may have to try my hand at this with some equal insanity.

  3. This project was a blast to put together, and hearing it in its entirety here, I freakin' love every moment of it. Even though I heard this came together every step of the way along with all the WIPs, I've put the finished product on loop here for the past several hours, and it's still an amazing listen.

    Recipe for an amazing remix project:

    1. Take a whole bunch of talented remixers

    2. Put them at each other's throats so they really have to ramp up the talent

    3. Enjoy the result!

  4. For shame, all you self promoters. Posting your own websites. Geesh. C'mon.

    Anyways, there are plenty of amazing remixes that aren't on OCR here: http://www.mazedudemusic.com


    But seriously, don't forget the following:

    http://thesmashbrothers.com - kickass EP on there



    And the Retro Remix Revue work on iTunes is pretty awesome too - http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/retro-remix-revue-vol-2/id330888824

    - Mazedude

  5. Hey all, and Happy New Year. My friend Brynner (my co-remixer on the Fallout 3 arrangement) has asked me to spread the word regarding his new album; for a while there it was only available for sale via iTunes and Amazon and such, but enough time has passed now that he's got the entire thing up on his website for free. And I know how much everyone here loves free music. :)

    That said, if you're into industrial music, you may enjoy "Turning the Page", available here: http://thesovernty.com.

    Have fun and be safe,


  6. Every few years or so I decide to revamp my music site... mainly because I keep getting better at site design and programming. Those who follow have seen that it was "coming soon" for a while there in 2010; well consider the revamp finished and online!


    Lots of new goodies since the last incarnation; classic features like "compare to the original" are in place, but new ones like "The Mazedude News" and groovy social networking have been added as well. And of course, hours of music to enjoy.

    Had to put this puppy together in bits and pieces, so feel free to e-mail me if you see any typos, broken links, etc. Otherwise, have fun and enjoy the tunes!

  7. Well, there are a few that I've done, let's see...

    Sagat's theme - Street Fighter 2 (Sagat's Moonbike)

    Microscope puzzle music - The 7th Guest (Microscopism)

    Hotslug Ice - Missile Master (listen at www.mazedudemusic.com)

    Mother Brain - Super Metroid (stay tuned for Heroes vs. Villains)

    As to the originals, Jack Wall's music to Myst IV: Revelation has some unusual time sigs, specifically the Main Theme and the Swamp theme. Good stuff, just haven't had a chance to remix it yet. :)

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