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Posts posted by Mazedude

  1. Ah dude. Congrats. Marriage is quite excellent. I recommend it.

    Advice, you say? Well alright, here's some adult advice that should help. Keep the sex interesting. Don't get trapped in any sort of routine or pattern - rather, continue trying new things. Try all the positions. Do it in every room of the house. Tie eachother up. Do it in the shower. And the list goes on. :)

    It's said that marriage can be the end of your sex life. But it's also said that marriage can be the start of an absolutely sensational sex life. So do it right.

  2. I love this track, have since I heard the first WIP. I remember back when I used to think of Dhsu as "that guy who does piano mixes". Then he really impressed me with his track on "No Balls, No Glory", and has just continued to improve from there. And while Mustin has always been versatile, his production and mastering skills have only gotten better with time, as this track shows.

    And I highly recommend the album to anyone; it's probably the best compilation project I've been a part of, and there have been a LOT. So go buy it. Great work all around by all the Bad Dudes.

  3. On a personal note, I also gotta say that this is one of the best albums/projects I've been a part of. And I've been part of a LOT. Most of them I'm not able to listen to straight through over and over, but this one, hell yeah. It flows awesomely, the production is tight, and there's enough variety genre-wise to keep it interesting. Highly recommended to all, and I'm not just saying that cause I'm on it.

    And I second Bladiator's comment - spread the word folks! Enough people buy this, we cover our costs, and then we're able to make another one. Otherwise, we can't say for sure what the future will hold.

  4. The source tune isn't THAT bad... the buildup was very off-putting when playing the game, which worked perfectly for Map 30. And plus it's a Doom tune, so you can't expect great sweeping melodies and so on. :)

    As one who has also remixed this theme, I say kickass job! Excellent use of sound effects from the game, fun interpretation of the material, and badass production in general. Good work.

  5. I helped make "James Bond: Quantum of Solace" if ya want to play that... I took the time to beat it too and had fun. Also "Star Wars: the Force Unleashed" was alright. And I second the praise on Bioshock, I just beat that a few nights ago.

    Glad other people are mentioning "Heavenly Sword" too, I just bought it but haven't played it yet.

  6. I remember getting to Mike Tyson on the original Mike Tyson's Punch Out, and actually getting on a roll and staying alive (which in itself was tough at that young age). Then the rest of the family comes home; they had picked up Kentucky Fried Chicken on the way home from wherever and it was dinner time.

    "Time to eat!" comes the call.

    "Hold on, I'm beating Mike Tyson!" I replied.

    And then the pressure was on. The entire family sat down and watched me play. With sweaty palms and my heart beating 200 beats a minute, I played.

    And I won. First time ever I beat Mike Tyson, and I beat the game.

    ... and then we ate chicken. :)

  7. Wow, well very nice to meet you too, Jimmy aka Big Giant Circles. I was bummed when I read the earlier post before MAGFest saying you were going to have to sit this one out, so it was a nice surprise to see ya there.

    And how many others here agree that bLind and Jade are like, the perfect couple? They just seem truly made for eachother. Of course, the same could be said for Zircon and Pixietricks, getting all lovey dovey on the OCR panel in front of everybody. :)

    It was also a huge surprise to run into Tommy again, as well as Grant from RARE and the others. To have the guy who wrote the music to Goldeneye look at ya at say "I love your stuff" is just beyond awesome. It's also a great indication that the community in general is branching out from fans only, and slowly merging with the professional world as well. Heck, HD Remix proves that too. Who knows what 2009 will hold?

    And indeed, major kudos to Brendan. We all appreciate your hard work man.

  8. I too am exhausted, but in a good way because I had such an amazing time. I got to meet so many people that I wasn't expecting to, made a ton of new friends, and just had a blast with the events. I was surprised at how non-stop it was... from one panel directly to another, to an interview, to a concert, then another concert, barely any time for food, very little sleep... man. Good stuff.

    I'm also rather surprised that I was put on the spot so much; this year I deliberately went with the attention of just chilling in the audience and enjoying the shows... then suddenly I'm on the OCR panel, getting interviewed by Larry, playing HD Remix in front of a full room of staring eyes, battling X-Strike, Taucer and AE with my uber-rusty Capoeira skills, drawing blanks in front of everyone in Name That Tune... phew!

    The only downside was the painfully long ride home.

  9. Bwuhaha, another Bayou Billy mix! Sweet. Aw man, this mix brought a BIG smile to my face, and when that's involuntary it's a clear indication of great music. I also owned this game back in the day, so the nostalgia this brings out is great. Great musicianship, excellent production, sweet instrumentation, and I LOVE those timbales.

    Might I also mention that there was one magical day in my youth where I got entirely in the zone and actually BEAT the game? So I do recognize both tunes referenced in there. :)

  10. Escariot... huh? Every event that I've said for sure I'll be at I went to.

    Regardless, meet me at M7. :)

    Taucer - dude, I'm so out of shape right now... I'll have to try to squeeze in some serious workout time if you want to have another flip-off. I do have some new tricks to blow your mind, but I'm very rusty, heh.

  11. Well, I haven't been able to make it to any MAGFests since the very first one, but... it's looking like I'll be able to make it this year. :)

    Can't say 100% for sure, and I know I won't be able to be there for New Years Eve, but I can probably show up New Years Day some time and hang out for a few days. I hope it works out; a lot of y'all I haven't met in person yet, could be fun. :)

  12. Highly recommended, especially if you weren't able to attend The OneUps Live in person a couple years back. My personal favorites: Airman, Metroid Title BGM, Vega, SMB2 Underground, and... the bonus track. :)

    I received the CD a few days ago and have already listened several times.

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