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Posts posted by psychowolf

  1. I'm british it's not my country, ergo i have no power to stop or change SOPA, all i can do is sign online petitions and stuff like that which never does much to begin with.

    Are you american jack? if so you can change this.

    all us non-american's can only bring knowledge of it and hope the american's are sorting it out.

    If this was in my country yes i would do something to try and fix the mess but its not i'm afraid.

  2. My god you lot are complaining about jack?

    Would of thought he'd have been given the boot by now,

    The sopa act was the topic not wether being a prick to people because they went to university and "think" they know better then others.

    Back on track about it, the way i see it now that sopa has been raised to awareness it will only be a matter of time till the goverment bring up some sort of law for pirating copyrighted material.

    All you can hope for is that the law is well defined and written well enough that stuff such as parody or as this site does, give tribute to the original piece wont be effected.

  3. Personally being a big metal gear fan to me the whole trailer looked like a bayonetta clone,

    I mean picking up a metal gear ray and slicing it to pieces?

    and the dialogue was pure urgh... what is this a samurai film?

    I got into the metal gear series for the great story, this trailer showed none of that.

    I will wait to see later how it turns out, but so far i'm unimpressed.

  4. This remix rips from Electric Eye. Go and listen.

    I will reiterate what others have already told you.

    ok the part you mention 2.05 in your link correct?

    Ok now go to here

    here http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=S0Qu2eSjepw#t=200s

    Perhaps you'l realize once again that you are wrong in this aspect.

    Beside this i love this remix, pretty much the entire reason i started checking out other remixes beside sonic games.

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