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Posts posted by psychowolf

  1. An amazing first mix.

    This solo piano performance actually captures the feeling i get when playing the majora's mask.

    Which is a overwhelming feeling of both doom and sadness for the impending moon coming towards us.

    The combination of all the different themes is actually incredible because of how seemless it was.

    Great work there Daybreaker can't wait to hear many more mixes from you.

  2. I had trouble hearing the similarity at first.

    I can see how it is similar style-wise but I was trying to listen to the notes and I just didn't "feel" the similarity between the two.

    Same here, but the way the 2 melodies are approached seems different, its like someone thought they should do a less skilled acoustic version of the song.

    To be fair musicians steal melodies and riffs off each other all the time.

    Disney will most likely get away with doing this.

    I seriously doubt anamanaguchi has the money to go down the legal route and sue disney.

  3. Welp i thought I'd help bring to you guys attention about Ben's new E.P four.Songs


    I know the twitter mentioned it but i thought i'd include a thread to spread it to those that don't use twitter.

    I am also spreading the news about it due to the fact that Ben is in a financial bind as far as i'm aware due to being made redundant from his work.

    So if you like what you hear chuck a few dollars his way.

    Also this can be a thread to taunt ben if you so wish :P

    Ben, good luck with the job hunt bro.

    And keep up the awesome sounds :D

  4. First thing i noticed was the satriani reference and then noticed it was BGM2 from silver surfer which in my eyes had one of the greatest rock soundtracks in the 8bit to the 32 bit era.

    Needless to say i love this remix.

    from the spacey style opening (still referencing surfing i guess?)

    to the breakdown around the minute mark where there's solo's aplenty.


    you sir's have made my day :D thanks

  5. I will reference rock songs mainly with mine.

    .break downs where the music goes from intense to a lull perfect example from The Count of Tuscany

    .Random comedy chords

    .Dubbing from a different media, like a movie quotes

    .Meaningful lyrics, examples of bad ones usually use the words "Club" "DJ" "Bass"

    .Interesting melodies to keep me interested in the song

    .The musician showing off their skills with intricate melodies.


  6. I have only a few bands/artists that i listen to anymore so i will suggest giving them a go

    First off would be Rush:

    Second band would have to be Dream theater: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH_9lJxeiXg

    next are some 2 french guys the world knows as daft punk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjli3hj0ZkM

    Annnd finally is joe satriani:

    Wish i could provide more piano and electronic style music but i'm a die hard rock fan.

    if you wish to go all electronica/house music on everyone i'd suggest giving deadmau5 a go too:

    Hope you give my bands a look and find something to fit your tastes.

  7. I would make fun like the rest of you guys but personally i am kinda interested in how much compatibility this program has with many different type of files and formats.

    The only issue i see is a lack of compatibility with vista being listed.

    Not everyone was lucky to buy a PC when windows 7 came out and got stuck with vista.

    If you haven't already i suggest creating compatibility with both vista and mac's as well.

    and good luck with competing with the already well established winamp you'l need it. (hence why if you get it compatible with both vista and macs you'l have more of a fighting chance)

  8. I would rant but i'm not going to, you all have your guilty pleasures.

    Will i promote this kickstarter and donate to it?


    Infact i was considering starting up a kickstarter that will stop all kickstarters, all i need is enough money to buy the kickstarter company itself to close it down.

    That'd cost about a couple million.

    who wants to donate?

    Dont take this too seriously i was kidding, but lets face it here, kickstarters are everywhere nowadays aren't they?

  9. Congratulations :D

    Let us know whether its a boy or a girl :3

    Got any ideas for names yet? or is it too early yet?

    I wish you two the best during this time, i have had close friends all have kids so i can kinda understand what's in store for you but(i'm still single so i don't know first hand i'm afraid :/), i know you'l enjoy it anyway :3

    Good Luck with all the pregnancy stuff :D

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