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Posts posted by psychowolf

  1. Sup people

    hot pink and mirby forced me to finally introduce myself (i hate introductions >.<)

    Real names karl as a few may guess, other online handles include psychowolf11 and killer2099, real original i know right?

    "Psych is a professional rodeo clown. He enjoys daytime soap operas, meeting chickens at the petting zoo, and making fried eggs for all his meals. His favorite game is Sims 2. His favorite TV show is Alf. His favorite movie is Pretty Woman."

    I'm pretty much a fanboy of you guys and your remixes, i have zero talent in music, but i do have a deviant art where i upload drawings i do (i'm sure you'l be able to find it if you look hard enough)

    I am a total nerd, i like comics, scifi movies and cartoons/anime

    and the obvious games

    pretty much

  2. I believe they mean online publishing or perhaps actual CD publishing, as stated remixing isn't exactly original material, without the original source publisher/creators permission lawsuits could and most likely would occur, however if OCR were to make a label to sell original content such as protodomes Bluenoise album or zircons Antigravity album, that would be great and i would endorse that idea, of course now with the internet we have no need for publishers or record labels so even that idea is flawed, why 'fix' what isn't broke?

  3. Congratulations guys on a staggeringly awesome album.

    This album took me 2 days to listen to due to so many songs.

    First of all i gotta agree with kyle below about Cyril the wolf in crushing gravity, dude i gotta say when i heard that scream, it blew me out of my chair, i was stunned, well done sir.

    There's many great songs from this album but the greatest thing about this album is that it includes remixers who don't seem to have any posted remixes on OCR, such as BONKERS, ergosonic and M-H who i know from DoD, as well as those who seem to be newcomers such as washudoll, krow, brandon snell and devastus.

    As for the use of soundclips, i personally feel they add to the songs

    This albums greatest achievement however is bringing the plaid muffins back together, guys you don't realize how additive that song is, i end up randomly singing it at work.

    All in all a great album all round, so great that it makes me want to go through the entire series, to experience it myself, and to me that is a mark of a truly inspiring remix album.

  4. Hello everyone,This is my first real thread due to not having anything to declare really.

    That is till now.

    I noticed on my facebook that Dominic Cerquetti, who many of you may know from MAGfest posted this on his facebook page

    "Esteemed friend and member of the Magfest crew, DAC, is currently battling cancer and searching for a bone marrow transplant. YOU CAN HELP! For the next week, our album on http://rarecandyband.bandcamp.com/ is now $5 and all proceeds raised til April 8th will go towards helping DAC find a bone marrow match. NBD. Visit http://oneupfordac.com/ for more info on helping this fine dapper gentlemen battle cancer and WIN."

    and the description on DAC's webpage is this:

    "Be My Perfect Match!

    Hey there, I'm Dac (well, that's my nickname, which comes from David A Croach). Back in January, I started feeling pretty run down and tired all the time, so I went to my local doctor to get checked.

    The night of my appointment, my doctor called me back with the news that I had leukemia, and instructions to get myself to a hospital immediately. After mentally refusing that as a possibility (I mean, I was just tired!), I made it to UPMC in Pittsburgh where they confirmed the bad news.

    A couple months and three inductions of chemotherapy later, my doctors say my best chance is for a perfect-match bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, neither my family nor the national registry has a perfect match donor for me, so I'm calling out for help. Be my perfect match, and help others in the process!"

    Now I'm sure many of you may have perhaps met him during MAGfest

    and i thought that you guys would be willing to help save his life, If not by getting your marrow tested but at least buying the album.

    Thanks for reading this.

  5. Well seeing as someone has reopened this thread, i had an idea of combining bass guitar with chiptune, basically got the idea from the sonic generations credits and thought perhaps someone with the skills of either would like to try this idea out.

    Thats pretty much all i had in mind :P

  6. I loved ska buffet and as soon as i saw the name on the trailer i got really cyked for this song.

    When i first heard i was first disappointed it wasn't LuIzA on vocals again (personally prefer female vocals) but then got over that quick with how great the song turned out anyway.

    Good work guys :D hope to see the plaid muffins return for more songs.

  7. I use the Sansa clip 8gb worked well for the last 3 years or so without much issue with it at all (apart from when tracks appear in the wrong order >.<)


    This thing is about the size of a gba cartridge but abit wider

    Been dropped more times then i can remember and no problem.

    Worth checking out if you just need a simple mp3 player that can take a good beating.

    it wont work with certain file types but works with wma,mp3 and flac so i'm sure thats good enough.

    And it was cheaper then the ipod of the same gb size.

  8. Ok i did what i promised i would and bought the album dude

    (turned out to actually be £1.30... who'd have thought) 8)

    I just started up the missingno album before hand so i shall check it out after that.

    Zero- G was pretty awesome album so i am expecting to be as awesome as the first one.

    Edit after listening to it: Man this album is so chill, now i know which album to go to for my next chill out session, money well worth spent in my view :D

  9. Gotta love composer-wankage

    Unless its actual wankage then nah i'm good thanks.

    Sam i love your remixes dude and your skills on the piano are amazing, i believe what was being put across was "if you have the talent to show them what you can really do then why not" and if it helps the music integrity of the piece then great which in most cases it does.

    Some people see it as showing off, others see it as expanding the original musical integrity of a track.

    Personally I'm amazed this thread has been going strong for this long you guys.

  10. Personally i'm loving this thread cause its bringing to light chiptune songs i probably wouldn't of stumbled across and artists i haven't fully heard about.

    You guys can argue all you want but the truth is people write music to be heard correct?

    Consider my ears open :3

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