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Everything posted by SilvernixSP

  1. I'm guessing that Wily stage 1 in Mega Man 2 will be the final round
  2. Lol, poor Drake, I did understand all the first time I read the post, It's not complicated, people are looking way to far and are missing the Big Picture. Wait for when prophetic start to lose... (It's a joke prophetic)
  3. Well nice job, I think you have a slow start, like SuperiorX said, your intro is long with the same beat repeating. The piece is smooth and relaxing, but I prefer the version of SuperiorX.
  4. Well SuperiorX, Nice job, I like it alot. You blend the 2 theme together so good its unbelivable. Never thought Quick Man can be this good in a mix and really match Flash Man. Love the instrument and the sounds effect you use from the game in the mix. A+, Instant Fav.
  5. Wow that's a great idea you got there Darke, I'm gonna look foward for this.
  6. You can post your song 2 or 3 days after him, its not like in the real contest, so you can take your time and put everything in it. I think everyone will agreed with this, we prefer a good quality song than something rush.
  7. I think he was saying something like a mouth...
  8. LOL, that's what I'm thinking about my mix.
  9. I'm still working on mine, din't have much time, I'm near half done. Hope I will be able to finish for friday.
  10. That's was not my intention, I have correct this in the main page.
  11. Thanks Zerothemaster, I was away, I just look up at the news, gonna upload the title pic tomorrow, I don't have time right now, but I'm still in, I din't forget you. I din't even finish listening to the great album of MM9 that just appear on OCRemix, and you guys forget about Concrete Man... Son, You disappointed me. Cya laters
  12. Ok, I said that I din't really want to come back on my Flashing Sky mix, but I did something really quick in it. So I was wandering, If you guys think this version is better, considering I only remove my 2 track playing at the same time for most of the mix, and switch some stuff, only made the modification in like 5 minute, so I know their some place where the music is like cut and I also din't touch the instrument to fit them... like I said, its a quick test. http://soundcloud.com/silvernixsp/flashing-sky-quick-testing By the way, I din't start my Astro mix yet, din't really have time to do so but I have start to make some research to improve my skill's.
  13. lol, if you want, go ahead.
  14. How did you shortcut the link of the song??? Im a little noob in forum stuff.
  15. MM8, sorry for forgetting to mentioning it, and yea good idea, I will do this now...
  16. It's look like people are really busy, or they just don't know about this thread... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! I'll be your opponnent, but this time, give me a few weeks and Im going with Astro Man, so, I'm gonna wait for your answer if you agreed to remix Astro Man Vs. Search Man.
  17. Well, I'm really busy, and if people don't agreed each other to remix with their opponnents, I can't do shit against that... I'm gonna pick someone soon, If I can find some time in my schedule, was thinking of rearranging my Flashing Sky mix, but don't feel like it, just gonna improve with some tip on the internet and apply them for my next mix... see you guys soon, I Hope:grin:
  18. mmm, lets make a top 5... No.5 WillRock vs. Main finger No.4 prophetik vs. WillRock No.3 TheGuitarHeroe vs. Gario No.2 Hylian Lemon vs PrototypeRaptor and finaly the No.1 Neblix vs. WillRock, yup that was really hard for me, took me a while to decided. Bonus round: What was your favorite track in the contest? Mine was And This is the Way We Crash the Party. Edit: In 3 of the 5 match, there's WillRock, Glory to you friend, you really deserve it!
  19. OK, thanks all for the review, I'm really busy so I can't work on this now, but at least, I'm still alive and have read what you guys have mark... You guys are pro, finding all my problem so easy. And yes, one of my big problem is that I have trouble switching the key from the original(nostalgia maybe?). When I try to do this, I always end up with something even worst, because My Real MAIN problem is I don't know witch or what instruments to use when I'm remixing. I'm always changing instruments because I don't have a style or have something in mind for this... or maybe just don't have the pack of instrument I need... I never research for this. Anyway, guess I will have to put much time and effort if I want something better than this... Question: It may be stupid but, when you guys remixing, are you always starting with the drums, or you start with another instrument and put the drums after?
  20. Just a reminder, for more remix in an exhibition match, we are in this link, http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36083
  21. Sir, you win with this argument. WillRock have good point,but I really like your idea and opinion about having in-depth constructive feedback and if people really want, they can also post for which version they prefer. So, with this... http://soundcloud.com/silvernixsp/silvernixsp-flashing-sky-air Tell me what you guys think, can't wait to ear your version Geeky
  22. 1. Well yes!, this will not be as professional as DarkeSword but I was thinking of oppenning a thread with the link for the songs in it, and people will be able to vote in the thread 2. Same rule as GRMRB, but since we're doing this for fun, you may take a Staroids, if your opponent agreed to remix it with you, I don't really mind. What I'm saying is, we're doing this for practice, so basically, you can do whatever you want but, I think the more closer you are with the rules, the better it will be.
  23. Well, I'm done. I may recheck my song before saturday, but it's mostly done. Prepare yourself Geeky, This time, I have learned from my mistake in Hard Breathe, there's less instruments that play the same notes, less instruments that sound the same, less medley style and more remix style. I can already tell some issues in my song, but I wonder what the critic will be this time. I'm progressing and this song is way better and catchy that my first round. EDIT: What is funny is when I join the competition and take Air Man, I was like, "This gonna be hard remixing Air Man" but even if it will be harder with him, I take him anyway. When it's more harder, you learn faster. That's how it work for me. I got more difficulty remixing my own robot master than remixing my opponnents.
  24. Don't know if you miss a title but this is really amazing.
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