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Everything posted by SilvernixSP

  1. That's some stuff I never think about, I diffitively going to look over this. Really intereseting feedback, I'm gonna check for this when I will be back at home. That should explain a lot of why at some point, my music was not sounding the same from when I start, was wondering why. Oh! really, I never think to have a problem with my drums
  2. so Darke, is there any drop for this Zero round
  3. I'm getting tired, only sleep 3 hours from last night, so I submit my song to, if I ever woke up earlier, I may work on it some more.
  4. You have to upload for 2 reason, first, I'm not an opponent do be fear off, you can easily beat me and for second, I won't accept winning by default, so upload what you got
  5. I'm sure he will start this saturday or next one, oh and Darke, will you just post the X bracket, so that way, those in the Zero one will not be able to start earlier and also, this will keep some suspend.
  6. oups your right, gonna change it now
  7. I was wandering how many maverick were pick in each games, so here the list: 7 in MMX: Flame Mammoth Armored Armadillo Chill Penguin Sting Chameleon Storm Eagle Boomer Kuwanger Spark Mandrill 7 in MMX2: Flame Stage Overdrive Ostrich Magna Centipede Bubble Crab Crystal Snail Wire Sponge Wheel Gator 5 in MMX3: Blast Hornet Toxic Seahorse Volt Catfish Blizzard Buffalo Crush Crawfish 5 in MMX4: Slash Beast Storm Owl Blizzard Wolfang Frost Walrus Magma Dragoon 2 in MMX5: Cressent Grizzly Spike Rosered 4 in MMX6: Blaze Heatnix Shieldner Sheldon Rain Turtloid Infinity Mijinion 1 in MMX7: Vanishing Gungaroo 1 in MMX8: Optic Sunflower Hope I'm gonna go against Zerothemaster cause he din't finish is match with me in the GRMRB Exhibition Match, my revenge of Cut Man maverick will make paper dolls out of you.
  8. It would be really kool if we get pit against each other in the competition.

  9. I din't get the time to improve myself but if at the end there's not enough contestants, I'm in. 1. Crush Crawfish 2. Blast Hornet 3. Magna Centipede 4. Web Spider 5. Armored Armadillo
  10. For MMX6, I prefer Blaze Heatnix, after it's Infinity Mijinion. If I have to go by game, it would be something like this: MMX1: Armored Armadillo (hard choice here) MMX2: Flame Stag (another hard choice) MMX3: Gravity Beetle (still another hard choice) MMX4: Magma Dragoon (is there a game with no hard choice) MMX5: Izzy Glow (cause X vs Zero din't count) MMX6: Blaze Heatnix MMX7: Stage select or Sigma 1st form (I don't like MMX7 Maverick music but I will go with Flame Hyenard) MMX8: Secret boss Cut Man, , Jakob Stage (same problem as MMX7 so I will go with Dark Mantis)
  11. Hey Darke, when I click the link, it said round 8 to download, so its round 9 in the zip files or you f%&^* the link
  12. I just finish to listen to the tracks of this weeks and I really want to say this right now, The Return of Gangsta Man remind me a lot of Banjo-Kazooie, don't know if its intentional but EDIT: Great music by the way, I really like it.
  13. Thanks, Merry Xmas you to and let make that match for next year.

  14. Wow, I would have never found it, this is awesome.
  15. Every weeks, voting become more and more hard to vote, you guys are too great. Most of the time I don't like video games music with lyrics in it cause most of the time I don't like how the singer sing but in this compo, damn, ATM, this week, you break the records, this is one of my favorite song so far, good job!
  16. god donut, why every week its so hard to make my top 3, I always got 5 or 6 tracks that I love and it's always a big dilemma to choose,aarrrgggg...
  17. Wow, thanks for the info, music theory would help a lot I'm sure of it but, I still got some difficulty will all the words in english I don't know yet, and I never study in music, I start remixing just because of the GRMRB competition on OC cause I'm a big fan of Mega Man music, well anything from MM in general but anyway.... but I find this rely interesting, It's an new hobby I got on the side, but who knows a far I can get.
  18. Thanks I really appreciate what you said, I'm gonna check what I can do, but there's something I was wondering, how can I find the key signature of a song and change is key. I know what the key signature are, but beside that, I know nothing and it looks like all the mix I have done so far have this big problem. For the second point, yea, I always got this kind of problem, like I said in a early post, I'm always switching instrument, can past more than 1 hours only searching for instruments that can fit, and finally get something, decent or just ok... but I think this problem will get solve with time and practice, I will revisit this song for fun, looking at what I can do. And finaly, the 3rd point, well, that was the part that I try to put some kind of background melody and fail miserably. I know I'm getting better and it's a relief.
  19. Happy Thanksgiving! Check out another Mega Man song at the GRMRB 2011 Exhibition Match http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36083
  20. And finaly I present to you Astro Comet Discovered. I try to add some (background melody into it) but fail miserably, since I already have to much instrument and sounds, its was more like some weird noise than a melody, so I cut it out and will try this another time. Hope you guys will enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving!
  21. Well, I'm almost done with it, this week or next, I will upload my remix. I know your in the competition so you don't have to worry about releasing your remix yet. Anyway, here we can take the time we want. Even if I think I got more lazy one this track... I think it's my best so far... I'm leveling up!
  22. It sure look like this... so, what's happening, are you the only one left in the team, and did someone replace Emunator in the Hard Men team? EDIT: Maybe you will replace Emunator and you guy's will become the Hard Skull Men... Well, I'm just saying, I don't know if Darke will agree with this
  23. @WillRock, seriously dude, I really love your Air Man part in your music but I was wandering what kind of under story I don't know to call your music Air Man in a G-String
  24. That I was wondering to, if we pick like 3 of the most favorite song, rank them all, most fav. to the least fav. anyway can't wait to hear those mix tonight.
  25. Yea, I'm still on, I was working on it this week, so I don't know when it will be finish but I'm trying to do something good... well like I said I'm trying...
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