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Everything posted by SilvernixSP

  1. I have start 2 days ago, but din't really put enouf time on in yet, I'm like 1/4 done. Great! I wonder if you're going to pick Dive Man...
  2. Well, at first I was thinking of we keep the robot master we got in the compo until next year when DarkeSword will give us our next robot master, but while rethinking it, if someone want to change I don't really mind because if prophetik or WillRock join up after their final, I think they will change since they have remix their robor master more than 5 time... EDIT: I'm glad too
  3. Well, why not, just pick your robot master and challenge Crash Man Edit: If you can, pick someone that haven't been taken yet
  4. Nice, Welcome and don't worry, we actually don't have a time limit or whatsoever. Me and Geeky Stoner will start soon and try to do it in one week, but if life get in the way and we finish 2 days later, It's not a big deal here since we're doing this for fun.
  5. OBJECTION!!! Why end this now, we can have a few friendly match before next year and that is why the GRMRB 2011 Exhibition Match have just been create. Just post in there to get a match up. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=797219#post797219
  6. Introduction After the excitement of the Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2011, some other musicians decided to form the GRMRB: Exhibition Matches, to create loads of MASSIVE BEATS, THUMPING BASSES, CRUNCHIN' GUITARS, AND OTHER SIMILAR EPIC SOUNDING INSTRUMENTS to hold us over until the next Mega Man Remix Battle! Current News Match #4: SilvernixSP vs. Zerothemaster has almost finished! Check out the Match Index for the songs. UPCOMING MATCHES Geeky Stoner vs. Mr. L (Flash Man vs. Burst Man) MATCH INDEX Match #1: SilvernixSP vs. Geeky Stoner (Air Man vs. Flash Man) SilvernixSP Remix: Flashing Sky Geeky Stoner Remix: Flares Match #2: chroxic vs. zach72 (Jewel Man vs. Drill Man) chroxic Remix: J & R's Epic Adventure zach72 Remix: Just A Day In The Mines Match #3: SuperiorX vs. Geeky Stoner (Quick Man vs.Flash Man) SuperiorX Remix: Witness My Quickness Geeky Stoner Remix: TimeWarp Match #4: SilvernixSP vs. Zerothemaster (Astro Man vs. Search Man) SilvernixSP: Astro Comet Discovered Remixers who may be Challenged: SilvernixSP (Astro Man) Taken, vs. Zerothemaster Chernabogue (Crash Man) Geeky Stoner (Flash Man) Taken, vs. Mr. L Zerothemaster (Search Man) Taken, vs. SilvernixSP SuperiorX (Quick Man) chroxic (Jewel Man) zach72 (Drill Man) Mr. L (Burst Man) Taken, vs. Geeky Stoner FAQ How does it work? You, the remixer, choose any Robot Master from Mega Man 1-6 (NES), Mega Man 7 (SNES), Mega Man 8 (PSX), Mega Man 9-10 (DLC), Mega Man and Bass (SNES/GBA), Mega Man Powered Up (PSP), or Mega Man II and V (GB). This does not need to be your only RM, you may change as much as you like. Remixers will have an agreed on amount of time to write a "VS. Remix;" that is to say, a remix featuring the themes of their own Robot Master and their opponent's Robot Master. We do not have a public voting period. Leave a comment or an in-depth constructive feedback. You can also post for which version you prefer. So do I just pick a Robot Master? Is it first-come-first-served? You may choose any RM from the previously listed games, and you can change in between matches. When does it start? When two remixers agree to start. I'm not a remixer but I want to take part somehow. What can I do to help? We need sigs and artwork and stuff, so if you're good with the Photoshops, that'd be a big help. What about Mega Man X/Legends/Battle Network/Zero/ZX? This tournament is limited to the the main Classic series games. Can I be Dr. Wily/Dark Man/Dr. Cossack/Mr. X? Those guys aren't Robot Masters, so no, sorry. No intro stages either.
  7. or remix someone that was not taken yet, you know, someone like, Gyro Man, Search Man, Centaur Man, Crystal Man, Cloud Man or even worst... I challenge YOU to take Clown Man for the next year.
  8. $h!t, Main Finger have been eliminate... oh well, no prophetik vs. Main Finger for the final. But hey, great job anyway. I Grats Willrock for advancing, but I hope a match between prophetik and Neblix now XD. Im not hating you Willrock, don't get me wrong here, Your really good, but for now, I prefer Main Finger or Neblix, maybe in the next match you will get my vote, we never know...
  9. I hope for a final between prophetik and Main Finger. I'm impress on how prophetik rearrange Spring Man theme in such a good way, those are some good skill's. Main Finger, I really like your song man, easly one of the top out there, at least, for me, your one of the best. In every match, I have always vote for both of you, so if you guys make it happen, It will be hard to vote. Proto Man side are impresive, so much win everywhere, its amazing. Everyone, or almost everyone in this tournament rock so much, I cannot wait for the next GRMRB. Edit: and of course see the result of this one.
  10. And you guys ROCK the HOUSE, seriously, this round was amazing, great job everyone!
  11. We're at 4 people disqualified in the Mega Man bracket. I guess we can't go against life but I'm a little disappointed, winning without a challenge, It's like racing alone. I will not complain that I din't get anyway luck in the match up. It's just look so wierd that half of the second round wins by default. Anyways, grats to all that have submit something, that's all I have to say.
  12. This is exactly why I din't have difficulty voting for prophetik. Sorry, that's my opinion.
  13. Ok I respect your choice, you have your reasons. Im gonna ask around, in PM, if someone want to go against me for fun, to practice, before the next GRMRB 2012. Im just gonna take my revenge next year, that's all. By the way, I was not trying to complicated thing, I just love competition and just want to improve my mix, style and have fun. Thanks everyone.
  14. Well, if we look at the bracket, we can already tell some winners and with who their gonna fight next round. Exemple: Hylian Lemon vs. PrototypeRaptor. So, basically, losers have to fight each other. Exemple: SilvernixSP vs. BlackPanther. If you losses a second time, then its all over for you. That way, everyone got once last chance. Edit: Oh, and this will have no effect on the tournament, its not like, if you win your revenge, you came back in the tournament, its just, like a tournament for the losers... a second chance, that's it
  15. DarkeSword, I was wondering if we gonna get a revenge rounds and how it will works. I eared the critique and I want a rematch, I still want to mix and learn. Im not done, I want a rematch. REmatch. REmatch. REvenge. REvenge. Im sure Im not the only one thinking this.
  16. True, never underestimate your opponent's, you never know what may happen's.
  17. Done, hope Im gonna beat Hylian Lemon. Impatient to ear his mix if it beat's mine or not. If I pass to the second round, man, there's a high chance im going against PrototypeRaptor. The party's just getting started.
  18. Same here, Im done but Im not submitting yet, I still hate my ending...
  19. ok... h...h...her I go yea, I know, shame on me, lol
  20. Took me 9 hours and my mix is 5:29 min, and you know what, I HATE It... but Im not finish, many sounds I still have to work on it. I dont know if I should cut some part of my song since its very long...
  21. Well, you know the drill, you have 3 option, buy the full version, hack the full version or start all over with another program.
  22. Look up in the Sky, Its a bird, Its a plane, No Its Air Man Bitch and I hope Your Prepare!!! Thanks for the signature and I cant wait to see my opponent, hope it will not be Spring Man, I dont want to do an happy or porno song:tomatoface:...
  23. Oh man, I cant wait to see the result of Darke, hope we get the answer today.
  24. Almost, you put 2 Solar Man, and no flip coin have been made... 1. Cyril the Wolf - Solar Man 20. Devastus - Solar Man But its pretty close to what we gonna have, almost everyone will have their first robot master, only Solar Man, Napalm Man, Crash Man, Quick Man and Flash Man will need to be random leave.
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