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Everything posted by Ptazza

  1. I liked using Deathblow with added attack. Miss? No problem have a regular attack, otherwise CRIT with a chance for another attack that may CRIT. Though man W-iteming to Elixir any damage sounds abusive
  2. Aww man but I love being Scottish. Still it's good you get to play it, the game plays great. I did the same as you when I played it, borrowed a PSP and Crisis Core from a local pal and played it at night. Still lucky fellah who has 3 PSP's XD

  3. Yep Gilgamesh. Also Tidus ruining Jecht's chances of being a good guy kinda sucked. Since Jecht is amazing.
  4. In Luminous Arc Accidentally went into the final boss with only the main character. Beat him.
  5. In the game's defence...... Based on the premise the characters lose almost ALL their memories (unless they win), and the good guys have been losing for a while. They have to figure out what they are fighting for as that appears to be the key to manifesting a crystal so if you have an issue with that it's more with the plot than anything else. Plus the resetting of memories might explain why their characterisation resets somewhat with only the strongest memories (their enemies) getting through. Though at least Duodecim introduces reports which flesh out characters a bit as they just consist of small side stories for fluff above anything else. Like who Cecil is really a schoolyard prankster who teases Firion saying he has a crush on lightning before promptly trying to hook them up.
  6. Sure could try only problem is I live in Britain, I'm not sure whether the power adapters used are the same here as over in America.

  7. Was asking if the opportunity was still available, way I see it the reward totally outdoes the effort of parting with my PSP for a bit or the cost of flat out buying Crisis Core. Though yeah I don't really get mad at trance or techno, I more or less have a policy of if it's a series I enjoy and it's not TOO repetitive I can get into it. Got a fair few trance tracks and stuff. More than anything I guess it's the...values associated with trance (outside Video game music) that put me off it.

    Though I guess because it's largely synthesised it's easier for people to post remixes that are trance on line! *dons detective cap* Hence the disproportionate amount of Trance/Techno to other music on OCR!

  8. I know right, like everything was perfectly ok, then Faldio had to go and screw everything up. I mean the big bad was powered down and beaten, and the big explosion which threatened everyone after might not have happened if Faldio hadn't gone and dropped the powerful-looking high-tech weapons down a shaft to the engine...
  9. Heheh that's kinda true but bear in mind how limited they were with the likes of, Onion Knight, WoL and Firion and some of those other early games where there wasn't (if any) personality attached to the characters. The personalities also seem inconsistant at times unless they pulled everyone from some point mid-adventure though based on the dialogue and their memories it would seem the character's individual adventures have all concluded by the time of Dissidia. Since the personalities have reverted in some cases, notably Cloud, who definitively recovered a little from his misery and emoness by the end of FFVII but he and Squall seem to have reverted harshly. Anyway my own contribution: Valkyria Chronicles- The ending, specifically Faldio's actions. I won't spoil much of it, but it feels pointless, unnecessary and a cheap way to invoke drama to me what he did.
  10. Brandon Strader? Posting on MY profile? :D

    It's an honour sir thanks for the compliment great big fan of your music, plenty of trance on OCR I find but I prefer the more rock/metal mixes and your last album was pretty incredible.

    By the way have you made any progress on that PSP+Crisis Core issue?

  11. True some folks would say that, but it's actually true in my opinion for XIII-2. The ability to mash X (meaning 'attack') and win should be a privelige won through levelling and power and used to grind/sidequest in weaker areas unless your party is very physically based, even then a good game will give some 'physical abilities' like armour break or mug to break up the monotony a bit. In the XIII series it is all that the game is. I didn't mean you could mash X and win all the time no, the game can be difficult and it killed me a couple times (well XIII-2 didn't but XIII did a few times) but that's not because of mashing X, like I said the difficulty is in planning, with the right paradigms you mash X occasionally L1 and win, there's no real depth outside of the planning. You don't stop to think "Right I need to armour break this enemy, that enemy is immune to anything but fire, perhaps I should blind that enemy because his physical attacks really hurt" you just hit X and the computer lines up the weaknesses/strategies/attacks based on the pre-planned battle formation. In a sense the gameplay is like flicking between channels on TV, to whatever you feel the need to watch/in the mood for, and I just found the gameplay really disengaging. However I did find XIII and XIII-2 especially easy which is in contrast to your findings so *shrug* perhaps it's just a difference of opinion.
  12. Personally I wasn't a fan of XIII's gameplay OR story. I'll admit, mashing X is something I tend to do in FF games eventually, but normally I do it near end-game to grind when I just slam on attack. It's not something I want for my entire game. In XIII battles are won and lost pre-battle where if you have the wrong paradigms you'll just lose and the rest is mashing X. Sure you can input attacks one by one, but the game was designed arounf autobattle and I feel I get outpaced quickly if I try and think about it. Literally the only time I did is when I was synergising because the synergist AI doesn't have a clue what is good for party members. When I simply mash a button or two for an entire game it just gets dull. FFXIII-2's final boss was beat almost exclusively with X since I went Medic Rav Commando. It's not that I hate all the characters of XIII neither, on reflection most of them are ok, I like Vanille, Sazh, Fang and Snow. It's just the game focuses so hard on Lightning who I hated that it just gets dull. The game also hardly explains who anyone is unless you are willing to stop and read the codec every 5 minutes. The first time I found out Jill's name is in the cutscene where she's mentioned by name and killed and yet the flashbacks kept trying to make her out like a big character. The plot also suffers yes, so they want us to destroy this thing but we have no choice because we'll become monsters so lets just shout and bawl until it seems like we are rebelling but in the end we'll just destroy that thing anyway and then everyone will survive despite everything being coated in fire and then crystallised. So yes XIII I felt was a bit awful, X on the otherhand is amazing. It's linear to the point that it tells the story but it gives you optional dungeons and areas and a proper craft system and a minigame that compels you to travel the world looking for players. It's sidequests involve going over the world and to revisit temples, it's secrets are off the beaten path and reward you handsomely. Remember the Calm Lands? It has TWO secret temples with sidequests and rewards branching off of them and a whole racing minigame AND a Capture outpost with a monster arena! A more direct comparison is Gran Pulse, a big field with branching areas (granted the only bit in the game) but the difference is in the content. For it's sheer size there's just not much worthwhile to do. You can go about treasure hunting on a chocobo or you can complete a bunch of battle-missions in the same few areas for limited rewards. There's not enough reason to engage with the world in XIII. Endgame in X you can go anywhere, and even unlock new places and the game gives you good reason to go to these places. That's probably why X feels so much less linear than XIII. At the end of it we feel compelled to explore the world because there is more to find. With XIII by the time you've reached Eden you are more or less done.
  13. Hey Brandon, big fan. *shameless fan moment* Well you didn't intentionally slam it I'm sure but it is a great game with an ending that deserves an oscar so not all the spin offs are bad. For the record I'm also a fan of Dirge of Cerberus even if it had some big gameplay flaws. So far the logic seems to follow that sequels are bad, if not spinoffs, while XIII-2 made...improvements in some places it suffers a bunch of deficits. Though considering the latest one is a spin-off and not XIII-3 that features solely Lightning, a dull drab character who bores me to tears, I'll give it a miss. Square Enix has messed it's fans about lately anyway and I was skeptical about buying XIII-2 anyway so think I'll just give up on supporting the XIII franchise and just wait for something with no trace of Lightning or Hope. The second they release a Sazh/Snow based spinoff though I'd buy it.
  14. Hey requesting a remix of the FFX track "Calm Lands" or "Yuna's Determination" as it's apparently known. A nice peaceful track so a nice ballad or something would compliment it but any style is welcomed.
  15. Hey I just thought I'd make a request for "High Notes" from the original Rayman 1 soundtrack. It's a rather short piece but I've heard the remixers do amazing things before so I have hope they could manage it. Any rendition or Genre is appreciated at this point.
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