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Everything posted by Ptazza

  1. I smell a caption contest.
  2. Personally I think you should just make it a thread for this big Nintendo Direct. So many new releases coming THIS year that are amazing and some are actually really close. Hell the Zelda Oracle games are apparently hitting Eshop at the end of the month. It's impressive they kept so much underwraps, guess this makes up for quiet E3.
  3. Congrats man
  4. Heh that's a pretty neat cameo, specially nice tough how they made a character that looks like Terra to ride it. Though yeah I do wonder if it gets any of the magical attacks it had in 6.
  5. *shrugs* You said "anime" not "this anime" you were making a generalisation. Regarding a parody? Yeah it can be as silly as it wants.
  6. You say that like there's never been a single dignified non-fanservice anime out there.
  7. Wasn't Battlefront III's story that the game Haze was meant to raise money to go toward Battlefront III but then Haze broke the company?
  8. Yeah but this is Kojima, I feel he may try and trick us. Besides if memory serves Fox was Zero's unit for sure and XOF was the unit the burned and scarred dude with the grey skin was pretending to be from. Besides BB is leader of the Diamond Dogs now...if anything there's three factions and seeing how this is an open world game supposedly.... Potentially they may let you side with either faction?
  9. If Foxhound has been established by this point, thanks to Big Boss' and Campbell's investment at the end of Portable Ops then shouldn't Psycho Mantis and crew be on BB's side? Also out of curiosity remind me. FOX was Major Zero's old unit from the virtuous mission yeah? Think that means that FOX will actually be the bad guys in this one and BB will run whatever XOF is?
  10. Err for real?
  11. MASS EFFECT SPOILERS: I disagree, if anything I feel disempowered in ME3, by that point Shepard was meant to be some legendary hero, the indestructable man, Captain Scarlet. Yet Kai Leng continues to make a fool of you. You barely get any cutscene victories over him in your encounters, I'd change ME3 to give you more credit for your accomplishments in that sense. Also I'd bloody make it possible just to shoot Kai Leng before he kills a certain character on the Citadel. Dumb Shepard just going to stand there for the entire fight and not intervene or even try and tackle the guy.
  12. Hear hear! Though I'm curious, where do Bunnies come into the Easter tradition at all? Is it just a generic symbol of Spring?
  13. Got to try the Demo at last here in the UK. Seems solid, I need a proper tutorial on pairing up in combat I think but the whole production value is real impressive. I kinda wish the gridlines were a little more obvious though but perhaps I can tweak that it settings. Also god damn Virion sounds hilarious I wish I could have seen more of him before the demo ended.
  14. I would have made Blitzball it's own well developed separate game. Or simply included more music tracks to play during matches including but not limited to The Blitzers.
  15. I'm wondering is it possible to make an app or something for this? I'd love to run it on my Nexus 7 but while I've managed a bare work around it's far from steamlined or efficient. Edit: Ah nevermind that Tunedin! thing works pretty well, shame you can't vote but hell I'll take it fine, voting on the workaround I managed basically crashed it anyway.
  16. ....to the game's credit... Some of the Songs were ok, I liked 1000 words. The core battle gameplay, and the job system I felt worked well and made battles rather engaging. Sure the whole 'outfit changing' is a silly way to implement it but it played well and each job was rather unique and rewarding. Plus for some dresspheres it actually made for some interesting and funny costumes (like each character getting a different pet for Trainer or the different Mascot costumes). Plus the Blitzball had SOME upsides...it included a lot of new features not present in X's edition such as injuries (which happened in X's plot but not in gameplay) and training mechanics for characters as well as a bigger roster. Improved visuals and new mechanics also made the game play rather fluidly also a larger roster was interesting too. Now I loved Blitzball in X more but I didn't DISLIKE some of the managerial elements and graphical improvements added. Ideally I'd see a combination of X-2's metagame and X's direct control over the action. Since this topic seems to be basically slander at this point. I'd like a new 'old' Dante DMC game like instead of Dirty Dante's DmC game.
  17. Yeah and damn does Young Ocelot look kinda badass. It would make sense for the other folks who showed up to be the Foxhound Unit because Ocelot is there but why would Mantis be antagonistic to Big Boss I mean in the end they all eventually serve him and wouldn't we see Big Boss save Sniper Wolf then? Also that interview was pretty informative but Kojima is evasive on some points. They say they want a new voice for Snake...but don't confirm a new actor or whether there is one. Kojima says GZ's is a prologue to PP....but doesn't specify if distribution-wise they are separate games. Though was still a good interview and I hope Kojima finally escapes the MG series, I'd like to see some of his other ideas and I heard he got death threats the last time he tried to leave. @Gollgagh: That picture is utterly adorable.
  18. These ones strike me as weird...might I ask why?
  19. Good that'll give me something to shove in a know-it-all friend of mine's face. Dude spoiled the surprise as one of my pals wanted to drop the "CGI Person" theory on us at the end of the trailer to shock us but guy said "Pause the video, this is why this dude is CGI" an took the wind out of his sails. I was kinda hoping he'd rip the bandages off and just be Kojima.
  20. I guess that's as good an explanation as any, just needs to go fight some monsters and get back into shape. As for Ishamel I think he might be the third man that Miller was talking about when they were all on the hospital beds and they were trying to save BB from death. I reckon the space whale and flaming Volgin might be indicative of PTSD in Big Boss, either that or he's hallucinating from the drugs he had when in a coma. Or y'know...the shot Ishamel gives BB when he wakes up was full of Nanomachines that explain a whole lot ala Drebin.
  21. I dunno Kojima also said at the time of Ground Zeroes announcement that it was a separate game but a prologue to MGS5 and now we have conflicting articles saying it is and is not the same game. I think we'll just need to wait and see.
  22. Well that's cool news but man it kinda confirms that Ground Zeroes is gonna get REAL BAD at the end. Hell the trailer basically looks like it shows us the near-death of Big Boss and the destruction of motherbase. Also I hope we get a ROCKET PEACE move if it is the same prosthetic. On a sat note knowing that Ground Zeroes is going to end on such a cliffhanger and that there may be a console gap (Zeroes being on current-gen, Phantom Pain being next-gen) might really hurt my wallet.
  23. Yeah thought had occured...but then I told myself that would mean throughout all of MGS 1,2 and 4 Snake had a big ol' prosthetic arm because I've never been really convinced the man in the hospital looked quite old or buff enough to be Big Boss. Though is it not confirmed for 360 and PS3 then?
  24. I don't think it's on next-gen at least based on the amount of Xbox players getting psyched for playing it on their 360's. Still I'm psyched for this game the trailer was put together very well good choice of music. I'm a little curious as to whether Kojima is going to pull the old bait and switch protagonist on us. Miller seems to mention a third man when they are in the hospital and this guy is still a mystery to me.
  25. That's a shame, moreso since I had it on a Game Boy originally so it's forever a handheld title in my eyes.
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