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Everything posted by Ptazza

  1. It doesn't look particularly appealing to me. Not sure I like the 'super = insta kill' thing as opposed to the "knock that sucka through the roof/wall/planet" elimination system of Smash Bros.
  2. ALSO!!!! The first attempts to standardise IQ tests in America resulted in many people being declared retarded or severely mentally deficient. This is due to mistranslations from the original format (which was designed for children and for a different language). However people loved these IQ tests as a way of standardising intelligence for the first time and used it as a solid measure. This led to the Eugenics movement, resulting in unauthorised forced sterilisation (portrayed in the form of a simple check up to decieve people) of those who were deemed too dim and as a way of protecting America's gene pool. Eventually the offending IQ tests were revealed as a sham, partially due to leading politicians in America scoring horrifically low. So yeah Eugenics is bad. However I think this game is focused just on mutations rather than forced steralisation.
  3. I think most music is awful these days, rock radio is about the only station I can bare to listen to.
  4. So is this guy an employee of that site trying to flog the site? When I saw the title of the thread I originally thought "Hmm must be a bot thread" but now? Ugh geez man. If you don't want to wait for the price to drop or trade in games to get it and your willing to resort to that then better live with the consequences. I thought we games fans were supposed to be typically patient by nature and used to waiting so as not to resort to stupid things like this,
  5. Monster Hunter coming to Wii U and 3DS Also on a related note Wii speak was also compatible with Monster Hunter Tri
  6. Cats are adorable. Team Meat games are not. I'm concerned for how cats may be mutilated here.
  7. *Completes the trinity* Nah man Beat was by far the best. You stack his decks just right and you will just reel in the stars. "Pick it up Phones!" "I'm there!" Ah satisfaction.
  8. I'm not really interested in the Ouja at all, frankly I'm surprised it got off the ground at all.
  9. What on earth is going on with that guy's eyes....they just seem so polarising and anime-esque compared to the rest of Leon Kennedy.
  10. Woah, hold the phone what do you know? I'd never even heard of anything about a third Dissidia other than a desire for one to be made sometime.
  11. Rather it could tell me whether there were new shards available in the songs too. I'm kinda hoping the inclusion of some characters are hints for playable characters in a future Dissidia game since the main roster and most of the abilities are copy-pasted from it. Would love for Snow to be playable.
  12. I think the number of the movement also indicates the difficulty too with movement 90 and above introducing a bunch of spinning arrow notes...
  13. If there's one thing that makes me a bit sad about this game it's how it limits itself in terms of songs at times. I'm not talking new songs I'm talking existing ones. FF12's ending theme appears in series mode as the conclusion theme and again in Chaos Shrine as a battle theme. I'd love to just play it as a battle theme outside and the same for some of the other songs which are 'intro' or 'outro' exclusive. In addition I dislike how the Chaos Shrine only has about....13-16 songs at times really feels limiting and kinda kills the fun at times when I end up playing the same compilations at times.
  14. Ah well that's a shame, not that the offerings are bad anyway, I just really like the Calm Lands' music and Besaid island too. Really there's just so much music they could've put into this game, hell they could possibly even release a sequel somewhere down the line they still have enough material for it.
  15. @Mirby I can believe that. Got myself bout 78k Rhythmia just now and downloaded FFX's battle theme and FFVII's battle theme. Love the game so much just a shame the unlockable characters don't get unique abilities which can make them fall behind a bit seeing as the others get limit breaks. That said Princess Sarah is surprisingly tech since she gets more or less all the buffs and soul voice. I'm hoping Calm Lands becomes a DLC Field Music stage, was quite surprised Mihen Highroad beat it there for the main slot. Also damn them spinning arrow notes on the level 90+ Dark Notes.
  16. Mighty adorable looking timeline of people you got there. Personally No-Kun is my favourite.
  17. Geez man how lazy can you get? XD Carts have been a part of portability since....well forever, it also legitimises the accessory industry with all them neat little carry cases/protectors. I understand the PSP GO tried going full digital but for me cartridges have always been a mainstay of portable gaming and it's never been a real problem to take the tiny bit of effort to swap out a game for another. Indeed there is a tiny tiny tiny bit of satisfaction to be gained from the 'click' of slotting a new game in there. Typically if I'm going on a trip I'll choose about 3-4 games stick one in and take the others in a DS carry case and it's no hassle at all.
  18. Happy Birthday man =D Keep rockin.
  19. Never really had his outstanding connectivity issues. No worse than when my PS3 controller doesn't want to connect - rarely but fixable.
  20. It's sad to see so much hate for a console that so far hasn't done anything absurdly wrong.
  21. Nice thanks just pledged $50. Here's hoping it turns out fantastic.
  22. Perhaps he just wants Mario to get more realistic graphics? Cause that's what all the cool kids want. I'm sure the kids will love it
  23. That's hardly fair, PC's can be superior if you are willing to shell out money like enemies in a Metal Slug game and build it from the ground up. Honestly PC gaming can just get pretentious because it can be limitless but I'm perfectly fine with a system that will play games I like and not require me to take out a bank loan to get it.
  24. Oh thanks! That's great news. Edit: Is it ok to ship the physical copies outside of America? Normally I wouldn't ask but I recall another Kickstarter (the legendary Double Fine one) was saying there was difficulties with that.
  25. Video made my skin crawl I must point that one to my masochistic friend. Launch looks fine to me, at least good enough to get them to other games. Don't see why people are complaining.
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