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Everything posted by Ptazza

  1. Thank you Moseph
  2. Hey does anyone know how to get the soundtracks for the games? I paid enough to get the bonus games but I'm not sure how to access the soundtracks as it said you should have them.
  3. Oh geez I hope all the $50 slots don't get used up I need to wait for my pay day before I can donate. So what did Square Enix want? Just licensing fees?
  4. What is this? I don't even.... I call troll. However the Wii U Tekken Tag 2 looks like it's going to destroy the competition. Plus Monster Hunter!
  5. Proc- When an ability triggers on an attack, may or may not be probability-based Spawn-camping- The practise of waiting behind a respawn area, so someone who just spawns can be instantly killed from behind with little to no-effort. Bug/Glitch/Map Glitch- A common issue in games where something acts unusual outside it's intended parameters as a result of a programming error. Effects can be minimal to game-breaking. Map glitching is used mostly in FPS where a player glitches their way into an area the developers didn't intend to be playable and as such they may be invincible while still being able to shoot players in the regularly playable area.
  6. Great track, really screams 'ADVENTURE ONWARDS!' to me. Site needs more Golden Sun remixes especially a few rock battle themes.
  7. Yes but if they keep doing it won't someone eventually slap some form of Court Order forbidding them from doing anymore business even if they can pay the fines.
  8. Wait how did you get Netflix on your 3DS?
  9. Yeah I typically get some good play out of my 3DS longer than estimated. I imagine the tablet's screen will have something like 'brightness' on it that I can tweak to give it more life much like the DS and 3DS did. Does anyone have an idea on a £ cost estimate for the Wii-U
  10. Didn't they already get sued for this?
  11. Should make a new topic if people want to talk about the new console but I doubt the new one will sell exceptionally well, at this stage in the PS3's life cycle I imagine most people who want to own one will own one already.
  12. Am I the only one who liked Red Steel?
  13. Aww man them weird characters! And Kirby is a girl now and Pikachu is a human now... Well I'd be more excited but this seems geared up to portray Sega as the heroes and I'm a big Luigi fan.
  14. Also don't forget the inevitable Super Smash Bros Game that will appear on it. Anyone know the estimated price in pounds?
  15. Reveangence is probably fine, it's major development issues were way way back when it was still known as Rising, Kojima saw his studio was doing an awful job without his supervision and fobbed it off on Platinum to finish who changed the title (amongst a lot of other things) to Reveangence. I've not heard of any other problems with it and it's got set release dates for February 2013. That means it's probably your latter suggestion, the game is almost done that Platinum feels they can work on Bayonetta 2 or since all we've seen is a teaser perhaps they haven't started any work on Bayonetta yet and are just wanting to generate hype. Stop complaining about Bayonetta, and worse trying to attribute problems with Reveangence to it there's no reason Team Little Angel should be sad since their project wouldn't exist otherwise.
  16. At least your Bayonetta universe will continue right? Better than nothing, means somewhere down the line you'll have a chance to play the game. I played MGS4 episodically at my friends because I didn't have a PS3, even if you don't have a Wii U personally it doesn't mean you will be deprived the chance to play it at somepoint. Besides it's not like Nintendo can corrupt the formula much, Platinum games is still behind it, Nintendo just picked it up and gave them the cash injection of life.
  17. Agent 47? Under the picture of Adult Link Black suited bald guy.
  18. Peace Walker is an amazing game, play it as soon as possible. You also missed Metal Gear Acid 1 and 2, which while being non-canon spinoffs are still decent on their own once you get used to the system.
  19. I love the concept of Tekken Tag 2, just throw all the characters in and let people fight as whoever, it's just a perfect game with pals if done well. Also: Freaking...get the Wii-U version.
  20. I think the final boss (Rhinothing) from Altered Beast makes a showing at the Bad guy therapy session but I can't be sure.
  21. Wonder why there's so much hate for this little console. I have high hopes for it though I don't have the money to buy it right out the gate.
  22. Yeah can't wait to see this, can't imagine how much they forked out to use the rights to so many game characters out there.
  23. Ugh that's horrible news. Reading that article the part that gets me is how he just typed "GUNFIRE" then left the internet for good. I mean made me think that if I died the other day how many people would I lose contact with who wouldn't know what on earth happened. Never really played EVE but I know it's got it's massive metagame he'll be sorely missed and his family have my condolences and it's nice to know the EVE community is doing a fundraiser for his family.
  24. Yeah that's pretty snazzy, gotta love the dedication some folks put into LBP. Little disappointed they didn't drop a Barret Sackboy in when he joined the party though.
  25. Geez that's a sick cake =D Happy Birthday
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