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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. I like what Dave's going for here. I think one of the key things to push for with OCR is the actual community aspect of things. We have amazing music, we have a wonderful format and structure for review and posting of mixes, and an amazing group of people carrying that out. Kindly hold your peace if you don't agree with the last sentence. But the point is, the technical side of the OC Remix community is largely taken care of.

    So the next thing to focus on is how to better interconnect the users with each other. Dave has pushed for this with the addition of all kinds of different contact tags for forum profiles, and I think the blogs would be an interesting next step. I can't say how personal any of the blogs would get with people from all over the world reading them, but as I said before, they would be a wonderful place for the mixers to sort of put in their two cents in a place that's directly grounded and connected with OC Remix. Then a user such as me doesn't have to resort to Google to find, for instance, Zircon's homepage (if he even has one.) All those things can be placed directly in his blog, much like a personalized and expanded profile page.

    Another thing I would LOVE to address. I've noticed a lot of the judges literally begging for users to review both WIPs and posted mixes. It never occurred to me how vitally important that was until I started composing myself. I intend to remedy my lack of involvement there soon. But here's the thing... Is there a way to create a review template to facilitate the review of mixes?

    Basically, the people listening to mixes are gonna fall into one of three categories.

    1. People that just don't care to review mixes. There's nothing you're going to do about this group.

    2. People who want to review mixes, but lack any knowledge of music theory, and therefore feel their input wouldn't be very helpful beyond saying it sounded good. (This would be me.)

    3. People with a basic to firm grounding in music theory that are capable of offering valuable technical advice and critique to a mixer.

    In all three of these categories, you'll find people who don't have a lot of time. So what if we had a review template where, for instance, group 2 could simply rate overall sound, production, replayability, personalization, and evidence of the original theme on a 5 star scale. Then they could leave whatever comments they feel they need to. This would also allow more experienced musicians (group 3) to nitpick different areas of the mix in separate ratings. Maybe production got a 5 of 5, but interpretation gets a 2. It clarifies what area of the mix people are having issues with, and what areas specifically a mixer needs to work on. Furthermore, aggregating the ratings then allows a mixer to get a very quick overview of what people think of his/her mix.

    But the main objective is that having a review template allows a much more user friendly and less time consuming way for people to review a mix. They don’t have to figure out what to say, because it’s already broken up for them.

    One last thing. I am NOT referring to a public ratings system. In fact, I think it might be a good idea to make the numbered score available only to the mixer, and post the comments somewhere else. Although I don’t have the first clue how to do this myself, I know enough to know it’s a farily implementable system. Good God this got long. But there it is.

  2. Steamboy = not the most creative name ever, but I'll definitely check a movie if it has a good soundtrack. But yeah, this score CD is 58 minutes of epic badassness. Not only that, Warner has said they'll consider releasing a 90 minute complete cut of the score if they get enough response from this one.

    An now I shall continue watching Transformers. Generation 1.

  3. OK, so I got the Transformers Score the second it dropped yesterday. Ever since I saw it on July 7th, I've wanted to hear ONE song again: The bit that played when Bumblebee signalled the Autobots and they dropped into Earth's atmosphere. I loved it in the theater.

    So I throw it into iTunes, and what do I find? It's called Arrival to Earth. Click play. Not only was it as absolutely amazing as I remembered, Steve Jablonsky was allowed to do a complete album cut for every song on this CD, so it's 5.5 bloody minutes long! I also found out this song is referenced in most of the others on the CD, effectively making it the theme song for the movie. Didn't notice when I was watching it. For me at least, every song on this CD is somewhere between great and mind blowing. I love soundtracks like this.

    Basically, I found out the unbelievable awesomeness of the movie itself was distracting me from an utterly amazing cinematic score. MAD props to Steve Jablonsky.

    What did you guys think?

    Oh one more thing. If you'd like to discuss Transformers in their numerous and sundry incarnations, this is not the thread you're looking for. Start one in Unmod.

    EDIT: My age is showing. Since Unmod hasn't been there for roughly a year, try OffTop.

  4. We can use Live Services to know what you're interested in. So even if you drop by a [public] kiosk or somebody else's PC, we can bring down your home page, your files, your fonts, your favorites and those things.

    Oh fuck yeah. I feel perfectly comfortable with a supercomputer in Redmond knowing my interests and storing all my personal files for easy access anywhere in the world! Yeah! Cuz that way, people don't even have to actually hack into my computer! They can just hack a public kiosk, pull up the networking histories, and grab the files of me and anyone else who's been using it! Microsoft has really given us a brave new world. God bless them.


  5. Best First Post ever in the history of threads. This is swiftly turning into an awesome thread of retro UnMod proportions.

    However. I feel the need to point out that if the shittyjudgefgth8 ever stopped around here, the universe would INSTANTANEOUSLY implode on itself, kinda like when you divide by zero. Shittyjudgefgth8 is what makes OC Remix OC Remix. That, and non black black dudes who aren't very good at taming lions.

  6. Hey SWEET! I didn't know we had OCR folks on Stormreaver! I'll drop my wii number as soon as I care enough to go upstairs and get it. For now:

    World of Warcraft

    (Stormreaver server)

    Karthantos - level 48 Human Paladin

    Mahktal - level 23 Draenei Mage

    Shemhar - level 10 Night Elf Druid

    (Tortheldrin server)

    Skrahl - level 6 Undead Warlock

    P.S. Can we get a World of Wacraft wntry in the ClanOCR database please? kthxbye.

  7. This is pretty cool... I was in iTunes listening to an internet radio station, and a song starts playing... I think "Wow, this sounds like Jill Goldin. So I tab over, and guess what? It's Jill Goldin, aka our beloved Pixietricks!


    I love seeing this kind of thing... The longer I hang out at OCR, the more mainstream your names are becoming. Obviously since Jill's already doing things like singing for Civ 4, an internet radio station isn't a big deal, but it's awesome to see our artists getting exposure.

  8. Star Trek First contact - very dark and eerie with the exception of the main theme which is one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard in a movie

    Oh my God, QFE. That soundtrack is Jerry Goldsmith's finest work, with MAYBE the exception of the DS9 main theme.

  9. Actually, I'm pretty sure the name Plisskin was a tribute to a Kurt Russell movie. I can't remember the title for the life of me, but I was at Wal-Mart one day flipping through the 5 dollar DVD rack, and I found some old early 90's movie starring Kurt Russell with a mullet, and his character's name was Snake Plisskin. He was also a special agent. I shit you not. That's just too close to be complete coincidence to me. The name Snake of course came from Metal Gear (It's a popular fictional codename anyways) but the Plisskin thing... come on. I'll IMDB it and see if I can find what it was.

    Furthermore, I submit that they're plagiarizing two legged Arabian jumping cows for the next game.

    Edit: Pardon me, it was spelled Plissken. Here they Are:

    Escape from New York (1981): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082340/

    Escape from L.A. (1996): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116225/

    So I saw the sequel, I didn't know about the first one. Maybe even the name Snake was a tribute. Or MAYBE, it was STOLEN. :-?

    But a word like Snake can't be copyrighted. So it's cool.

    Another Edit: Holy shit, he only has one eye too. This is getting weird.


    Just for giggles: From a plot synopsis of Escape from LA on Wikipedia: "Cuervo also knows the secret "world code", (which is 666), that can activate all the satellites and knock out power for the entire Earth." Is anyone else thinking Spaceballs? That sounds like the combination to some idiot's suitcase!

    More from Wikipedia: Initially, Snake refuses to get involved, but to ensure his compliance, Snake was secretly infected with the man-made Plutoxin 7 virus which will kill him within hours. If he completes the mission, Snake will be given the antidote. cough FOXDIE hack cough....

    .....Snake sneaks into the city with a nuclear-powered mini submarine.....


    This is here because a.) It looks just like Snake from MGS, and b.) The patch is over the other eye and I find that amusing.


  10. Slightly off-topic, but was the Metal Gear Solid theme even IN Metal Gear Solid? Because I played the whole game for PS1 and never heard it. The first time I ever heard it was in Metal Gear Solid 2, which led me to believe Williams composed it in 2001. But then I bought MGS VR Missions for the PS1, and the theme IS in there, credited to Tappy. I know Tappy composed MGS, but I don't remember seeing the theme.

  11. I didn't care for the Pirates 2 OST. The problem was that every last song lightly referenced the theme, but never once in the movie did they just full on play the theme, with the exception of the credits. The theme was never on the OST, except in remix form, which means the longest theme cut available is the final track from the OST for the first movie. That clocks in at a little over a minute and a half.


  12. I will now quote everyone in the thread.

    Peter Pan. THe new one, not the disney cartoon version.

    QFE. James Newton Howard kicks ass hard just for the flying theme in that movie, it was orchestral badassery i such a thing is possible. If it wasn't, he made it possible.

    Requiem for a Dream.

    Did the Kronos Quartet score the whole movie, or just the Summer Overture? Cuz that song is the sauce, at least.

    I love James Newton Howard's soundtrack to The Village. Solo violin is featured so heavily that it almost sounds like a violin concerto.

    One of my best friends is a violinist, and the girl who played all the solo violin for that movie asked him to do a solo with her. His music teacher (more like mentor at this point, he's been playing for 16 years) told him not to because he wasn't experienced enough, and he didn't, and he'll probably regret it for the rest of his life. I think his teacher was a fucking hack. SHE asked HIM to do it. He should've ignored the guy. Grrr.

    The Rock has some killer music that sounds like MGS2 -- not surprising, given that Gregson-Williams had a hand in the score for both.

    That soundtrack owned. I guessed it was Gregson-Williams without knowing the first time I saw that, he's just that distinctive.

    Also, Gladiator has sweet music. Holy cow, it's good.

    Have you noticed that the raging chorus for Pirates of the Caribbean sounds almost exactly like the raging chorus from the opening battle scene in Gladiator? I think Hans Zimmer realized how awesome that bit was after the fact, and when he helped Klaus Badelt with pirates, he slipped that in there to give it the treatment it deserved. That Kinda makes Maximus Jack Sparrow's father, which is cool in a really nerdy way.

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