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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Most post-BC servers are dominated by Horde thanks to their silly little elves.

    True that. I don't have a really active Horde character yet, but it seems to me that Horde players in general tend to be better at actually playing the game. I don't know if that's because people tend to play Horde characters after they've cut their teeth on something else or what. But when I play battlegrounds on Stormreaver, which are more or less completely balanced as far as number of players per side, there's about a 1 in 15 chance of the Alliance winning. Group strategies among Horde seem to be followed better. Tell a group of Alliance what to do and you get 15 n00bs telling you to go screw yourself.

  2. Emo-Spidey what? What did you say? Huh? Nooooo wayyyyy.

    You simply cannot know until you see the movie. It's like, if emo and Ferris Bueller had a child, it would be Toby Maguire for 30 or 40 minutes of this movie. Hi-la-ri-ous.

  3. I thought it was better than the first two by far. My only issue was, why was that webbing holding up a Mac Truck, but Mary Jane was breaking it? She's got a sizeable rack, but not that big. Also, theatres full of wise asses ftw. The entire theatre cracked the movie all the way through. It was very MST3000.

  4. OK, sorry, my math was a little off.I feel silly. :) But I do run enough cash through my credit card that I could easily get every third month free. I spend about 70-80 a week on gas alone. And actually, the APR isn't that bad. Depending on your current credit standing, anywhere from 9.99 to 13.99 if I remember rightly.

  5. Ho-ly crap. Visa now has a WoW rewards card. a penny from every dollar in qualifying purchases goes towards your subscription fees for WoW. I never use cash. Everything I buy is on a card. This essentially means I will never pay to play World of WarCraft again. Hell yes.

    The Link, for those that are interested.

  6. I stand corrected. I can't refuse hard numbers. It's still only from people using the UI mod, but more than enough to be a representative sample. Still, it seems to kind of depend on the server. I checked the two I play on: Stormreaver is 66% alliance, 34% horde, Ravendare is 33% alliance, 67% horde. But overall, not (nearly) as balanced as Blizzard claims either way, so I take it back.

  7. Yeah it sounds good in theory' date=' but in the game it would be 85% (or more) of the time the Alliance would hold those points. [/quote']

    Actually, it's much more 50/50 than most people think. Of course noody but Blizzard has the actual stats, but they will shuffle people around on servers to maintain balance by offerring them free character transfers, etc. It's pretty balanced. What changes it is the number of Alliance and Horde actually logged in to a server, which even Blizzard has no control over. Also, if they had a dedicated server, there's no reason they couldn't put in a gating system to make sure the balance is upheld.

    Now for the obligatory on-topic comment:

    What if this MMO is something....


    Seriously, not one person I've seen has even mentioned that yet. Blizzard is perfectly capable of creating a new franchise and making it rock just as hard as the others. I think people sell them short anymore though, because Starcraft is 10 years old and Diablo's also quite aged. The only thing they've really kept up with for the last 5 years or so is WarCraft, so people only think of them as the company that made WoW. They're capable of much more than that. They set all the trends that everybody else has followed in the RTS and MMO genres a long time ago. But if you had a game bringing in 50 trillion dollars a month, you'd probably focus on it too. That's the other thing: Because of WoW, Blizzard can support completely ASTRONOMICAL development costs. The sky is literally the limit for whatever they decide to do, and as far as I'm concerned, if it's as good as WoW, I'm already happy.

  8. I would be all about a Starcraft MMO, as long as it looks as good as EVE without being as boring as EVE was. Another thing I wish Blizzard would do in their next game: Allow players to take territories. Hell, I wish they'd implement it in Warcraft. Right now, it's either Horde, Alliance, or contested, and it doesn't change. I think it'd be wicked awesome if each area in the game had a series of 'flash points' that could be taken over by the other factions. Once a group holds all the hot points in an area against all comers for say, three days to a week, control of the territory goes to that faction. I understand a lot of people would hate that, but if they made it a PvP only thing, or even put up four or five dedicated servers, it would rock my socks. I think it would be INSANE to actually have a war in Warcraft.

  9. Still, your info is such a mixed bag though, shadowolf, it's better to avoid posting about stuff you just "heard".

    I'm continuing to post hearsay because there's at least two people watching this thread who know what happened. I'd like to confirm whether or not anything I've heard is true, that's all. Because I'm a very curious little monkey.

  10. I'm not referring just to the VGMix incident. But in a logged chat Prot had with somebody from VGMix, he showed several different ways to use forum bugs to crash pages. He was supposedly showing the site admins how they could be compromised. At any rate, that chat at least proved that he had fiddled around with ways to hack VGMix specifically. Unfortunately, I can't find it anymore, but it was linked in the thread here about the VGMix crash.

    Also, if I'm not too mistaken, I remember hearing something about him vandalizing some Wikipedia pages a while back. Don't know if that one's true or not.

  11. Just out of curiosity, if Ari was to make an effort to return to the community, and if he wasn't "still a grade A asshole", would he be allowed back? Or would people still hold a grudge against him?

    Personally, I wouldn't. The sad thing about Ari is that he's an incredibly talented musician, but rather than garner the respect he rightly deserves for his skill, He's ostracized himself from numerous online communities because of his attitude and his lack of ability to work with other people. Everybody loses. So in my opinion, if Ari was willing to come back with a better attitude, I'd say move on from there. Unfortunately, he's also proven that he has no problem hacking people simply because he can, which once again goes back to his attitude. So it could literally be a danger to the site to allow him back in.

    Just my thoughts.

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