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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. The only thing that didn't make sense about the movie is that somehow a Romulan mining barge was the size of one of the Titans from EVE, and the most advanced warships in the galaxy were about the size of flies.

  2. So I emailed Jimmy like the day after VotL came out telling him how AMAZING this was, and I asked him if he was gonna submit it. He told me probably not. I feel lied to and cheated Jimmy, you ass. No, just kidding.

    This is seriously, in the now 12-13 year history of different takes on this theme, the best take on the bombing mission I've EVER heard. The complexity of the melody, and the amazing, frantic flow you gave to this are just awesome. The claxon at the beginning setting the beat was a stroke of genius. I could gush all night, but I'll just say this is EASILY one of the best FF VII mixes on the site. Download it. Like yesterday.

  3. ^ tl;dr.

    But I think the more backstory they give Samus, the more it fucks up the draw of the series as a whole. The reason she as a character was and is popular is because you know almost nothing about her. You didn't even know she was a female 'til the end of the first game. Her mystery, the blank that is her past, is what makes her popular as a character. You're always adsking "What's her motivation? Why does she do what she does?" Incidentally, I went and saw Wolverine yesterday, and I think that exact same fact is one of the reason's HE has been one of the most enduringly popular comic book characters in history. They keep removing more and more of the mystery behind who Samus is, and concurrently removing the reason for interest in their character.

    But the other draw to Metroid has always been that you are ALONE. No one to help you, no calling in airstrikes, you are ALONE. I feel they really began to change that with Metroid Fusion, which was little more than a constant stream of "Receive orders, carry out orders, and do it just so." You were told exactly where to go for every moment of that game, and it ripped the heart out of the exploration aspect. It wasn't as bad in Corruption years later, but the constant presence of the GF and all the PEOPLE talking to you just ruined the flavor.

  4. I hate Halo. After one of my brothers told me I HAD to play Halo 2 with him and convinced me I HAD to put a scorpion tank in the middle of a construction site, then proceeded to camp the entire level with the tank for 2 hours? Yeah, I was done. The kill score was 220 to 6 when we finished.

    Also, Cobalt, I just named the fox in your sig Fortune. Cuz he looks like a fortune cookie.

  5. Not always. From what I've seen, only capital "Him" is used for God. Other pronouns can be capatilized for extreme formality or for a blast to the past (colonial era, I believe).

    Unless I am mistaken, of course. But I've seen pronouns capatilized before.

    Honestly, it depends on what denomination you ask. It's not a sticking point for any of them, but some folks choose to capitalize any word that's being used to refer to God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. So even if they talk about "The Rock of my salvation" or something, "Rock" is capitalized because it's the description of God in that particular instance.

  6. Because of the type of forum we're on, it's worth noting that if you hook this iPod up to PS3 for any reason, it HAS to be formatted in FAT32 to read. This is consummately gay, because it could be resolved with a minor firmware update to the PS3 and we could all leave FAT in the archaic past where it belongs. Alas, the dreams of the sane and the harsh and shattered insanity of reality do not intersect very often.

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