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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. OK, I know I'm resurrecting a half dead thread here, but I have a question. I will be picking up Guitar Hero World Tour for my PS3 in a couple days. I'm no Guitar Hero virgin, but this will be the first GH game I myself have owned. As such, I'd like to know a couple things about compatibility, backwards, forwards, and sideways, preferably from someone who's actually had the issues I'm asking about. I've already Googled for some time and not found these specific answers. In a numbered list for your convenience:

    1. Can I take my sexy World Tour guitar and use it to play Guitar Hero 3 for Playstation 3?

    I know I can use a GH3 guitar in World Tour, minus some neat features, but if I pick up a second guitar, I'd rather have 2 World Tour guitars than buying an older one. Because either way, that axe is gonna be a bass half the time.

    2. If I have to buy an older guitar to play GH3, is the Les Paul or the Xplorer a good option?

    IF I have to buy an older guitar to play GH3, I suppose I'm OK with that, I just want a really nice one without breaking the bank.

    3. Have any cross compatibility issues between GH World Tour and Rock Band/Rock Band 2 instruments been fixed?

    It's my understanding that Sony promised that all instrument peripherals for its system would be cross compatible. If they truly are, it would be inasanely awesome to just pick up the Rock Band/Rock Band 2 discs and get access to all that awesomeness too.

    4. The original Rock Band drum set had 1 less drum than the World Tour drum set, right?

    In which case, do they just not use one drum on the World Tour drum set when you're playing Rock Band 1 on them? I know Rock Band 2 has one more drum, so I assume there's 1 to 1 compatibility for all note tracks on the drums in RB2.

    Anybody who can clear a few of those questions up, it would be very appreciated. Thanks!

  2. Stuff about Fort Minor.

    Kenji was an amazing song. That's what I'm talking about when I say 'real' rap. Shinoda literally said somewhere in the song that he had a dream that he had to make this song, and he did. We got the privilege of hearing about a unique and amazing part of his family's history, instead of another rapper telling us how he's gonna take over Compton via martial force and screw everything that moves.

  3. I certainly think my musical tastes are eclectic, but I don't think all pop music sucks. I decided a long time ago that if I liked a song, no matter where I heard it, I would try to find the music and download it. That goes for everything from a store intercom to internet radio to a commercial. What music you listen to is about what you prefer, and even that can get modified based on your willingness to try new things.

    One time I'm standing in a Taco Bell and I hear "Where'd You Go" from Fort Minor on their overhead. I asked the guy behind the counter who it was, and he told me. I bought Fort Minor's album. It turned out Where'd You Go was a totally unique song on that album compared to the tone and style of everything else, but I ended up loving the whole thing. That was the first thing even close to hip hop/rap I ever listened to, and it opened my mind to trying other rap. I still can't stand MOST rap, but I've found that I enjoy it only when people are being honest and telling their stories, instead of this stupid farce about all the bitches they wanna rape and kill. Rap is about feeling and flow of emotions, and I've found certain songs from Shinoda to Akon to Eminem that I love. Honestly one of the best examples of heartfelt rap I've ever heard is 'Memories Frozen in Time' from this here very site.

    Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of generic crappy music out there, especially catering to the Disney/tweenybopper crowd, but I think it's good to be willing to recognize and accept good music wherever you find it, regardless of your biases.

    In other news:


    My brother listens to that song, I have no idea what it is. Not only do I find it amusing, but that is seriously the most creative percussion I've heard in a song in years.

  4. One question. Does it have a watch folder function? Like, if I add music files to a folder on my computer, will it scan that folder every so many minutes and add them automatically if I tell it to? This is, to me, one of the very few things preventing iTunes from being a perfect piece of software. (Please save all iTunes flaming until after the ride.) That and a built in ability to rename your actual files according to ID3 tag while maintaining the file link. These things aren't hard, but I've never found an MP3 player that would do both. I tried Winamp, but I hate the way it handles ID3 tags. That's one thing about iTunes I adore, the respect for the awesome sorting power of an ID3 tag with a LOT of fields.

    EDIT: Nevermind, watch folders are on the to do list. Once they do that, I will indeed be very interested in this piece of software.

  5. Jill... Wow. I finally got a chance to download this. This is the most surreal, unique, and beautiful Christmas album I think I've ever heard. The peace and calmness, the sense of otherworldliness pervading every minute of this album are just extraordinary. I'd try to use words to describe it, but it wouldn't come out right. This is an astounding piece of work, really.

  6. I suppose it's time for an update. On October 28th, Wii Fit weighed me at 259.7 pounds. On December 2nd, a little over 1 month later, Wii Fit weighs me at 246.7 pounds. That's right, 13 pounds off in a month. My target rate of loss was 5 pounds a month, so that's almost 3 times the rate of my projection. All I've been doing is walking between 2.6 and 3 miles a day, eating (much) less, and doing PT stabilization exercises for my back.

    That's another thing that was insane too. About 2 weeks ago, I tweaked one of my several herniated spinal discs and it started pressing on my spinal cord again. For 4 years, one of my discs has flared up about every 6 months, and it usually means about 5 weeks of medication, steroid injections, and stabilization before the pain subsides completely. This time, it was 2 days. In fact, I got out of bed and walked several miles the day I slipped the disc, and it felt amazing.

    I feel better than I have in a couple years. My leg muscles are extremely built, and my posture is now stable and aligned because of it. My back is stable, and the weight's coming off. Good times. Here's to hitting 200 someday!

  7. Do you have any of these? (unabridged, of course)

    • The Merry Advantures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
    • Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
    • The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
    • The Ethics of Ambiguity by Simone de Beauvoir
    • Meditations on First Philosophy by René Descartes
    • The Free Choice of the Will by Augustine of Hippo
    • The Republic by Plato
    • Les Miserablés by Victor Hugo
    • Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
    • Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
    • The Science of Discworld I, II, & III by Terry Pratchett
    • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
    • Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
    • Siddartha by Herman Hesse
    • The Adventures of Tom Saywer by Mark Twain
    • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
    • Things Fall Apart by Chenua Achebe
    • The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo
    • Person and Personage by Victor Tournier
    • Infinity and the Mind by Walter Ong
    • The Cloud of Unknowing by Anonymous
    • Musicophila by Oliver Sacks
    • The Three Musketeers (a series of six books) by Alexander Dumas

    Hey, I haven't really been tracking the thread, but I wanted to speak up... are you looking just to read these, or do you collect classic literature? If you just want to read them, you can get a lot of those for free download at www.gutenberg.org. It's a huge project to make public domain books into text files and make them available for free.

  8. and horses and shit...do you mean, horses with shit? or, just random shit? will it be in the stream and the mountains and all that? or just near the horses?

    Well horses with shit I suppose, but that wasn't specifically the shit I was talking about. I was referring more to the... nuances and perks of the particular area. In Charlottesveille, it's deer. I don't know what it'd be in Australia.

    Oh dear.

    Not only is that spelling wrong, it's your accent that makes it so very wrong.


    I was afraid of that, that's why I asked. I'm one of those types that doesn't like pretending to be foreign so as not to look like a tourist, because you just look like an idiot instead. I'd rather shut up and genuinely get to know the culture before I assume I'm saying things right. :) Incidentally, how do you say it?

    That's not too bad an idea really Shadow Wolf.

    Brisbane is alright, yeah. It's cleaner and quieter than Sydney, but not as much seems to happen there.

    Check out the Blue Mountains (2 hrs drive west of Sydney). They're not mountains like the Rockies or Alps, sorta closer in shape to (and larger than) the Grand Canyon, but it's all covered in thick forests (which we refer to as 'bushland' :P )

    but back to the topic at hand...

    That looks like a slightly craggier version of our Blue Ridge Mountains, actually. I'll be over in just a tick, let me graduate first.

    In other news, topic derail++!

  9. Not all of us live in the northern hemisphere. On Christmas day I'll be enjoying a barbecue in the sun with a nice cool beer in my hand. ;)

    Screw you Aussies. I tell ya what I'm gonna do when I'm rich. I'm gonna have a summer home outside of Charlottesville Virginia, with rolling mountains and a stream and horses and shit. And I'll drink with my family.

    Then I'm gonna have a summer house in... Australia somewhere. Where's nice in Australia? Brisbayne? Did I even spell that right? Anyways it'll have flat dry land and a dry riverbed and brumbys and shit. And I'll drink with Tom Burlinson.

    Summer forever BABY.

  10. The music is the BALLS, guys, some of the tightest work I've ever heard from any of you folks. Damn good stuff. In other news, this game hands my ass to me on EASY. I suck at fighting games, but the PS3 controller makes it REALLY hard to pull these combos off. I always found the Genesis controller most conducive to combo mashing personally, with it's nice round D-pad. But aside from the fact that it whips me like a little bishie, it's awesome.

    I hate to say it, but the game is disappointing for one reason, animation. Although they redrew the sprites, the number of sprites for each animation are the same. So the game ends up looking too jittery. There is no smoothness to any of the animation at all.

    I think that was very much on purpose. If the toggle switches are any indicator, there are players out there who have counted out every frame of every animation for their characters, and evidently your position or what button you're pressing during that frame can do anything from doubling the damage to making it unblockable. So changing the number of frames for the animations would obliterate years of geekery for the tournament players. I can't imagine knowing ANY game that well, but if they do, who am I to jack up their frame count?

  11. The soundtrack is amazing, and the game looks amazing as well. Downloaded it last night. The only problem is that I suck deperately at it. :razz: I've always sucked at fighting games. I only got this one for the soundtrack, in fact. The PS3 controller doesn't make it any easier to rip off those combos. In other news, who did Ken's Theme, aka the Title Screen? Was that Sixto? It has his marks on it, but DAYUM. Whoever did it, damn fine work.

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