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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Slightly off-topic can anyone direct me to a tutorial or has the gaming wisdom to enable someone from EU territories (me) to purchase content from the US PSN store? I know making an account isn't too difficult but to actually pay for US content from my UK account? Hate these constantly dire PAL delays. No confirmation on its release date anywhere outside the US either.

    I looked around out of curiousity, and it would seem the most common method is to use a service like Entropay. Evidently what it does is you create an account with Entropay and purchase a certain amount of credit via their site. Then it creates a virtual VISA or Mastercard for you, presumably just choose USD as your currency when you sign up. Then you use THAT card to purchase wallet points off the PSN. The PSN will ping Entropay's site to confirm the card, and withdraw the funds you've deposited with Entropay. So you don't spend any more money, you just insert a middleman to make it think you're using a US card. Evidently Entropay also charges 5% per transaction, but for a 15.00 game, that's a few more cents. Just throw 20 on there and you should be set.

    NOTE: Don't come crying to me if this doesn't work, but it sounds legitimate.

  2. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/932/932390p1.html

    Naturally, in the HD Remix review. I didn't expect them to direct link the site in the review though, although I'm sure many of the people who actually have a clue what's going on around here did. At any rate, this is the first time we've ever been linked off IGN, and naturally reason for celebration. IGN is the biggest gaming site in the world, and this will expose the site to about a bajillion new people. Hopefully the server can take it.

    The sound portion of the review got an 8.5. Reviewer quote: "I'm very impressed with the contributions of the OC Remix community. The music in this game is sweet and a great tribute to the original soundtrack."

    Congratulations to everyone who worked on the soundtrack!"

    Definitely picking this up off PSN. I've imagined what a game would sound like with OC Remixes in it since 2002, and now I can find out!

  3. Kudos for Shadow Wolf being all "people on the internet question my veracity I must slay them with my words before my life unravels before my very eyes!", though.

    Bitch looked like he was frontin', so I brought my game. Fool should know you don't come to a nerdfight without a mufuggin APA reference. GOT-damn right.

    Yes, I'm joking.

  4. What the hell? I'm a nurse for Christ's sake, I've cared for patients having it done before. Don't trust me? Try a medical textbook:

    Allogeneic BMT, used primarily for disease of the bone marrow, depends on the availability of a human leukocyte antigen–matched donor. This greatly limits the number of possible transplants. An advantage of allogeneic BMT is that the transplanted cells should not be immunologically tolerant of a patient's malignancy and should cause a lethal graft-versus-disease effect in the malignant cells. Allogeneic BMT may involve either ablative (high-dose) or nonablative (“mini”-dose) chemotherapy. In ablative allogeneic BMT, the recipient must undergo ablative doses of chemotherapy and possibly total body irradiation to destroy all existing bone marrow and malignant disease. The harvested donor marrow or PBSCs are infused intravenously into the recipients, and they travel to sites in the body where they produce bone marrow and establish themselves. Once engraftment is complete (2 to 4 weeks, sometimes longer), the new bone marrow becomes functional and begins producing RBCs, WBCs, and platelets. In nonablative allogeneic BMT, the chemotherapy doses are lower and are aimed at suppressing the recipient's immune system to allow engraftment of donor bone marrow or PBSCs. The lower doses of chemotherapy create less organ toxicity and thus can be offered to older patients or those with underlying organ dysfunction, for whom high-dose chemotherapy would be prohibitive. After engraftment, it is hoped that the donor cells will create a graft-versus-disease effect (Ezzone, 2004).

    Before engraftment, patients are at high risk for infection, sepsis, and bleeding. Side effects of the high-dose chemotherapy and total body irradiation can be acute and chronic. Acute side effects include alopecia, hemorrhagic cystitis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe stomatitis. Chronic side effects include sterility, pulmonary dysfunction, cardiac dysfunction, and liver disease.

    To prevent graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), patients receive immunosuppressant drugs, such as cyclosporine (Neoral), tacrolimus (FK 506, Prograf), or sirolimus (Rappamune). In allogeneic transplant recipients, GVHD occurs when the T lymphocytes proliferating from the transplanted donor marrow or PBSCs become activated and mount an immune response against the recipient's tissues (skin, gastrointestinal tract, liver). T lymphocytes respond in this manner because they view the recipient's tissue as “foreign,” immunologically different from what they recognize as “self” in the donor. GVHD may occur acutely or chronically.

    The first 100 days or so after allogeneic BMT are crucial for patients; the immune system and blood-making capacity (hematopoiesis) must recover sufficiently to prevent infection and hemorrhage. Most acute side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and mucositis, also resolve in the initial 100 days after transplantation. Patients are also at risk for venous occlusive disease (VOD), a vascular injury to the liver caused by high-dose chemotherapy, in the first 30 days or so after BMT. VOD can lead to acute liver failure and death (Ezzone, 2004).

    Autologous BMT is considered for patients with disease of the bone marrow who do not have a suitable donor for allogeneic BMT and for patients who have healthy bone marrow but require bone marrow–ablative doses of chemotherapy to cure an aggressive malignancy. Stem cells are collected from the patient and preserved for reinfusion; if necessary, they are treated to kill any malignant cells within the marrow. The patient is then treated with ablative chemotherapy and, possibly, total body irradiation to eradicate any remaining tumor. Stem cells are then reinfused and engraft. Until engraftment occurs in the bone marrow sites of the body, there is a high risk of infection, sepsis, and bleeding. Acute and chronic toxicities from chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be severe. The risk of VOD is also present after autologous transplantation. No immunosuppressant medications are necessary after autologous BMT, because the patient does not receive foreign tissue. A disadvantage of autologous transplantation is the risk that viable tumor cells may remain in the bone marrow despite high-dose chemotherapy (conditioning regimens) (Ezzone, 2004).

    Syngeneic transplants use an identical twin as the marrow donor. Syngeneic transplants result in less incidence of GVHD and graft rejection; however, there is also less graft-versus-tumor effect to fight the malignancy. For this reason, even when an identical twin is available for marrow donation, another matched sibling or even an unrelated donor may be the most suitable donor to combat an aggressive malignancy.


    Smeltzer, S. C., Bare, B. G., Hinkle, J. L., & Cheever, K. H. (2008). Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing, 11th Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

    Too long? Didn't read? Too many big words? Well I did. If you can't back up what you're talking about, DON'T POST, smartass. And don't EVEN tell me I don't have my facts straight.

  5. Bone marrow transplantation is not a walk in the park. Even if all you're looking for is bone marrow to replace cancerous marrow, the margin of acceptable donors is very, very small. Now add onto that the fact that you want bone marrow to combat the AIDS virus, and it gets even smaller.

    Then, IF you find a donor, you have to ravage the recipient's body with radiation to completely and totally kill all their existing marrow, increasing their risk for side effects and development of other types of cancer in the process. You have to totally kill their immune system, leaving them wide open to infection and making even a common cold a life or death ordeal.

    Provided they live long enough to have the new marrow infused, there is a period of roughly 100 days where you have to watch for graft versus host disease. The donor's marrow may start attacking the recipient's organs because it views the new environment as foreign. If it does happen, every organ in the patient's body is in danger of shutdown.

    Then after all that, which is nothing but standard procedure for a bone marrow transplant, you can go ahead and hope it cured your AIDS too. The point is, we're not talking about a widespread cure here. The only reason somebody has a BMT is when they are GOING to die very soon if they don't get it, and even then, success rates are relatively low. Unless they figure out a way to isolate whatever quality of this marrow caused it to do what it did, this is likely nothing more than a medical fluke.

  6. I'm not gonna get too into this conversation because I love Metroid and all my nerd will fall out all over the place if I do. However. Metroid Prime makes it very clear that the Meta Ridley is the exact same Ridley from the original Metroid, with numerous enhancements. After that point, it's difficult to tell if the Ridley in all the ensuing games is the same one.

    As far as whether or not the Space Pirates have been completely obliterated, the first Pirate Data scan from Prime could be an interesting story hook:

    Fall Of Zebes

    Log 09.992.3

    Zebes has fallen. All ground personnel are presumed dead, either killed by the

    Hunter clad in metal or in the subsequent destruction of the underground

    facilities. Our research frigates Orpheon, Siriacus and Vol Paragom where in

    orbit at zero hour and managed to retreat. Frigate Orpheon is now docked at

    Vortex Outpost. Orpheon's cargo appears to have a 100% survival rate; Metroids

    are healthy but on restricted feeding schedules due to uncertain supply status.

    We are ready to begin research on the Metroids and other promising life-forms.

    Security status remains at Code Blue; no signs of pursuit from the Hunter.

    Since this scan is found on the dead frigate at the beginning of Prime 1, it's safe to assume it's not Orpheon, Vol Paragom, or Siriacus. You have 3 huge frigates worth of Space Pirates here. Presumably, one of them went off and found Aether, explaining the Space Pirate presence in the second game. Orpheon was at Vortex Outpost, wherever the hell that is. The games never say. That still leaves the actions of at least one frigate theoretically unaccounted for. Where'd they go? You could do a lot with that, even tying it in after Fusion.

    The point is, these stories don't actually exist yet. Unless they go in with the specific intent of making a continuing series, like Retro did with the Prime story arc, they simply find an interesting place for a hook later. There are countless little tidbits in the scans throughout the Prime games that would make for amazing side stories and new games. Unfortunately, the coolest of these ideas will probably never be capitalized on, because as far as story, Nintendo likes to stick with the tried and true ad nauseum when it comes to their games. It;s unfortunate, because Retro gave us more lore and unfinished business to wonder about with the Prime series than any other game.

  7. It's tough to say where things should go after Fusion. The thing about the end of Fusion is that if they follow out the story of corruption in the Federation to its logical end, Samus will of course have to take them down. That could make for a hell of a game series. Don't even get me started on the ship based combat you could incorporate.

    What I see kind of happening as time goes on in the series lore is that Samus becomes more and more one with the Metroids she's hunted for so long, and aligns less and less with people who want to destroy them or use them for their own means. At this point, she has Metroid DNA fused into her suit. You could use that for a story hook to actually let her control Metroids... there's any number of places you could go with it really. I just wish they'd hurry up and make it. It'll be 6 years 5 days from now since we've heard from that end of the storyline.

  8. Mods: If I'm out of line here anywhere, feel free to lock this up, but please send me a PM if you would so I know why.

    Hey everybody. I've made it a hobby for well over a year now to download each new expansion of EVE Online and rip the complete soundtrack out of it. I do that for several reasons: number one, because there is no official soundtrack for the game and I can't buy it, and number two, because the music of EVE Online is amazing.

    I had a request MONTHS back that I never made good on to post a download link to the soundtrack once I was done ripping it. Quantum Rise came out 2 days ago, so here's the link to it. Since there is no OST for this game, and a gamerip is the only way to hear all the music outside the game, I'm pretty sure this is inline with the rules of the forum.

    All files are in OGG format, and it's a total of around 185 megs. I will not be posting an MP3 version of this OST, because once it's converted, it's well over 1.5 gigs of music. We're talking about 8.1 hours of OST here.


    [Mod edit: removed]


    Each expansion of EVE adds new music, usually only 2 or 3 tracks. The Quantum Rise Expansion has 10, coming out to 48 minutes worth of new music. With each new expansion, I'll post whether tracks were removed or added down here.

    Quantum Rise - 11/11/08 - 10 tracks added, 0 removed

    -Close To A Holy Place

    -It Ends Here

    -Learning From The Past

    -New Moon

    -Point Of No Return

    -Precious Ore

    -Seek And You Shall Find

    -Shifting The Balance Of Power

    -Theme From Jita

    -Where Evil Lurks

  9. As for real suggestions, I'm going to add Inside Myself/Once Upon A Time by Destiny (Helen Trevillion), Origins and Through Sand and Snow by Pixietricks (Jillian Goldin), and Zircon's albums, especially Antigravity and The World Circuit.

    Inside Myself (besides having a highly amusing title), Once Upon A Time, and Origins are all excellent stuff. I haven't had a chance to listen to any of the previews for Through The Sand And Snow yet, but it's Jill, so it's awesome.

  10. I'm not currently on a pipeline that'll let me load the previews, but I'll be buying it anyways. I wanted to pop in and say that cover is absolutely amazing too. Insane artwork, it looks like the ocean froze in the middle of a storm. (I know it's supposed to look like sand dunes, btw.)

    I had another question too. From an artist profit standpoint, does it make a difference where I order this from? Do you make more off a physical copy than you do off an iTunes copy, etc? Because I'll wait for a physical if it gives you more money.

  11. This is like the 5th thread on this exact subject I've seen in the last 6 months. I have a dream. A dream that one day, I will bang 5 women at one... oh wait. Wrong dream. I have ANOTHER dream, that with the 500,000 people on this site that know their way around Photoshop like a hooker knows Amsterdam can put together an OFFICIAL and sanctioned piece of general cover art for OC Remixes. We should DO this.

  12. Xenon mentioned it above, but the Myst series has tons of excellent examples of music used to set atmosphere. Myst and Riven especially, because Robyn Miller I think knew the material he was composing for better than Jack Wall or Peter Gabriel ever could. I think it's specifically worth looking at in those games because they depend ENTIRELY on sound and images as the backbone of the game. No real interface or Hud, no moving parts... just you and the music and the pictures, and an occasional Quicktime video.

  13. Thanks. I'm just mad happy with the fact that I've finally found a way to increase my CP stamina without raping my joints and ending up in the doctor's office again - it's been a problem for years. I'll walk until my lower body is in insane shape, then try to transition to even light jogging on asphalt, and I end up with some kind of bursitis or slippage somewhere. Unfortunately that's mostly genetic.

    I also tried swimming at the Y, because it's zero joint load, and it turned out that was so intense on my virgin heart I did 5 laps in an hour and puked in the locker room. It was that bad. I needed somewhere to START.

    So Wii Fit has given me an out by giving me somewhere to start increasing my CP load safely. If I can master all the running in there and get my vitals even more under control at the end of a run, then I think I'd feel safe getting in the pool and trying again.

  14. OK, so this will probably sound lame, but it really is quite an accomplishment for me, because I didn't think I could do this. I did the ten minute free run in Wii Fit, and I did not die. It said I made it 1.889 miles, which, barring all the little jiggles it called a step, I am prepared to call 1.25 real honest to God miles of jogging in place.

    It don't sound like a lot, but you have to understand I have 3 slipped discs in my back, and until my core is BUILT, it is not an option for me to run outside. In place or treadmill is all I can do, and I've never been able to make it more than a quarter mile actually jogging before when I've tried. 10 days short jogging with Wii Fit and I busted that off.

    I'm not concerned about the distance really either, I'm concerned about building cardiopulmonary stamina, because if I can get that, I can exercise till the cows come home. When I finished I was at 126 bpm and 24 respirations per minute, compared to over 160 and gasping for air when I first started jogging. Hell yes.

  15. Taking a break from writing papers to review this one while it's fresh in my mind. I can't talk knowledgeably about much in the realm of music, but Final Fantasy soundtracks... Those I can talk about. FF XI had a more or less great soundtrack - it had its ups and downs, but as the first Final Fantasy soundtrack where Uematsu handed the reins to the younger generation, I think it did quite well, and the Theme of San d'Oria is one of the standout tracks. So I love your source to begin with.

    Then you went and took a royal march and turned it into a solo acoustic guitar piece, and a beautiful one at that. This was one of the rare mixes where I could start iTunes and go listen to the source to compare, and I really like what you did. Almost no changes to the melody or structure, just quiet, calm restatement of the theme with some new and ear pleasing chord progressions as well.

    It's understated, elegant, and beautiful. I wouldn't change a thing. Wonderful work. I hope we hear from you again.

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