Hey Gario,
Thanks to checking out. I need some specifications please.
1. download here: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/726443
2. there another great thing I did. I expanded the original loop with continue melody. The thing you hear like after 0:36 is my original melody expanding the game loop. That was initial purpose as I hate how the original loop feels unfinished. I am not sure is conservative so bad, but I expanded the game loop showing how the song could be much better in the original game.
3. Not sure what you mean about static soundscape. Not the melody I guess?
4. I have no idea what Vanilla means here. It is few layers of simple waveform presets(made by myself) some of them are filtered + some backgound brass like synth. Personally I find this sound quite pleasant and fitting the electricized background. I can try to change the lead sound. But see no point to make it frequency moving. The moving might make sense for background instruments.
5. Not sure what kind of drum precense you mean. Louder? The snare has some ammount of verb but it is lost in all the other reflections. Adding more reverb to snare doesn't make it audiable but only makes things muddy. I'll try other snare. Maybe you mean to make stronger kick? This kick came from the older version of the song. It's pretty short live kick pushed up. It can be changed to other kick but what kind? Stronger snap? Should it be longer one? There is sidechain from the kick on the low frequencies on the bass. So when kick plays the lows below 150hz are ducking. Maybe to sidechain more stuff with the kick? Not only the bass?