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Trinity Dragon

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Everything posted by Trinity Dragon

  1. Ah, that is such an improvement. Much less harsh on the ears.
  2. Sounded good. But I have to agree DaMonz regarding the timpani. It seems like there isn't enough of a base line to support it, with just the pizzicato strings--like its glaring. Maybe lowering the volume to make it more like a soft rumbling--more like distant thunder than the explosive quality it has now. Also, the vocal samples you used struck me as midi-esque in quality. But other than that it was good. I like the twist on the melody at the end, especially. You could almost use it as a segue into the "Faraway Times" theme. But that's just speculation on my part. In any case, many kudos to you.
  3. Hi, hello and salutations! I'm a big fan of OCRemix, and all the talent that seems to have pooled there. Registered yesterday, got around to posting my hellos today. Maybe I'll say something more meaningful tomorrow, eh?
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