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Everything posted by darkbrandflake11

  1. This is awesome and has a very Banjo-Kazooie Witchyworld feel to it in the beginning half and then transcends into a fast riding circular spin. This is very nice and is the best song to crack open some overly salted peanut shells. The toy piano also a nice feature. The old time awesomeness is too much! Thank you for sharing.
  2. This sounds very nice. I like the very richness of the guitar. Arrangement wise the song could have some other acoustic guitar dubs to make some other harmonies and rhythms and maybe even extend the melody to some of your own original improvisations. Feel free to experiment with the theme and make it your own. The guitar sounds very nice in tone and texture. Have fun with the theme and make it your own. Some even foot tappings on wood could do the song a very sit around a circle and play guitar vibe.
  3. Thank you for the comment. I definitely want to rework this some to have a more original feel. I also want to make the beginning less empty sounding. Thank you for the suggestion. Any other comments are welcome.
  4. The energy in this remix is exhilarating and makes for a nice effect when moving from the softer beginning and the end. The lead guitar tone is also very nice, smooth yet full of energy. Who would have known flanger guitar goes so well with piano? One thing I would have to say is around 2:00, I'm not sure if youtube is doing this, but the strings are being muffled, or drowned out a little by everything else going on. With the strings quieter, this helps the guitars and drums stand out, so this could be what you want though. The production on this is done very well. Keep up the good work.
  5. Not to bump threads or anything, but I just put up an updated version of Ruined Scape. This updated version has an updated organ that might be able to throw around a different take on the arrangement. Let me know what you think about it. In case anyone wants to know, this is a jazzy remix of Temple Ruins from Crash Bandicoot.
  6. This is pretty awesome. Very trippy in a sense, but keeps the arrangement interesting. Very nice instrumentation and great expression in the instruments.
  7. Personally, if more reverb was added the mix might sound a little washed out. The bass of the whole might be able to be brought up just a little. If anything needs more reverb, the last part with the quite piano and bells around 2:03 might be able to have just a little more to give more of a contemplating feel. Just after listening again, the piano part is a little electronic sounding with no real dynamics. This kind of gives it an arpeggiator kind of sound.
  8. This is really nice.The piano arpeggios were quite lovely around 2:14 with the flute. I must say, Nutritious is definitely right with the flutes sounding more electronic with the attack with the trills and grace notes. The arrangement almost has a march feeling to it. If electronic is what you are looking for, it sounds very nice and gives a moving feel to the original. It is very crystalline. It might be cool if a soft triangle was used in with the percussion, as long as it doesn't sound just like the bell sounds used. This is very solid though, a very nice arrangement.
  9. That bell sound is what is making the dissonance. If you want the dissonance of it, you could put it a little lower in the mix, but it will give a more mysterious sound. At the end when the drums start to pick up with an extra snare beat, you could build up the arrangement, and then drop it. Then you could pick it back up to give it some length, or then end it. It is very nice sounding so far.
  10. The Original - I have worked on this remix for a little while now and put together a jazz remix of temple ruins. I wanted to keep the same quiet feel of the source, but put a spin on it. Please tell me what you think about it. I am not sure about the mixing on some of the louder parts. https://soundcloud.com/darkbrandflake11/crash-bandicoot-ruined-scape
  11. Hey Theophany I have sent you an audition. Please let me know what you think of it.
  12. I am new to the community, and I have worked on an audition for the Ocarina of Time Project. I remixed the shooting gallery, but I changed the feeling of the song. Please let me know what you think of it. I would very much like to join the project.http://www.filedropper.com/darkbrandflakeshootinggallery

  13. Never mind about the file select theme. I am really too busy for it. Thank you though.

  14. If you want to hear what I have played around with, this is a rough sketch: http://www.filedropper.com/mario64fileselect

    There is no quantization or anything, just some thrown together ideas. Tell me if you like it, or if you do not like it.

  15. Is File Select for Super Mario 64 still open? I have been working on a mix for it, and I would be glad to show you.

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