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Posts posted by Zerothemaster

  1. I listened to Espergirl, and I must admit, I didn't really enjoy it. I mean, it was obviously a job to make, that thing is bloody crazy, and I'm sure the production/tracking skill involved is astronomical, but I just didn't really like it much. I felt like it was too disjointed and didn't have any forward motion. And usually I can get into weird-sounding chipmusic (I'm quite a fan of Henry Homesweet), but I just couldn't dig it.

  2. From what I can tell yeah. I think it's LSDJ (composed on the gameboy itself).

    From someone who knows nothing of chiptune composing...

    those kicks don't sound much like a gameboy. But I could be wrong.

    EDIT: danimal cannon is now a ninja :/

  3. Neblix hit it on the head. If I'm going to make music for other people, gotta have some kind of incentive. If it's for a cool game, or some other thing I'd like (or a indie game/project thing) then that's fine, but I wouldn't want to make a remix specifically trying to get submitted to OCR (taking a lot of time to do stuff that might help that) and have a 99.9999x % chance of it getting denied anyway. It's kind of an effort thing mixed with that feeling you get where you write something that you disagree with but someone else called for it to be that way. I've run into that for some game music I've written, but that's different as it's their project and it's also pretty assured that we'll come to some kind of agreement, which is not necessarily the case with the judges' panel.

    holy carpmonsters

    Now I know why I hate all the music I make. And how to fix it. By one of my favorite chip-musicians.

    It's like a thirsty man being given water by baby Jesus and Santa Claus that's in a glass made of fairy tears and love.

  4. "Overusing common presets, relying heavily on prerecorded loops, or employing nothing but basic tones or "chiptunes" is discouraged."

    How far does this go? What requirements does a chiptune have to meet for this website?

    I believe that it means that you can't just have lsdj or famitracker, you have to have more than just that. Dunno though.

  5. Sure, I can put it into the rotation of competitions. xD

    Perhaps you should have some bright-eyed young chap organize a cooperative sf compo for the noobs and Txai to run while you guys have all your fun in your super-special club.

    eck, I'd be up for it. My music is always crap anyways, and I like to organize things.

  6. Probably has something to do with the release of Street Fighter X Tekken and the departure of Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune from Capcom.

    Last I checked, Inafune left before the WCRG, so your argument doesn't make sense.

    Or maybe I'm just forgetful.

    Also capcom must hate me

    1. they kill my favorite series

    2. they kill it for a stupid milk cow of a rerelease (which I like, unfortunately)

    3. they don't let me enter their compos

    **** you capcom

  7. ]I'm not trying to make them out to be monsters, but I really can't see how they're helping the consumer here.

    I would probably say "Why should they want to help the consumer? Their first goal is making money, not being nice to people."

    While this is slightly annoying, it's not a dealbreaker for me.

  8. But I can't have a synth solo agaist myself! I'd kick my own ass!

    I would recommend cloning, but the sheer amount of glorious synth solo-y-ness would more than likely cause the universe to cave in on itself and come together into a single point, where only a single solitary synth note would exist... forever ringing...

    That is, until Chuck Norris comes and saves it so that we can return to worshipping will

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