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Posts posted by Zerothemaster

  1. I feel like he's more about image (and DJing) than his music now.

    He hasn't come out with a phenomenal track in a long time. Great beat, great bassline, and a couple blips.

    I did like a chunk of the songs on 4x4=12, but it's not too hard to please me :P

  2. As Gario said, i was trying to say that i like his song a lot without saying "Gario's song is the best" or something like that.

    I know that Zircon is a beast, and he probably would have made a better song, i was trying to say something nice about Gario's song. Is not that terrible, it was a simple sentence...

    I understand that is not a matter of winning and losing, in fact, what i care is my MP3 full of songs from all of you, once again, just trying to say something nice for Gario, and a joke for Zircon, maybe i should not say anything considering none knows me.

    But if you don't say anything, no one will get to know you. D=

    And just ignore neblix, it's just nebby being nebby

  3. So I'm really doubting that Deadmau5 really looked into the issue with all that much depth. All I got was a bunch of semi-coherent ramblings befitting a 14 year old :S

    I have my doubts that Deadmau5 has mental capacities past that age :P

    Don't get me wrong, love his music, but he's not exactly socrates. :P

  4. i actually have an album cover and signature image already made if you wanted to take a peek at them. i just now got permission to use them, so i've been keeping quiet about them. but now i can show challs!



    Oh god not jpgs.

    Sorry, but they're just artifacting really really badly. Remake and save as a .png, that way the text won't turn all pixely, hopefully. I love the art, but the .jpg-y-ness needs to go. :P

  5. Aww, shame I can't actually start mixing until I get a new headset in May. Otherwise, I'd be mixing like mad, because I've got two weeks off at the start of April.

    I mixed my last song with Apple iPhone Earbuds. True Story.

    well the mixing is probably s*** but that's not what we're talking about here

  6. That banner is also ridiculously tall. It'll make this thread huge looking. I'd recommend going no taller than 125px. Other than that, it looks cool.

    I've always been a sucker for big banners? I always thought that anything under 150px is way too small to make anything really cool, but that's just me. While Rexy's sigs were great (are great :3) I thought they were rather minimalistic, and I'm not a very minimal person, I guess. :P

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