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Posts posted by Zerothemaster

  1. Nah, it's not wrong at all - people like what they hear. I brought over a handful of tracks from the compo onto my iPod as well, which indeed included the Gentlemasters' final collab "When Robots Collide" (another one you were involved in :razz: ). I quite liked that one on the first go around - reminded me a little bit of Skapara when discussing it with WillRock about a couple of months back :)

    All I did for that is the really terrible guitar solo that sounds stupid :-D

    It all comes down to the fact that I hate everything I've ever made :/

    Also, on the subject of I Dreamt Of A Man With Two Heads... here's Amph's alternate version, the "Sexytime Version". :P

    Listen here.

    It is very sexytime.

  2. I'd list all the tracks that I kept in my collection, but there are 81 of them, so that might be a bit excessive. A quick skim through the artists of those tracks, though, seems to indicate that I've got at least one track from each competitor in there. So great job, everyone!

    but that means that you have one of my songs

    and thats wrong

  3. Well done everyone! Knew block rockman beats would do well, but never expected to actually win! Thanks to halc and nutritious for helping out with this, and of course, great tracks from everyone!

    Some great tracks from this competition, some of the ones I particularly enjoyed were Dubious Brother, Far From Home and Shadows of Wily to name a few :)

    >One of the best remixers on OCR makes a team with two of the best remixers on OCR

    >Doesn't expect to win


    Also, I liked The Fall. A lot. And a lot of other tracks too. But mostly The Fall.

  4. Hahaha, alright, I can work on the wubs a bit more. That part is fun anyway, so I've got no problems xD

    As for the bass, I can try, but I'm currently working on a laptop with headphones. The headphones have pretty decent bass, but I can't be positive until I get home and try it on my usual system xD


    Listening on my mixing phones, it is a little weak in the low parts, imo.

    But that's just me :P

  5. The problem with remixing Lavender Town is that it's going to be repetitive. I know you can fix this by modulating those wubs some more! The only problem I have with them is that they are the same every time. Second and third drops, fiddle with it some more.

    Also, maybe I just wasn't catching it, but it needs some really woofer-rattling sub-bass layered underneath there. This mix will be good if you take a creepy song and make it feel oppressive, it's really close, and I think that a massive sub-bass could get it even farther.

    but that's just me :P

  6. I've never heard of it.

    But just because it's made in the same city as ableton doesn't mean that it's going to be anything like ableton... heck, I live 20 minutes away from where Adam Young makes music and I don't make anything remotely synth-pop-y.

    just saiyan

  7. From the Japanese Green ROM. This would be the pure version without any effects like reverb, fading or anything else added onto it (like on YouTube) or even the soundtrack CD they released for it back in 1996 (seriously, the CD had reverb on all the tracks. WTF?)

    I sincerely hope you're not talking about that bullshit Lavender Town Theme suicide thing. That's so fucking fake, I can't believe anyone on this site would believe that. If you do, I will have to ask you to hand in your OCR card, as per section 24 of the OCR User Membership Requirements you agreed to when you signed-up.

    ...I never said I believed it.

    And I don't, I just love me some urban myths when I feel like it. And I actually do like the song. And I'm curious about the original that spawned said myth. I think it's just as much bull as you do, but I like urban myths, as I said.

    ending off topic discussion, pm me to continue it if you wish

    let's give the man his topic back :P

  8. I have an mp3 of the original Japanese version, it's actually rather close.

    As for the remix, it's better now. Improvement in general. The chiptune really was holding it back.

    I would really really like a copy of that. Where did you get it?

    I'll echo Rex and say that it definitely needs something different in the clap department. I think a really tight snare would be a lot better. Also, I would distort the drums a bit, but that's just a personal thing, try it and see if you like it.

    Just a personal thing, I would probably make that lead, the arpeggio part, just swirl around my head in a giant pan. But that's just me.

    Also, extend the song a bit, with some more variation and some new parts, variate the wobbles some more, and change that brass to a synth or something. That's all I have for now.

    I really like the ideas here, just needs to be fully realized :3

  9. So I'm pretty new to remixing and I don't know too much. I've been on the forum for close to a year but it's fair to say I went incognito for several months (school occupied me big time). Anyhow I took a stab at this just to see what I could come up with because I listened to the source and I really liked it. It's mysterious. I was just wondering if those guidelines really are the only ones.

    Can the mix be in any genre? And how do you know if you're sticking too much to the source or if you're going too far away from it? I've already done my mix (spent the afternoon and evening doing it) but I want to make sure it qualifies. :P

    I can't wait to see what people come up with for this!

    Answering because... idunno, because I'm here.

    Yes it can be any genre. I've seen anything from jazz to dubstep to ethereal to metal 'round here.

    I've seen mixes that have barely anything to do with the source. The only thing is, people probably won't vote for said mixes. I would say that just one day on a mix is rather short, if you want, I'd be happy to give it a listen and some production tips (as if I can produce anything lol)

    And OH YEAH I CAN MAKE A BONUS MIX! I should totally do that. :P

    Also, bunde, you might want to link this too:


    instead of the dutch wiki page XD

  10. Haha, I'm afraid I'm not that confident. But since you mentioned it, I guess my real reason was to have an excuse just to turn em up! It's too early in the morning though =(.

    Either way, pretty impressive! What compo?

    Edit: Subbed!

    Well i didn't mention that there were only two other entries and neither were exactly amazing. :P


    still it was my first true victory at anything, so I guess I'll take it for what its worth

    which is equivalent to three Canadian pennies and the head of a dead horse :/

  11. EDIT: BTW, in case I survive this round, I still need a sig and i suck at graphic stuff. Just sayin'!

    I'll get on it dis afternoon, mein kampf

    Sending Darke my entry after this shit gets done rendering xD!

    Edit: It woulda been nice to blast these krk's for a final reference point ;_;.

    The last song I made for a compo, I finished mastering with a pair of Apple earbuds with a bad left bud.

    Won the compo


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