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Everything posted by JoeFu

  2. SWEET!! THANKS FOR THE NEWS ON PHOENIX WRIGHT!!! I was just searching through ebay for that the past few days.
  3. I went to my circut city and they didn't have any of those games . I really wanted Advance Wars too.
  4. The CoM boxart is so freaking awesome. I can't wait for that game. Still no official release date
  5. It's awesome, other than Xelha's voice acter, mostly everybody is alright.
  6. There has been no news on Baten Kaitos lately, unless I missed something. I think the DS one was cancled for the GC one, but unless there was some news, please tell me as I would love Baten Kaitos on the DS. I'm almost done with the GC one. EDIT: Has there been any news to a Xenosaga I & II release date for America? I really want an RPG on my DS.
  7. Nice, you have 8 games that I have. . but anyways... you got Sprung??? LOLOLOLOL. Just messing, and we need to play Metroid again guys. I haven't played in forever.
  8. DS lite is super Sexy. It's amazing how a brighter light can make a game look. OMFG LIGHT NUMBER 4!!!! The thing is also more comfortable to hold than the regular DS. The only thing I don't like is the placement of the Start and Select button, but oh well, looks like i have to adjust to that. But all in all, the DS lite is awesome. I can't wait for Starfox, Children of Mana, and FFIII to come out... it's going to be awesome.
  9. CE, you never know... I doubt Tingle RPG will even get released here. It seems to be one of those quarky Japanese games we don't get over here. Or in your case I have no idea.
  10. Come on guys, who cares about MMOs on the DS... WE HAVE FREAKING TINGLE RPG, OKAY?
  11. I say take out Roy or Marth and let Ike in the game. Ike was pretty cool and his sword would make things different.
  12. GUYS TINGLE RPG!!! http://www.enregistrersous.com/images/2/66d666ee8223fba16e1c5f05dc514131.html
  13. If the freaking Black Knight from FE:POR makes it, I will love the game forever. If Ike is in the game, he must use the sword you get for him towards the end of the game, that would be freaking awesome. I really hope Ike and the Black Knight make it. Soren seems cool too, but Mia??
  14. Utterly and completely false. http://www.codenamerevolution.com/?p=809 http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http://www.livewii.fr/news/9350/Des-nouvelles-tetes-pour-Super-Smash-Bros-Brawl.html I think it might be true... I'm sad about Mr.G&W EDIT: Well NEVERMIND. I did some more "research" and found out some dude made it up or something
  15. Pichu is just weird. It even hurts itself when it attacks. I never really liked it, and I think Pikachu is exactly the same, not very much difference at all other than the damage, and not making people fly with the down B move.
  16. Yes, please give Pichu the boot. It's not even fun using that thing. I hope Jiggly stays in the game. It's just fun annoying your friends with her B attack.
  17. Mr. Game & Watch is an awesome character, I hope he is returning. With that said, I wouldn't mind having a few more FE characters in the game.
  18. Wrong game!! Super Mario RPG was the Square game. SE had nothing to do with the Mario and Luigi games. But if they did add Geno and Mallow, that would be pretty awesome. With that said, I really don't care who they add, as long as they are kinda cool. Make them memorable. I would really like to see the twins from FE:SS and just have them replace Marth and Roy or something. A spear user would be pretty cool in that game. Ike could replace either of them too.
  19. I don't own the game either. The only reason I didn't buy it was because my friend had it, and I unlocked a lot of things for him and I didn't want to do it again. I usually beat my friend after a few warm up rounds though. Marth is awesome Tourneytards? In my SSB? I just wish a lot of people play item-enables matches online so I can win via a fluke. I like playing both ways. Items just make the game fun, but no items can really make the game into a serious fighter. Anyways, whatever way, I'll have fun playing it.
  20. I guess I really don't go back to any of my old DS games other than Daigassou Band Bros, but I never really replayed games. The only game I have replayed lately was Tales of Symphonia. I only have like 3 GBA games too. I just recently beat Fire Emblem:Sacred Stones, and I doubt I'll replay the game.... I just got the GC one.
  21. Kay, you quoted it wrong, and it's Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
  22. not a bad choice, but i think it needs someone else ever more, and im not sure if anyone has said it yet but, Viewtiful Joe. He's getting his own sort of party smash game, isn't he? Or has he already gotten it? I haven't played the series since I fully completed the first one. Yeah, the game came out already. Anyways, I found on a different forum that found that the castle level was from FE:POR, so we may see the character from the game. The flag is supposed to be the emblem of one the nations there.
  23. If anything, Nintendo just HAS to put Reggie in the game. That would be so awesome if they did that for fun. But if Nintendo was to add more characters from third-party people, I would think Viewtiful Joe would be a good choice, seeing how it was a better seller on the GC instead of the PS2.
  24. Why does everybody want Square characters in the game so badly? If you want to play around with Cloud in a fighting game, go pick up Ergheiz or something. It would be cool, but its nothing to drool over. I hope Nintendo just puts most of the Nintendo people in first before adding others.
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