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Everything posted by JoeFu

  1. Also, is it me or did like, the 3rd temple boss never actually attack you. Yeah... Third Temple boss was pretty easy, but it was pretty awesome killing him. I just got the OFMG SPOILARS!
  2. YES! LETS MAKE A TRIUMPHANT RETURN!! I can't wait for some Wii games to go online. Too bad we have to wait until next year... Oh well. MAYBE SOME POKAYMON NEXT YEAR! MY wii # 1218 2528 9087 7839
  3. I'm about to go to the third dungeon. So far this game is amazing. The scale of Hyrule is awesome, and not to mention that the
  4. Eh... The bob fishing works, it just took me a while to adjust to what was going on. You just have to wait for a fish to bite it, the bob will then move down. After that just pull up. That's what I did and it pretty much worked. I'm pretty sure the best fishing is when you get the real fishing rod. Also, I am loving the controls. I really like using the wand movement and attacking like that. The horseback combat is alright, its not really hard to get Link to swing the sword. I totally understand why most reviewers said that they would never go back to the classic control scheme. It's just more fun and seems a bit easier, especially for aiming your slingshot.
  5. Matt Cassamassina has his Zelda Review up. For some reason he calls it the best Zelda ever, but gives it a lower score than Wind Waker... I mean, it's only by .1, but he should have just given the game a 10 if he thought it was the best Zelda.
  6. Fat guy from Gamespot gave it an 8.8 If any of you guys watched the gamespot live thingy, it was the dude who sat down to play bowling...
  7. Wow that's like what happened when I was gonna meet Miyamoto at Nintendo World. First 200 got in and the idiot in front of me held spots for two of his friends that came very late and I ended up being 201 and my brother 202... Yeah people are being real dicks this launch. I hope every time they try to sell their auction gets fake bidded. Edit: Shots were fired from a Texas Walmart. Also, some armed men stole 4 PS3s and several XBox 360s from a Gamespot in California. People are insane. WTF! That's pretty retarded... I hope my little adventure to Gamestop to pick up my Wii will be safe. Seeing as its a launch with bigger numbers I say that it should be alright. I really think Sony should have delayed, if even just a few weeks. Anything is better than the 200k they sent out for launch.
  8. Well, that sucks. The really sucky thing is that I bet at least 5 of those guys are selling it.
  9. Got FFIII today. I really like it. I like the old school FF games a little more than the new ones. I really don't care if it's outdated or whatever, I think it's pretty fun.
  10. Hahaha, Taiwan got 500 PS3s for launch.... FIVE HUNDRED!!! http://ps3.ign.com/articles/746/746200p1.html
  11. Their going to CLOSE HIS WEBSITE!
  12. If I was lucky enough to get one at launch, I would still sell it. The possibility of 2 to 3 thousands dollars is great. With that money you could just buy another PS3 down the road and a nice sized TV to go with it.
  13. Just letting you guys know that some guys have broken the NDA and released some pictures of bosses and other things. So.... I would just shy away from anything Zelda if you don't want them spoiled.
  14. Maddox has finally updated his site and his new rant is about Sony. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=sony_bullshit
  15. He can't troll in the Wii thread without getting flamed to bits, so he does it here instead. Sorry Evilhead, couldn't resist. Youkai: PS3 compatible with PS1 software? That's kinda reaching. Do you have any reasoning or source to back this up? Because PS3 is backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2? Look how monstrous the system is. They have like all things needed to play both playstations in it.
  16. But it's easier to play PS1 games on the computer, not so much for the N64. I can't find a good configuration for the N64. But whatever. I do want a few 64 games for the Wii, such as Paper Mario because I never played that before. Anyways, I really do wish Nintendo made their pricing point a little less. Oh well.
  17. ISOS??!?! WHAT? There are things called ps1 isos? Those can be incredibly hard to find for size reasons. Just try finding a non-clone Jet Moto 1,2, or 3. Exactly. I can download any game for old systems instantly on any computer. A 64k ROM isn't hard to find, even if it's something rare. But getting a 600meg ISO for an obscure PS1 game is can very difficult. Even if you get the ISO, it's hard to play burned PS1 games on even a modded PS2, and PC emulation is not 100%. $5 is a deal. So... point is I can still download for free. My computer that sucks can play PS1 iso's perfectly. The PS1 emulator works better than the N64 one for me.
  18. ISOS??!?! WHAT? There are things called ps1 isos?
  19. Considering that there's a standard mini-USB port on top and the system has USB ports on board, I'd say yes. How else would you be able to charge them anyway? I had thought some of the articles I read referred to a charger that was sold seperately. It would plug into a wall. I could very well be wrong (or the article or both ). You are really wrong and so is the article. You use a Mini-USB thing, like the one that you use on the PSP. It plugs into the PS3 to recharge.
  20. I know this isn't the Wii thread, but have you played the Wii? I don't get how people call something gimmicky without even trying it. And the "kiddie" games argument is really dumb. A game for everyone does not equal a "kiddie" game. Kiddie games are games such as Barbie Horse Adventures. Anyways, I don't think any of the consoles will fail. All three will succeed in some way. I don't think the PS3 can outsell the PS2 though. That would be crazy if it did. I think all will do fine and do well. There's too much fanbase for Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft for any of them to fail.
  21. Bought Deep Labyrinth the day it came out. Loved it; spent close to 20 hours playing both scnearios. While it never gets hard, per se, it will get a bit more difficult the further you play. And Chapter 2 is harder than Chapter 1 (I've actually died in Ch. 2). Remember you're only 2 hours in. The mazes get way more complex as you play (the very last area of Chapter 1 actually took a long time to get through totally, several hours if I recall correctly). But yeah, it's an easy game, on the whole. Yeah, I like Deep Labyrinth. While I haven't beat it yet, the game is fun. It's also fun to just laugh at the retarded girl you talk to in the second story. She's kinda weird...
  22. Well... have you played the Wii? I have, and the thing is really responsive. In Zelda, it's not about the swordplay, it's still the same, but with the remote, things become easier, not more difficult like using the steering wheel on GT3.
  23. No the first REAL online game was Unreal TournamentIf it isn't online, then...well...Wii just destroyed themselves Well, it has to be pretty hard to make this game play online without any lag whatsoever. So much precision is needed to play when a bunch of good people get together.
  24. I'm going to have my digital camera in hand so I can take pics of all the bosses for you Europeans!
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