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Everything posted by JoeFu

  1. I agree on Ephriam, that dude was pretty cool, if they put him in there, then they should also put Erika in the game too, maybe those guys can replace Marth or something, but I hope Marth is still in the game.
  2. Please do us a favor and post more of those Klowd
  3. Please, I would also like a translated version
  4. K, if you hate him so much, pray for Sega to let Nintendo use him, because if they put Sonic in the game, you could literally "kill" Sonic.
  5. How is Snake in SSB bad? This means that Kojima wants in on Nintendo stuff, this is good news.
  6. I don't think we see as many clone characters now... THEY HAVE MORE POWER NOW!
  7. I'm hoping too. Sega wished to make a game with nintendo.... WE CAN BELIEVE~!!
  9. http://revolution.ign.com/articles/707/707504p1.html http://revolution.ign.com/articles/707/707504p1.html http://revolution.ign.com/articles/707/707504p1.html http://revolution.ign.com/articles/707/707504p1.html GO NOW~!!!
  10. I thought he was easy. All I did was shoot him with Ebony and Ivory until he was almost dead. Granted it took forever, but once you have his weekness he dies in less than a minute.
  11. Anybody have a weird problem when they downloaded 1001-1250? For some reason most the songs are 32 megabytes, only a few songs were the normal size.
  12. I probably have the maturity level of a 9 year old kid. So by the time I'm 20, I should be acting like a 13 year old.
  13. Only cause I'm on it, and you know it. I'm looking forward to the Zelos theme. Very good song. Also the battle themes are going to be awesome. I loved the battle themes in TOS.
  14. I guess I should introduce myself. You may wonder why my post count is so low for a guy who joined almost 3 years ago, so I'll tell ya. The reason I joined was because I wanted to hear the WIP's because I thought it was pretty cool listening to how remixes developed. I've been playing video games since I was a baby. The first game I beat was Super Metroid, I think. I am a Nintendo supporter, not fanboy, but I have more games on my PS2 than GC. I'm 16, and almost out of my sophmore year in High School!!
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