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Posts posted by Cash

  1. Quiet and quite are two different words. RAWR

    Anyways, if it's still too quiet I would just bring up the mixer track volume. Still too quiet? Use something to boost gain. Like FL Limiter (with an unreachable ceiling so no compression)

    The mixer track volume works. Still though, when I increase the volume on the instrument itself, it goes back every time I click somewhere else. Is there any way to avoid that?

  2. I'm having trouble adjusting the volume of Kontakt instruments in FL Studio. When I bring up the volume of a given instrument in the Kontakt wrapper window, the volume goes back down when I try to record into the MIDI out channel. I brought the channel volume up all the way, but the instrument is still too quiet. Does anyone have any solutions?

  3. Depends how many outputs you want. I'm pretty sure that Kontakt 5.dll is just two outputs (one stereo pair), while the 8 and 16-output versions obviously give you more. The advantage is that you can use one instance of Kontakt (and thus use less memory) for multiple instruments, but send the outgoing audio to different tracks in FL Studio so you can apply different effects to them.

    I was thinking it was something like that, but wasn't sure. Thanks for clearing that up!

    And thanks for the guide Neblix!

  4. I do honestly hope that some of the people reviewing are not just glancing over songs/playing them once just for the sake of writing one or two sentences, to me that's not much better than not saying anything.

    It's about impact. I'd give songs more than one listen, give them some time to be absorbed, thought over, dwelled on a little bit before commenting, at least that's what I always do.

    I generally only review remixes that have been in my library for a while and have had lots of listens. Unless the song is especially good, then I'll review after a few listens. I analyze the songs to the best of my ability, but since I lack enough experience to pick out much musically, my reviews are usually on the short side.

    I definitely agree though, if you've only heard something once, it's better not to review at all.

  5. Personally, I check out every new remix and review it if I enjoyed it, whether in an album or not. Even during flood periods. It seems I might be in the minority, but I can't say for sure. I think an icon on the home page would be nice, if it can fit without being too cluttered.

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