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Posts posted by Cash

  1. I see what Neblix is saying, it seems a lot of people are thinking there is some sort of chiptune bias because Espergirl was denied. Some judges and others said a chiptune remix that is good enough would pass. Then others say that's not true because Espergirl would have been accepted. A lot of this seems to be a disagreement over the decision of the one song. Maybe I'm wrong.

  2. If this campaign doesn't affect the release of the album, then why does it say the album will be released once OCR gets 27k likes? I think you've answered your own question on clarity. As for aggressive, then if you've liked the page already, then it's up to you to go and harass your friends to like the page, which is, in my view, aggressive.

    Since when did this become about perceived popularity, and not about DA MUSIK?!

    I'm just going based off what Liontamer said.

    Wanting the album right NAOW is all well and good, but we're not we're even ready to release it right now to begin with, because there's still other stuff to get done, campaign aside.

    Who says you have to harass your friends? Wouldn't a simple question do? If you choose to ask aggressively, that's hardly the fault of this campaign. The fact that the album will be released free of charge tells me that it is about the music. Maybe you feel differently.

    They have been consolidated over in another, single thread. If you wish to continue discussing this non-issue, please do it over there.

    EDIT: Just saw this, whoops.

    EDIT2: I guess I'm already in the thread.

  3. I don't get it, how is requesting 27k likes on the OCR Facebook page aggressive or unclear? It seems people are taking an idea that was meant to be fun way too seriously. And as Liontamer the album is not ready to be released yet, so this campaign isn't even affecting the release of the album.

    By the way, who is forcing people to go on Facebook and like the page?

  4. Yeah, the timing was basically changing the lengths of the notes to fit the groove, if that's the right word. Also, the bpm in my mix is 130, and I think the source is less, I could be wrong though.

    I'll definitely work on syncing up the melody with the drums.

    Thanks for the feedback Monobrow! It's a big help!

  5. My second WIP remix, the Wind Scene or 600AD from Chrono Trigger. I made the synths from scratch, though I did have help from a tutorial making the lead. I used FL Studio 10, the synths were made in Sytrus. I spent the day working on the drums, so hopefully they fit. As always, all feedback is appreciated, especially critiques. I hope you enjoy it!

    EDIT: Popular source, I know. I stumbled across it while playing around with my new synths, so I stuck with it.


    v1 http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/chrono-trigger-wind-scene


  6. First off, the lead synth used is really annoying. I don't like the way it sounds, it's too loud and pingy, if that makes sense. The remix as a whole is muddy, especially when the fake guitar comes in. Everything is crowded together, the bass needs to be much lower, it gets drowned out quickly. The drums are in the background too much and lack strength, the timing also seems off. The fake guitar just doesn't sound good, it needs some eq, or maybe even a different sample. This is a good start, but it's in a early stage. This needs a lot more work.

    By the way, I hope my critique doesn't bum you out. Just keep at it, and don't give up.

  7. Awesome, well done. This is one of my favorite songs from FF9, I like where this is going. The flute is a little loud, until the electric guitars come in near the end, but the flute is a placeholder, so I guess it doesn't really matter. Vocals would be great, but Native American flute would be cool too. :razz: Looking forward to the next version!

  8. 23 is better than 18 so when we see that number rise it makes us feel good, but tbh it's not really worth anything if the person who followed you hasn't even listened to one of your tracks.

    This is true, but that number represents a possibility that another person will listen to your music and maybe even give feedback. The possibility justifies taking a few seconds to hit the follow button. That's me anyway.

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