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Angry Ancestor

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Everything posted by Angry Ancestor

  1. Made this a while ago. Enjoy!
  2. How we doing over here?
  3. Yeah, March is actually just around the corner, if you think about it. It'll be here before you know it. So pumped!
  4. Thanks for the dope preview!
  5. Listening to Skrillex's Bangarang...again...d: I love it!
  6. Awesome mix, man! Well done. Loved the dubstep at the end.
  7. Banjo-Kazooie: Get Jiggy With It :J Also, there's a Rare/BK fansite called Rare Witch Project. Fun fact. :>
  8. If you would even listen to the entire Jiggosseum track, you'd realize that it meshes perfectly with HFP. I didn't pull those song combinations out of my ass, ya know. ToT does in fact contain portions of MMM. :V I find that to be a ridiculous reason. This should be a community effort, not your personal request. Then again, I could be completely missing the point. In that case I'd kind of rather not be apart of this. :V I feel like I'm disagreeing with you a lot. I don't mean to offend, I do like you. d:
  9. Since all the N&B tracks have portions of old songs, maybe we can combine some tracks: Nutty Acres + Treasure Trove Cove Logbox720 + Gruntilda's Lair Jiggosseum + Hailfire Peaks Terrarium of Terror + Mad Monster Mansion Showdown Town + Jinjo Village And maybe you could toss Grunty Industries on the bonus list.
  10. Well if we did every level theme, it would be around 30 tracks. Which is a lot. And that's why I only want to do the first game. I feel very strongly about this. Ugh.
  11. If we're doing all three games, I'd really prefer that all the level themes in the series are included. It frustrates me to see a lack of Grunty Industries, Terrydactyland, Cloud Cuckooland, etc. Every track should be incorporated into the album one way or another, IMO. Or, as stated before, a solely-BK album.
  12. It only goes up to 71 on the iTunes store. :S
  13. What's wrong with the iTunes feed? The most recent episode is 71.
  14. It would be a shame if we excluded certain level themes for space's sake. I think a 15-track (or so) album of the first game would be fine--the nine level themes, plus Spiral Mountain, Gruntilda's Lair/final battle, main theme/credits, Mumbo's theme, and maybe Tooty's theme. Give or take. Then again, it's your concept, therefore your call. EDIT: Nija'd by Cash, and would you look at that--we said the same thing. xD
  15. This is a sexy mix! Good work! I'm a sucker for (good) dubstep, and SMW had an awesome soundtrack.
  16. Hello! I am extremely interested in your Banjo-Kazooie album concept. Would you like to toss around ideas with each other? I'd love to be apart of the project, for I'm a big BK fan.

  17. Holy crap, this would be amazing. I'm all for this. I'll even help with organization. But I'd much rather this be solely a Banjo-Kazooie 1 album, and if it's a success, we can follow up with BT in later years. We can have a ReMix for each world theme, plus other tracks in the game (Nabnut's house, inside Mumbo's Skull, etc.) This has much potential. I think every track in BK should be addressed, rather than jam-packing the "best" tracks of the series in one album. Thoughts?
  18. Tracks from OCR Albums aren't automatically submitted to the judges. That's why you won't see all Sound of Speed tracks on the main OCR site individually.
  19. *applause* Yay! Well done to everyone involved in the restoration movement.
  20. So pumped for this album!
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