I don't know if you can get it in the wild, but the Amazon preorder familiar Griffy just eats everything up. I feel like I'm cheating a little bit when I use him, as I probably should have been dead and gone in a few spots only to have him come out and rake.
Regarding the music, I think there are some truly beautiful tracks that do a great job of capturing the game's themes, especially in regards to childlike innocence and adventure. Also, I am in agreement with Zircon that the music makes it feel like a classic RPG, and that just adds to its charm. Could be that I just don't play many JRPGs nowadays, but I can't remember the last time I felt the type of nostalgia I do when I play this game.
It *is* way too repetitive, though, but it could definitely be worse: the music could be ridiculously repetitive and ear-wrenching, or the writing could be downright boring. As is, I find the repetition pretty bearable--take a few days off from playing and go back to it, maybe, if it's getting too hard to take.