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Everything posted by TroisNyxEtienne

  1. Heeeeyyy! So sorry about the late reply (and I know it came a month late) D: Good to see you!

  2. Listening to your Super Mario medley. I like what you have going there, and you've made me smile. A few things to note: 1. The transition to the Super Mario World castle theme could've been smoother; when I listened to it I found it quite abrupt. 2. I love what you have going with the SMW castle theme. It does remind me of that rock version of Luigi's theme. Only thing I would suggest is some more oomph! -- that's right, oomph! The original had all those epic organs and things to heighten the tension, what happened to them? They could be thrown into a rock song just as well as they were thrown into the original. 3. The transition to (was it the near-ending from Legend of the Seven Stars?) was quite smooth, and that's good. Again, a bit more climactic tension heightening. Dynamics are important. I can't say anything about the mixing because I'm not the best at it, but here's me giving you what I've remarked. Hope to hear more from you.
  3. I can hear the bells playing the middle fragment of Dedede's theme very well, but not the main part of the melody at the beginning (in fact, it sounds like it's been overdelayed), and the main melody is what a lot of people are looking for. I hear the melody clearly after going halfway through the piece, and it's offbeat. Not a master in mixing (I'm a novice, actually!), so I can't say much there. But, I can say two things — 1) I do like this take on Dedede's theme. The only part I have trouble with is the ending, which sounds off in places: the melody and chords just don't seem to click. Otherwise, the piece is quite original. 2) I imagine some of us who actually listened to the song didn't listen all the way through and then complained that there is no melody from Dedede's theme. Might I make a suggestion, please? Listen all the way through. Thank you. If you have listened all the way through, great job.
  4. Yeah, that's an idea. Thank you! Also, thanks for listening. I imagine I'll have to remake this at some point, with a better mic, and if I do, I'll gladly throw it in.
  5. Got it. Thanks for the review! Also, yes, about OCR, I know, and I understand. It was with that purpose in mind that I joined OCR anyway. But let me ask one thing: If I didn't put that original there, would anyone even know what I'm capable of? Or would they just leave me in a corner again? That original work was supposed to be a game intro, or at least, I had long intended it to be, but oh well.
  6. Simply beautiful. I don't know whether the general lack of dynamic change is something that can be modified, but otherwise, this track is one of the most heartwarming I've ever heard. Mind, I'm usually picky about chords, but you've used them pretty well. <3
  7. Yes, I am the KHW admin, TNE. You'd see me floating around on the interwebz as Troisnyx or TroisNyxEtienne.
  8. Oh, hello. I was just browsing the thread on religion when I came across your post in the thread for Christians. Hello, fellow believer! :)

    By the way, I'm new, and I'm sorta wandering around here, and I thought I'd make a friend.

  9. http://soundcloud.com/troisnyx (Personal) http://soundcloud.com/KingdomofHerts (When posting tracks for Kingdom of Herts) I don't post very much there, because a lot of what I do is either on YouTube or Newgrounds. But please, do feel free to take a look anyway.
  10. So I posted a video game remix on YouTube, and I thought I'd ask for feedback. Pardon me, I'm not the best in advertising myself, I'm just shy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiEVjdczAQ Those of you who played Tales of the Abyss will recognise this as Abyss, the title screen theme. I'll be glad to know what you think!
  11. The only link I have is YouTube, and I thought I'd share, because I finished it just a few days before joining OCRemix. It's called Sur la terre des hommes libres, which is French for "In the Land of the Free". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhumXe-hRLo Wrote this in 2009, but this is the most recent version of this song. Please, do tell me what you think! P.S. I'm aware that I didn't hold my breath in places, and I should've done so. I'm also aware that the vocals might sound a bit muddy, but I can't do anything about this yet: I've only got an integrated PC mic to use, and I'm a penniless student!
  12. Name's Annette, also known as Troisnyx. I remix and do original stuff. I guess that's all?.... I'll admit I'm kinda shy, but I'm happy to answer any questions, either on the forums or on PM. Oh, and before I forget — I do stuff on FL Studio 10, for the most part. Nice to meet you all!
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