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Everything posted by TroisNyxEtienne

  1. As for the IRC, this PC apparently doesn't run sites with IRC prefixes. Not sure why, but yeah. Tried it on Firefox and it didn't work; tried it on IE and it crashed the connexion. I'll try when I next get onto my own PC (I'm on the university's computers), but I cannot guarantee being on when all the people who share my genre are.
  2. I agree. I would keep the piano, but I would agree that you need to concentrate on fleshing out your harmonies and rhythms with other instruments. The piano by itself is insufficient. Plus, you could actually use the piano for more epic parts of the piece (here's an example: melody line in octaves? For a climactic section?) The brass is slightly hard on the ears, though it's just me. I imagine part of the reason it is so is because that brass would work well with a fully-fledged orchestral arrangement. Pizzicato strings, standard strings, sub-melodies with winds. You could do a lot with this piece. I do love where this is going, and I'm glad you had an A-B-A kind of progression. Another thing I like about this piece is that your use of instruments sounds natural -- at least, I can say they're far better than my usually automated-sounding FL Studio mouseclicking. Knock out the kinks, and you'll have an outstanding piece in no time!
  3. I like where you are going with the piano and strings, but the percussions have ruined it all -- percussions work with a well-defined bass, and this one doesn't seem to have any pronounced bass apart from the contrabass, which is insufficient. Either go for 1) a pronounced bass (if you're using FL Studio, BooBass should do the trick), or 2) no percussions at all. That, and the percussions themselves need to be epic. Timpani? Then, dynamics. I liked how the piece built up from the intro on to 0:30, I could see tension rising. However, there was not much dynamic change from 0:30 - the piece sounded flat. This gashes the entire listening experience: this is a piece with a lot of potential, and that potential can be reached with rising tension. Instrument layering is good, but also note velocity changes. Another suggestion I would like to make for this piece is the use of tempo automation clips. If you're on FL, you can do so by right-clicking the tempo display box and clicking "Create automation clip". Then you can modify the tempo accordingly in the playlist viewer. If you're not using FL, there are methods of modifying the tempo. The reason why I mention it is because there are places in this piece where a good slowdown will make the piece sound more grand. Especially towards the end. I'm not an expert on the other things that you mention, but I can tell you this -- my first pieces were pretty much like yours, and I know it takes constant experimentation. Hang in there! You have good ideas, and I know your efforts will bear fruit. Keep up the good work, improve on what needs to be improved, and you'll be awesome in no time!
  4. Right. I won't be too fazed by him, then.
  5. I do hear some Kanno in it, though I forget from which game. The only thing I can think of is Ragnarok Online...... Anyway, onto the piece. I wouldn't call it particularly Celtic either -- even Japanese music has the inflexions that your piece has (replace that flute with a shakuhachi and it'll sound like something off the Okami soundtrack!). It definitely falls under one of those traditional or classic genres, I'm not sure which. The piece is calm and well composed - the melody sounds like it could make for a poignant scene (if this piece is looped), or an opening theme similar to that of Herdy Gerdy (if this piece is continued). I like your choice of instruments. However, I'm not an expert in mixing, so I can't say much -- this, you will have to rely on one of the more seasoned users. I still find that this piece shouldn't be left alone as is -- if anything, you should build up on that melody. It really has potential. How about a bit more instrument layering? Strings? Build up the tension so that it starts calm but has a climax. If you have another melody to add on to this, that'll be awesome! So you have your Part A, your Part B and your repeated Part A. Please, build this piece up. It'll be lovely to see how far you can take it. You have a good starting idea - make it greater!
  6. I've had this done since early this year, but I've been hesitating to post since I need to keep my remix/original composition count in balance, and I must not let the OC count top the remix count in any way. But here's something I thought I'd share, and it's a piece from my work with Kingdom of Herts -- http://soundcloud.com/kingdomofherts/all-the-way-down This is meant to be a level theme for a bullet hell shooter. I'm the OST writer for that project. Um... feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Right, but I don't see the point -- a changing of feel would also make it a remix, wouldn't it? Either way, I'm fine with the team asking for a new soundtrack, and I'll try work on something the minute I get my hands back on FL.
  8. By harsh I meant noob standard harsh, but I'm glad for the kind of criticism you guys give.
  9. But think about the gamers! They'll be looking for those songs because they are the "trademarks" of a song, so to speak. What is a new Super Mario game without throwbacks to the themes from SMB all the way to SMW of any sort? Similarly, are people going to think highly of our AA spinoff if we don't include the classics? I trust I won't be alone in saying the key is not to make ours completely different. The key is to truly make the game, the soundtrack, everything, stand out. We don't want players to be left disappointed, and we want to be confident that we've done something that has surpassed even the first AA game.
  10. I'll be glad to, thanks for the ideas! My only pickle is having to mouse-click every single note into FL -- I did get a good piano soundfont thanks to Newgrounds' Audio Portal, but it seems kinda demoralising sometimes for me to have to click everything in... It either takes a long time, or sounds unnatural.
  11. Bear in mind that the people in Newgrounds have been harsh to me, even rejecting my Newgrounds CD submission despite giving it a sound 8 out of 10, and it's only after my six months there, uploading and commenting on stuff, that I decided to try OCR. But hey, I'll get active here more. I don't want to be judged by my cover as much as anyone wants to. Yet I know I have a lot to learn, and I'll gladly do so.
  12. Wouldn't that be departing from Phoenix Wright's OST altogether, then? o.O
  13. Thanks. That's actually a really good idea; I'll give that a shot. I was far from expecting this, but... thanks, guys!
  14. I've attempted to remake the Prologue, and I could do Part I comfortably, but I'm not sure how to handle the quicker part of it yet. Hope it'll come soon... For now, here's my work in progress: http://soundcloud.com/troisnyx/ace-attorney-prologue-wip
  15. I'll try, Stevo. I'll try. I'll definitely have, among others, you to thank. I know I haven't been particularly confident in myself anymore, especially after having tried for two years. Well, you haven't further frustrated me. Thanks.
  16. That, and an integrated PC mic which picks up background noise. No noise removal even. I'm quite surprised (pleasantly surpriesd) that it impressed you — here I was, hoping to get a good mic so that my recordings would at least begin to sound professional, because I was using the same mic and software for the past two years. But if there are any kinks to be knocked out, please, do let me know.
  17. Thanks — I'll try, at some point. I hope it may be soon... I did attempt to write an instrumental to the vocals, but I failed miserably.
  18. By theme songs I meant Reach for the Stars, Sonic Boom, Endless Possibilities, His World etc. I guess I needed to be a little clearer about this — lyrical themes? Again, I won't expect anything, and if anything can be lyricised, that could be something to look at too.
  19. I'd love to help — I've watched playthroughs of games in the series, but I haven't played one myself. All I'd like to know is what kind of feel we're going for — are we going for standard Ace Attorney fare (MIDI-sounding stuff), or are we taking it further and making it orchestral?
  20. Five years? Even longer? Some people don't even need to freakin' try and they're there. I'm saying this because I, like other newcomers onto the scene, can be very easily discouraged. Seriously, it's come to the point where even listening to good remixes makes me feel so small, like I can't do a thing. You have that awful feeling where you know exactly what you're capable of, and practically everything is limiting you — finances, listenership, experience. I can consider myself lucky to have a full copy of FL Studio 10, because a friend gave it to me as a gift. Some people don't even get halfway where I do by eight months, possibly even longer. That having been said, you're gonna ask me (and possibly all other newcomers in my situation) — how are you going to overcome whatever it is you're facing? Before the onus is even put on us, we need to know where to even begin finding listeners. Personally, I don't even think that my remix of Abyss (from Tales of the Abyss) got more than ten (or even five) listens from OCR to begin with. Then you've got the fact that some people prefer games which are less known to the public than others. Things like Herdy Gerdy, for example. What do you do about them? The more established you are, the easier it is for you to post remixes from these games, and it's proven fact. Don't get me wrong — I love what you guys are doing, and I believe you should continue. But as a relative newcomer to this whole remixing thing (having only done so for slightly more than a year), I feel the need to tell how our immense frustration is more real than some think, and I'm sure I won't be alone in asking how we're going to get help for this.
  21. Gladly, so long as whoever I'm pitted against picks a theme song rather than backing music. But I won't expect anything.
  22. One of the few trance remixes that I've liked a lot thus far. The intro is so cute! My only complaint is about chords — 1) The chords at 1:16-1:22 (and similar sequences) sound horribly off. Inversions are hard on the ears. 2) Chorus 2 (Now these points of data make a beautiful line) has horribly off chords at the beginning too. The producers used the chords they used for a reason. A C major with a long F note on the melody line just doesn't click. The guitar coming right after that is an awesome touch! I've hit the Like button; I genuinely like it. Taking into account my pickle with the chords, I'd give it a 4/5. Keep up the good work!
  23. I came across the mass of techno/dnb/dubstep/metalcore remixes here and then I came across this, and I said to myself, 'this is my thing'. I've never played a Zelda game before, but I love when people remake songs and they still feel like they belong in a Zelda game. This is one of the more beautiful songs I've heard out there. Kudos to you guys. It's pretty fun that you got to do this together.
  24. I'd love to join, but I don't know if I can make it — 1) Coursework. 2) I've been very uninspired lately. 3) The only thing that ever screams "SONIC" in my uploads is that acapella of Sonic Colours' intro theme.
  25. Uh, hey. It's been a month and I've been largely uninspired, but I hope all's been well. I did this completely on a whim — an acapella version of Reach for the Stars, the intro theme to Sonic Colours. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcNRM_T0n1I I'm not sure if: 1. I'm ever going to make an instrumental for this. 2. I'm ever going to do the full version of this. 3. I'm ever going to attempt to do the rest of the parts acapella — the only things I see myself capable of doing at this point are chords and "synths". 4. this is a work in progress or a finished work. But for now, I'm just going to mark it as "Finished". Please, do give me your thoughts. Thanks!
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