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Everything posted by TheMrkuul

  1. i have a roland juno here where i can probably make a sf2 bank from for you to use in dance mixes? as you can hear from my mixes (if youve heard em) im mainly into dance/trance heh
  2. heres an example recording of the hoover: http://snd.sc/HIGPlL
  3. ye~s! that's it, and try getting the timing errors out of there.
  4. ill post a sample as soon as i get home
  5. strum guitar: eg, you're strumming the accoustic guitar, not? soften it a little with a filter, and add some chorus/flanger/phaser
  6. cant get the hoover to fit in the mix, the main issue is the bpm of the source track being not absolute lol are you using fruity?
  7. try soften the strum guitar, it is really "on top" of everything. and add a touch of chorus and/or flanger/phaser to it. what do you think of that?
  8. sounds good! ill wait for the bass! (although i still think this song was absolutely MADE for accordeon)
  9. its gotten better! but the hoover i meant is a little higher, now it makes your track go blurry. i have the perfect hoover sound right here on my synth lol. ill try to add it to you track if thats ok? its hard to explain sounds, sounds should be heard!
  10. theres a difference between reverb and reverb if you for example want a wide space reverb, you have to define a large room size, and up the decay a bit (not too much or it'll take over your soundscape as notes fill) be careful on which instruments you use reverb! metallic sounds only need a little, or they will fill your entire soundscape, softer instruments can use a little more. are you familiar with soundfonts? theres tons of em on the net, waiting to be used! (some sound incredibly good!) or you can contact me for a good fitting soundfont sample.
  11. i am pretty sure it is from monkey island, one of the voodoo themes. http://youtu.be/rY8UtQ0FDa8
  12. sounds good, but there's no bassline and the chords do not progress like in the original source. that kinda annoys me. but the mix is clean!
  13. up the tempo and make the bassdrum a bit distorted and youve got an instant hit! wheres the goddamn hoover???
  14. sounds okay, but try this: make the drum samples a bit more lo-fi (bitcrusher?) give the bass saw sound at: 0:46 a sweeping filter/phaser at 0:54 make the bass hits shorter and punchier, like almost stabby. moar filters and sweeps, bit variation in drums and maybe a layer pad (try a PWM one) maybe even a hoover can fit in there! overall it sounds nice!
  15. the strings sound okay, but the bell sounds i find bit too cheesy. maybe you can find better samples? also a bit of reverb can't hurt, you're in a concert hall after all and you want the soundscape to sound BIG!
  16. Hi guys, This was my very FIRST attaempt at remixing videogame music. This track is also really old. (it was made in my old studio, with older hardware, so the polyphony is not very high) i kept the track bubbly with chippy sounds in the background, but it retains the original (somewhat) Feedback is SO welcome! http://snd.sc/yo4at8
  17. Hi guys, I came to the brilliant idea of making a remix of frog's theme from Chronotrigger. i came out so/so i am not completely satisfied with it. what do you think? Feedback is SO welcome! http://snd.sc/yD2GBh
  18. hi guys, 3rd remix i post this time. i picked afterburner from the arcade, it became a sort of hardstyle/happy hardcore dance track (weird)i might have to shorten it a bit because it gets a bit repetitive, but theres a bad-ass solo at the end so keep listening! oh and i decided to incorporate the original speech samples in the mix. feedback is SO welcome! http://snd.sc/xuAurU
  19. Hi guys, my second post with a remix i made. i picked double dragon mission 1 theme this time. this one was made about 3 months ago, it might be a bit heavy on the bass side but that is due to me having crappy mixer at that time. (it has been replaced) what is used? a yamaha dx7, some analog synth samples, some arpeggios. hte drums are kinda cheesy, but i think it quite fits an 80's game track. however, it's still full of energy. feedback is SO welcome! File is hosted on soundlcoud because youtube has poopy quality sometimes. http://snd.sc/wJ6dCq
  20. Here i go! my second post to the site and i am posting my first remix. it's the funky theme from hydrocity zone act 2. what did i use? mainly i use Fl for most everything, but for this i used a modded NES, (the lead is one, yes, nintendo sounds in a sega game lol) for bass i used 3 FM channels out of a yamaha dx7. drums are straightforward samples. couple this with some sytrus layers and some arpeggios and a psg sound to top it off and you got a modern sounding version of the original source. feedback is SO welcome. file is hosted on soundcloud (youtube has poopy quality sometimes) http://snd.sc/y9fzRS
  21. I AM SO IN ON THIS ONE! i might be new, but i really really want to take this one on, sonic's one of my all time faves so im game!
  22. Hi guys! i finally got around to joining OCremix, been wanting to do that for some time now, and finally got the chance. let me introduce myself my name is Luuk and i go by the alias of TheMrkuul. i love videgame soundtracks for the feeling of recognition they awake in me. i grew up in the 80's and 90's and saw the rise and fall of a complete videogame era i have been playing music ever since i was old enough to play a keyboard, my dad was a musician as well, so it started off early Can you imagine a small kid, five years of age, banging enthousiastically on an organ keyboard? that kid would be me over the years as i grew up i became more and more developed, learning to read notes and playing them on the fly, i learned to play piano keyboard an organ. i took up several other instruments along the way, i play bass guitar, accordion, percussion (cajon or rockbox) several synths, and i sing. this combined with the power of the almighty atari STe (at that time the most widely used sequencing machine along with Cubase) lead to the skills i now posess. the sequencing software i use are several, i use Fruity, Cubase, Sonar, Acid and sometimes for making samples i use Audacity. i make use of a lot of VST instruments, sometimes i even use circuit bent or modded hardware because VST's cannot always produce the "right" sound. the equipment i have: Yamaha Dx7, Korg X5d, Roland ax7, Korg Trinity Rack, Stereo microphone setup for recording, a Cajon, An Aria 120 bass accordion, a fender precision bass, a load of VST instruments (some specifically designed and modded by me) some modded hardware (like a modded NES) for chipsounds. more equipment is added from time to time. (it keeps growing! my house is too small!) i absolutley love writing arrangements, been in several bands, playing live on stage. right as of now i am working again to get a group together to be on the stage, just for the thrill and the fun of it. i can't wait for a competition to start! also i am very interested in a collaboration on remixes, sharing creativity with others and learning from it is what music is all about! i'll post some of my music remixes, which are hosted on soundcloud in the appropriate section later. for now i say HI to all you musicians here and hope to have a happy, fruitful stay here.
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