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Everything posted by NightWish

  1. As soon as I saw this topic I thought of Snake Rattle N' Roll, and I thought of how I never did beat it because it was so hard to follow that damned foot around in a square as it took no damage from you unless you hit it an ungodly amout of time in a row... then I saw someone already said that. I'm glad I'm not the only one who remember's the game. EDIT: Picture in the quote didn't work anyway, so its gone now. Yeah I know... I remember killing that damn foot about two or three times total. That boss was bitchin' tough man... I mean.. if you stave off your attack even for a second, the damn foot stomps on you... i remember that...i think i remember reading something that said you're supposed to jump on the foot instead of using the tounge...but i could never stay on long enough (stupid game that couldn't be finished)...at least the rest of the game wasn't a total bust Yeah I know... I remember killing that damn foot about two or three times total. That boss was bitchin' tough man... I mean.. if you stave off your attack even for a second, the damn foot stomps on you...
  2. No shit!! I cannot beat Deus, I have tried like five thousand times. And I ran outta cash and stuff to sell, just to upgrade my main party's Gears, so I can't really use the other characters to do away with those orbs... The foul thought of employing the use of a gameshark has crossed my mind more than once lately. What are you? an RPG newbie? If you want a hint, keep fighting in the lighthouse before Deus... Easy cash, easy upgrades, east level ups... Just make sure you don't die though... some critters can knock down a Xenogear with a few hits.... which is pretty scarier than Deus considering that those things are NORMAL enemies... I leveled up for about 4 hours in the lighthouse, so I beat Deus in about the 3rd try.... It ain't that bad...
  3. Wow! Another great remix by MvVaffe! Again, the repetition is barely noticeable, and the pacing is great throughout. Great sound quality and nothing that hurts the ears.. Which is a HUGE PLUS. HOWEVER, This remix sounds almost too different from the original cave music... That's the biggest gripe I have about this remix. It doesn't really feel like a remix at all. Anyways, the music itself is great! Good job!
  4. Nice remix of the pizza place music. Shen Mue had quirky music, and that's why I loved it. Same to this remix. Well done
  5. Nice, heavy, somber mood to this great remix! Definitely one of the most dramatic remixes I've EVER heard! Nice Dune feel too... it brings back memories of me pumping out heavy tanks and missile launchers against a horde of Ordos troops! AWESOME.
  6. What can I say? This remix sounded like something like Elderscrolls:Morrowwind and Zelda all in one! AWESOME! The intro sounds something like a wilderness theme found in Morrowwind (Xbox and PC if you didn't know...) which is sad sounding, then the Zelda theme that sounds morrowwind-isque kicks in. I love it! It's as close to a Morrowwind remix there is in Overclocked.. And you can't forget the Zelda flavoring either! Great job. We might be looking at a second Jared here.. I just hope you don't disappear off the face of the earth Star Blaze.
  7. Duh. Emerald Weapon from Final Fantasy 7. If you didn't have the water breathing device, you are DEAD. NO MATTER HOW FAST YOU DISH OUT THE PAIN ON THE BOSS... Nemesis in FFX is pretty tough, but atleast you don't need a water breathing device...
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