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Everything posted by snuffles504

  1. Howdy everyone. My most recent submission was rejected, and I would like to ask for help! I am reworking some of the remix's composition, especially the beginning. I've posted both the submitted version of the remix [Reshiram/Zekrom] and my current WIP [Minccino] below. My biggest hurdle in re-submission is this: the judges' most prominent critique of this remix is the mixing, which to be frank is something of which I understand very, very little. I've tried to learn what I can over the years, but I always get lost in a soup of foreign terminology and differences in audio which I have trouble quantifying or sometimes find indistinguishable. So... I would love to find someone who could shape this up for me. (My DAW is FL Studio 20.) Otherwise, I would appreciate feedback in the most layman terms you can possibly give. link to the Judges Decision thread Here's the original version I submitted (and which was rejected): Here's my current WIP version:
  2. I submitted a Pokémon remix that incorporates Outer Wilds back in August. It still hasn't hit the judges' list. ??
  3. I listened on YouTube and got super excited at 1:14 for the reference to GB Zelda tunes, so I rushed to the remix page to read the notes about it...but there's not a single mention. It wasn't until now that I realized the shrine music from BotW opens with (and is arguably based on) Link's Awakening's cave music! So much to continue loving about this game. This remix was an instant download for me. The SFX is so cleverly incorporated that I didn't even begin to realize how much was there until the second or third listen. In that way, this piece very much compliments BotW - the more you dig into it, the more you get out of it. I recently found RebeccaETripp's remix of BotW's field theme, and I love the approach each of these remixes take in filling out the game's sparse soundscape without trampling its delicate composition. Great, great stuff.
  4. This has a nice sound, but it's pretty much the same as the original. Vary things up a bit, throw a couple new ideas into it. For starters, think about adding some chords playing behind the lead instruments. Synth pads, that rock organ, or I could see a choir working as well. Maybe you could write in a piano part as accompaniment with some jazzy arpeggios. Be creative! Also, add some reverb to the instruments on the melody (clarinet and horn?) and definitely on the music box. That would help fill the sounds out and make them sound less synth-y.
  5. Thanks for the replies! I did some more digging and realized that I have Garage Band on my school computer. So I opened that up to see what I could do with its guitars: Excerpt with new guitar I'm not entirely sure what I think about it, but it definitely doesn't stick out as much as the other. And after exporting I realized that I might need to adjust some volume levels to adapt to the new sound. Again, feedback is greatly appreciated!
  6. Yeah, the guitar frustrates me a lot. I haven't been able to find any better (free) samples on my own, and I can't figure out a way to make this one sound the way I want it to. It's probably the biggest thing I was wanting help with.
  7. Alright, my first time posting on the forums! So here's a mix I've been working on. The whole thing's written, but I'm horrible with production and could use a lot of tips/help. Or if you have anything to say about the arrangement, by all means speak up. Remix on SoundCloud: "Shades of Home" It's based on the hometown theme from Terranigma, but with a much different feel than the original tune. Still nostalgic, but less pastoral. Sources (Youtube): Prayer - Terranigma A Place to Return To - Terranigma Really, I used the last two sources more as musical references then anything else. Thanks!
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