This was always one of my favourite pieces of music from SoM. I can remember repeatedly listening to a MIDI of it maybe six or seven years ago. In fact, I'd been thinking about remixing it myself, though given my lack of musical talent, knowledge and experience, it's probably a good job for all concerned that GrayLightning got there first.
I really like this mix. Whilst it doesn't really vary in tempo or "energy", there is plenty of variation here to keep a laid back listener interested.
It has a bit of a different feel to the original, I think. Whereas that was very ominous and threatening, this...well, it's still a little ominous, but it's not as immediate. It puts me in mind of a clear day, not a cloud in the sky, but the sky seems a little too dark blue, there's a slightly chill wind, and you can tell that there's something wrong, somewhere...Ok, I'm getting a little too dramatic here.
This is a very well executed piece, and it's very different to most mixes on this site, which is a very good thing. True, it doesn't reach out, grab you by the balls and shake, but surely there's room for a few quieter, subtler tracks here and there?