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Everything posted by Beatdrop

  1. Okay, the thing is, you probably don't have a registered version of the SF Player for FL... So you'll need one of those to be able to save the SF Player channels that are in your project for future use as well as to render them.
  2. Open the channel properties for the Granulizer and click on the "SMP" tab. Point it to an audio sample, and STAND BACK! It's that simple. You just load an audio sample into it and it's ready to go.
  3. What the granulizer does is take a sound and randomly output slices of variable length. For example, if you put a sample of a guy screaming into it, depending on how you set the parameters, it will take different lengths of sections of an adjustable randomness and make them the output. The knobs in it adjust the size of the grains (the slices), the size of the gaps inbetween the grains, the overall randomness, and more. For more detailed information on this plugin, check out the help file that comes with FL.
  4. 1.) Click on the channel. If you see a neat little interface with lots of knobs saying stuff like "coarse" and "fine," you know it's a generator. All of the generators have their names on the graphical interface (the WASP, for example, has its in the bottom-right hand corner). 2.) The colors can be set by the user, but types of channels have preset colors. To set this, open the channel, and right click on it's name in the upper-right hand corner of the window and then click on the little colored box to choose the color. 3.) To make notes smaller than they can be dragged in the piano roll, double-click on them. A dialog box should pop up with duration and start time settings. You can adjust these to get down to the tiniest of notes. Great for making drum rolls and such. 4.) No, MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. It has nothing to do with audio. MIDI data is for transmission of note data, start and stop times, parameter changes, and etc. To get the sound off the synth into the computer, you'd have to hook an audio cable up to its output to an input on the computer, such as the Line-In on the soundcard.
  5. FL 3.5 and up come with a Voice Synth that can create multitudes of voices at any pitch or speed. They can be used like any other generator and have FX applied to them. They basically render as samples from the speech engine, you just tell it what you want said and at what speed/pitch/voice and it renders it as a .speech file that can be used exclusively in FL. But again, that only comes with FL 3.5 and higher.
  6. Indeed. It's much easier that way than using the so-called "main automation" pattern. And if anyone would care to contend my belief, I have the words of FL beta-testers/creators to back me up. So yes, the "main automation" pattern is nothing. It's just there for show...
  7. ... No, that's not what the MAIN AUTOMATION is for. The "MAIN AUTOMATION" is nothing but a pre-labeled pattern that can be used to put all automations into (which is why it's triggered at measure 1 in the playlist). The thing is, you can put automations into ANY pattern(s) now, so all that is is part of the default template. Usually what I do is just delete it and move set my automations where ever I feel they should be.
  8. I enjoyed this remix when I first heard it about 7 months ago or so, and it's still pretty enjoyable. I'll agree that it's quite repetitive (but so was the original), and I'll also agree that the drums are pretty groovy More could have been done with them, but that's always the case (at least, in my eyes, it is). Nothing seems too out of place, and aside from the repetitive nature of the song, there isn't much wrong with it. Not stellar, but pretty decent.
  9. Most VST plugins come with built-in portamento (glide). In fact, I can't think of any that don't... Usually, if there's no dedicated Glide setting, there's a MONO setting that will force portamento, albeit not very much. Even HALion sports a portamento feature...
  10. Um... did you even read the write-up? The intro is a birthday message to Haroon's buddy. I made it out pretty easily...
  11. I've liked this remix for quite awhile... It's very ambient and energetic at the same time. StarBLaSt has a knack for merging symphonic arrangement with synthetic sounds and his style is very reminiscent of some of Sasha's newer work. The original version of this song is really cool, but I can't really picture it being turned into an upbeat tune, so this is definitely a good choice of style, and StarBLaSt pulled it off really well.
  12. GeckoYamori: Right click on the track in the Step Sequencer and click "Humanize..." That works for both Piano Roll-ed notes and notes in the Step Sequencer. Humanizing allows you to add variations to a NUMBER of parameters to make it sound more human. These include pitch, panning, and velocity...
  13. OKAY The bottom line here is: This is some incredibly incredible trance work. Haroon is so awesome at filling out the entire stereo range with echoing synth leads and distorted backing basses and good stuff. This is... I mean... DAMMIT! You see, with Haroon, it seems that what he did was realize that since most of the Final Fantasy music is very anthemic, it makes for great Anthemic Trance. I mean, the melodies are formulaic for this kind of stuff, and he does a marvelous job at it. I might just have to give up on trance at the rate he's going EDIT: oh, and as for the intro, we aren't exactly supposed to like it. As he already said, it was designed to wish his friend a happy birthday, and that's that. Just chop it out if you don't like it
  14. Okay, really, there's no reason piano and grunge guitar can't go together. I think it works in this mix, although does sound a bit awkward. The guitar work is farking awesome and INCREDIBLY thick stuff. Very stereo work, nice arrangement, good idea with the fade in's and out's of the originals, and the siren-like guitar work that comes in at 3:02 is like nothing I've ever heard. Cool stuff. I'm looking forward to more Praslowicz remixes.
  15. Not too shabby... sounds kind of old skool, like old Talla 2xlc/Taucher work, but the drums definitely lack punch. And that's a major downside from my perspective (just look at my frickin' name), so this mix is only decent... There are definitely some improvements that could have been made. I'm not too sure about the uber-thick reverb on the 303 bass, but that's more of an artistic choice, I believe. Pretty good arrangement, although it seems to drag on at times...
  16. Dark Paladin, unless you want the drums in all of your songs/remixes to sound the same, I suggest you change out the sound of the kick drum. And SeattleOverCoat, are you nuts? The default drum samples are total ASS in FL with the exception of the ones in the Hip-Hop folder (which aren't entirely hip-hop-ish) that was added in FL 3.5. The snares are dead, the hi-hats are sampled crappily, and you only have, like, what, THREE cymbals to work with? BLEH!!!~~~ EDIT: used to say "And Suzumebachi, are you nuts?" but was actually in respones to SOC. Apologies to Suzumebachi
  17. Not sure if I answered this in my last post, but Cut Itself only works when you're programming INTO THE STEP SEQUENCER. When putting notes into the Piano Roll, you MUST have a Volume Envelope on the sound in order to control it's length. If you have one on it, the note will stop the moment it stops in the Piano Roll. EDIT: Too many L's in "control."
  18. I'd say just have more dedicated forums. Hardware Software And then have stickies for individual items of common concern. Hardware ---MIDI ---Audio Input Software ---FruityLoops ---Reason I'm sure you get the idea.
  19. The ability to have a .wav sample "Cut Itself" is only useful with drum samples. If you're using an instrument sample, your best bet would be to just slap a Volume envelope onto it and program notes using the piano roll. Also, you can use the Cut feature to make analog beatbox-sounding drums (having certain sounds cut others, like an open hi-hat cutting by a closed hi-hat). All you do is hit "Cut Itself" for each of the samples involved in this, and then set the numbers so that they match up with the way you want things to cut other things.
  20. Wow, I love how DJP is just so capable of always expanding into new genres, and his take on Dub is definitely a groovy one. If you like mutagene, check out this remix. Also, if you like this remix, check out mutagene Plus, gotta love the Underworld-inspired name of this remix... I'm surprised no one's caught that yet.
  21. Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow wow... This thing, even though rendered at 128 kbps MP3, throbs and pulses at seeminly perfect CD quality. Aside from the sound quality, there's the overall arrangement quality which is phenomenal all on its own. Just can't get over that bass... so yummy.
  22. Oh MAN! Made me wanna suit up in some tight ash-gray spandex and sneak around my neighbor's yard. I loved this since the moment I first heard it right before my algebra class. Very very smooth, ambient, and mysterious work. I loved the game and I love this song. 10/10
  23. This is admittedly not one of my better remixes, but people seem to like it somewhat... Anyway, I'll make sure that the next song I submit is a really good one *cough Shadowgate cough*
  24. Mrmm... I don't think I'd go by those tutorials too much... one line from one of them says it all: "once it sounds good expand on it! (its alright to mix minor and sharp notes!)" Since when were there "minor notes"? Seriously, the best tutorials you can find on FruityLoops are the flash ones available @ http://www.fruityloops.com HOWEVER, they have yet to cover a wide array of topics, so just anticipate someone making a FULL tutorial for OCR. I would, but seeing as other people already are (and I scarcely have the time), I'll just lie in waiting if anyone needs or wants my help.
  25. Bah, you'd only want to have bare his children if you were a woman?
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