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Posts posted by swansdown

  1. :D That is very helpful, thank you all.

    What I'll start adding more often is why I liked a piece or what I liked about it. From what everyone has said, this seems to be the best thing I can contribute. :)

    Would this sort of non-musician feedback be useful on the work in progress forum? Just now, I've realized I've stuck entirely to the review threads. Can't say I'm around a lot, but I could pop in there too.

  2. What things do musicians like to see when reading feedback, particularly from non-musicians?

    Usually I post

    - that I liked it + why I liked it (try to identify the parts)

    - emotions I felt while listening

    - atmosphere or mood the piece invokes

    What else would be appreciated?

    (Did a little search for feedback threads. If I missed any existing ones, my apologies. :))

  3. Lovely melodies! :) Everything feels calm and pleasant. The sounds are smooth, nothing harsh... contemplative.

    Free Fall and Dat Funk have stronger drives to them, but they're still relaxed. Fall In, Closer, Mandala, and Looking Glass share an uncanny quality with Ecco's soundtracks. Even Dat Funk could be an alternative to the normal Broken Machine level music.

    Reminds me also of Dan Froelich's Jill of the Jungle soundtrack! ^_^

  4. I really enjoy this mix. :D Very strong Bohemian Rhapsody feel.

    I am wondering: why are there no female vocals for Maria? At first, I didn't notice this because I thought it was a re-interpretation without Maria singing at all. But then I read what people said, and now I'm almost certain Maria sings at 6:42-6:52 in a male voice.

    It's still a really cool mix. Just curious about that one thing! :)

  5. Bad ass orchestral and uplifting. ^_^ A slower pace than many FF fight tracks, yet carried with great power. Very appropriate. :) You can tell a real struggle is going on.

    If you like this, definitely check out his album! The Journey Begins and All Hail the Victorious are my favourites, whimsical and proud. :D He's made some of the absolute best FF town music too. I'm really digging his style ^__^

  6. Polemos is part IV of the song Omen. The version on disc 5 is the same song as the one on disc 1, only difference is that zircon didn't want to include the entire 40 minute song (for obvious reasons) so he made me cut it into 4 parts, and he made his own cut of the last part (that being Polemos) to use on disc 1. So yeah, the 4 parts of Omen make up ONE song and are intended to be listened to as such.

    Gotcha. :) Makes sense. I've kept Omen together.

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