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Posts posted by swansdown

  1. What you describe could be just about any dungeon crawler, which were dime a dozen in those times. These are a bunch from the top of my head that you could look into:

    Ultima Underworld

    Lands of Lore

    Might & Magic


    Dying to leave a pile of rags and bones makes me think it's a Dungeon Master game. Either way, StarZander has lots to look into! ^_^

    You guys are old.

    Oh hush, puppy :P nya!

    You're only as old as you feel XD

  2. I understand what people are saying about the transitions not being perfect. But to me the whole mix comes off as a credits medley. I especially feel the 'credits medley' at 2:40 when the music picks up in a sort of victory dance then it starts to cool down around 3:20 until The End scrolls across the screen.

    For credits, I think it works. It's also lovely everywhere. Memories. c: My favourite section is the village from ~1:35-2:35. :)

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