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Everything posted by Neko069

  1. WOW...Just WOW... This is amazing @Alex Moukala Really left me into tears... No words for such an amazing cover!
  2. Hey is this still going? I'm more than willing to help!
  3. This is amazing...no words to describe this nostalgic feeling...AWESOME WORK!
  4. 1. Knuckles the Echidna 2. Kim Kaphwan 3. Raiden
  5. OMG THIS IS AMAZING! Totally relaxing, refreshing, and with a clear scent of love. I have never realized how much did I love this song until hearing to this. Congrats!
  6. This is awesome...it brings back so many memories!
  7. Psyduck (Pokemon) Vector the Crocodile (Knuckles' Chaotix) Dart Feld (Legend of Dragoon)
  8. this is awesome. I don't love dubstep, but I don't dislike it at all. IMO this is a very perfect mix between dubstep and FF, not too grating, not too soft. Excellent job!
  9. Congratulations to all ocremix team, this is awesome !!!
  10. I'm about to end my WA Alter Code F game, and suddenly I discover THIS... I don't know if it is because I'm so excited with this game (same as I was with the original), but I really LOVE this remixes. They're just awesome! I'm so glad and thankful that this project has been acomplished, that I really cannot find words to describe how pleasant is to hear all this collection of songs... As we say in my country: "A la mierda, que discazo!" 10/10 no doubt !
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