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  1. DAMN was the beginning of the game slow as all hell, but thankfully learning everything as I went through levels was easy and fun, and the main quest story lines are pretty decent as well. One thing I HATE about FFXIV at the moment is the dungeons and the requirement to complete them to progress through the story. If you're familiar with dungeons, you need a tank, a healer, and 2 DPS classes to enter a dungeon (either by duty finder or self-made party). Unless you're a healer/tank, it's going to take a long time to find a party through duty finder depending on time of day. I've waited in queue for over half an hour as a lancer and I still haven't been able to progress through my story because of it. Other than that, game is fun.
  2. If it's comparable to a Radeon HD 7850 (retail $160-$180) than now I'm starting to wonder how they'll manage to pull a profit from the consoles.
  3. Oh lord dat PNG The hardware on the PS4 looks solid, although I'm really scratching my head on the GPU being used. Not too excited about the launch day line-up of games though.
  4. IGN: MuredMoogle If you wanna practice a certain lane or screw around in ARAM, 5's or Dominion I'd be more than happy to join in. I play a mean fiddle(sticks).
  5. I really should get back into D3 to see how they've addressed the stupidly huge discrepancy between Act 1 and Act 2 of Inferno Mode. I've spent many hours chain-farming Act 1 in hopes I would get actually decent gear but no matter what upgrades I got, I would always get decimated by the Act 2 mobs Although, this was roughly a year ago so I have faith the devs have done something about that small issue.
  6. Dangit Larry, my wallet got lighter. Best of luck with the project!
  7. Sounds like every other beat-em-up kinda game I've played. As long as the bosses are hard and I have something to do for a good 20 hours I'm sold.
  8. It's fun going to a Gamestop. Usually nice employees who are comfortable to speak with, knowledgeable with their jobs and always handles things in a professional tone and manner. Can't stand the shit-head customers Gamestop seems to attract though.
  9. You tease In all seriousness, this year is going to get bombarded with albums at this rate. Can't wait
  10. Fiora's kit is designed for her to explode into a puddle of mud as soon as she comes into contact with CC. Unless you can either mitigate incoming CC and damage(or dodge whatever flies at you) you're about as useless as a minion, especially given that Fiora has no CC skills to begin with. At the least if you are to play the bruiser role you'd be able to last long enough to focus an important target down if you can time your Burst of Speed CD and Blade Waltz correctly until you finally go down. Having pure damage items and playing the role of AD melee carry means that as soon as you go in, you're on your own because she has no means to escape (see Talon and his silence/slow/ultimate). If you get caught, you will explode unless you can outrun or flash out of the way. Just like any of the other champs, Fiora can be anything you feel like playing. Throwing any champ into any category is pointless.
  11. I usually build her Attack Speed/Tank Please dont hurt me
  12. Brb, going to kick my own ass for hesitating on contributing to the kickstarter
  13. Awwwwwwww sheeeeeeeit one smack down after the other against the Xbone.
  14. soo...was Assassins Creed bugging out or was it just my stream? O_o
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