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Everything posted by Darkomega99

  1. That video was what introduced me to Kirbopher and the wonderful worlds of animation and newgrounds. The song is really good too, its a good fit for a SMRPG playlist.
  2. I'm pretty sure it's not OCR, but I certainly enjoy Heavy Troopa is Ready to Launch.
  3. I guess I'll just add people from here to my friends list. My friend code is 1719-3729-7593, I only have Mario 3d land and ACNL.
  4. I just got this game! I cant do anything until tomorrow though, since all the shops are closed for the night. Still, I can at least try to get a bit of a head start on the economy by buying some turnips tomorrow. ....aaaaaand there was a fireworks show this evening, preventing me from really getting too far with town work. At least I got a decent price on some turnips, and paid off my down payment. Oh and I guess I'm Diсk, the mayor of Tristram. I've got Apples for a native fruit, and Isabelle gave me some oranges that I'm trying to grow. And I suppose I should put my friend code here as well... 1719-3729-7593 I added everyone from here, feel free to add me back.
  5. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998832172 Darkomega99
  6. I had told him that's how I figured it worked, trading a weapon for a weapon, he just went "LOL nobody trades like that on TF2". Besides, I wouldn't want to trade more than a 1 for 1 anyways, I'm trying to save enough to craft a Quick-Fix. I just don't understand why people have to be like that sometimes.
  7. two people were 1v1ing a little while ago, they got mad at me for being in the server while they were fighting and threatened to ban me When i questioned how they were going to do that, one of them said "he's an admin" Now, I'm pretty sure there's no admin for the OCR server named "Snowball" he then a few moments later apologized to me for being a dick and wanted to trade me, tried to say 6 of my weapons was worth a sollemn vow and a couple crates. I'm no expert at the TF2 economy, but that just sounds like a bad deal all the way around.
  8. Holy crap i just found out about a charity thing. Its called the humble bundle, and its basically pay what you want to get some games on steam +all their DLC. Definitely worth checking out! https://www.humblebundle.com/
  9. Ahh i see now. I'm not a fan of the default display mode on these forums, but the hybrid mode is really strange and didnt show there were like 75 pages, only had like 3. I guess I would like to join in, whenever you all play next time.
  10. So is this server/group still active? It doesn't really seem like it, but you never know...
  11. He put a little cheetahmen into all of the megaman 9 mixes for some reason. I don't really understand why but it seems like it worked fairly well.
  12. I've played the demos on the console, and I don't really like the way it controls. Terraria works best as mouse and keyboard setup imo
  13. How about this? It's fairly obvious but I thought it was neat. http://www.ep-melody.com/en/ all of his megaman 9 remixes share one thing in common. also I love the snakeman remix he has, I don't think I've heard anything quite like it before. I think I've only played FF 1, 2, 7, and 8. I've seen a bit of 13 though as well, so I'm really not entirely familliar with all of the different soundtracks.
  14. The song has like the melody playing on the right and the harmony on the left. I only ever noticed it when one of my earbuds stopped working and I stopped hearing half of the song Edit: oh and hunters chance almost reminds me of the "action" theme from FFVIII, like when you first land on the shores of dollet and are storming the city this is the one i mean although it doesnt really pick up right away
  15. Jeeze, this is actually kind of difficult to find something interesting... Uhh, I guess I never noticed the way The La2t Frontiier played until one of my earbuds stopped working.
  16. Well I heard what you meant, but I had to listen to it a couple times before I picked up on it. I guess I still don't really understand what to do now?
  17. I thought so, it just feels like it sounds familiar, like something from kirby or breath of fire. Guess nintendo didn't want to do that too much, or else it might not have been as cool.
  18. No I'm not talking about the main theme, that one is obvious and everyone knows about it by now. My sister raised an interesting point to me about the Levias Battle theme in that it almost has a slightly choppy sound to it. The kind that you get when you play a song backwards. So we reversed it to see if it sounded like anything. It's likely it's nothing, but the tune sound familiar for some reason. Does anyone else think so, or know what it might be if it is indeed something reversed? Reversed version can be found in a .wav format here. It called it fi's theme for some reason, it certainly isn't though.
  19. I might be interested in checking out this server sometime, Username is Darkomega99.
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